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European Royalty & Aristocrats All Have Jewish Bloodlines

Wolfram Gratz

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. Then are A-L-L European emperors, kings, dukes, barons, etc. JEWS, and non is a gentile. They can't have it both ways, being on one hand offspring of King David & Jesus . . . And on the other being gentiles. The same is with the Black Nobility in Venice: They are all Khazar Jews, just like Adaturk of Turkey was 100% Jewish.

Therefore is also the queen of England, the king of Belgium, of Spain, the queen of the Netherlands, etc., et., are all undercover Jews. . .Spake-Shifters and Name-Shifters (Just as General Franco of Spain was a Jew).

The entire historical record of Europe has been freely concocted and willfully FALSIFIED by Iosephi Scaligeri (1540-1609) [01] [02] [03] [04], and most documents and certificates had been falsified in grand scale processes by the Jewish-Roman Catholic Clergy.

The so-called Judaeo-Roman Catholic Church at the Vati-CON was always supported by the same (above) Jewish aristocrats -- which then again in return were supported and promoted into the highest positions (kings, dukes, etc) by the popes. Therefore, Roman Catholicism and Judaism (including Rothschild and The-City-Of-London and the City of Washington, D C., etc) are all together THE GRAND JEWISH CONSPIRACY . . . Going on for nearly 1, 700 years, when the 'New NO_USURY Testament' was drafted and 'cannonized' (maybe) in the fourth century. In accordance to this 'New NO_USURY Testament' was the usury the monopoly business of the Jews Since Egypt and Babylon.


Wolfram Graetz

in Washington, D.C.