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Dr. Fredrick Toben

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eapon homicidal gas chambers. It is impossible to discuss the >Holocaust< with such an imposed constraint.

I therefore am merely reporting on matters that I am not permitted to state. For example, if I state the >Holocaust< is:

1. a lie;

2. six million Jews never died, or

3. the gas chambers did not exist,

then I would claim that I am merely reporting on what expert Revisionists such as Professors Butz/Faurisson, et al, are stating in public.

Anyone who refuses to believe in these three pillars of orthodoxy will face a world-wide group of enforcers who will use any means to destroy dissenting voices. The latest victims imprisoned for refusing to BELIEVE in the >Holocaust-Shoah< narrative are Germar Rudolf and Ernst Zündel in Germany and Siegfried Verbeke in Belgium.

If you wish to begin to doubt the >Holocaust-Shoah< narrative, you must be prepared for personal sacrifice, must be prepared for marriage and family break-up, loss of career, and go to prison. This is because Revisionists are dismantling a massive multi-billion dollar industry that the >Holocaust-Shoah< enforcers are defending, as well as the survival of Zionist-racist Israel.

So, do not cry when the knock on the door takes you away from family and friends. Revisionists are not foolish or naive but realistic as befitting someone who still cherishes such life-affirming ideals as Love, Truth, Honour, Justice, Beauty!

Also, some define an >Antisemite< as someone who condemns Jews because they are Jews, something I reject in my maxim: >Don't blame the Jews, blame those that bend to their pressure<.

If you seek to create Beauty-Love, Honour-Justice and Truth, then feel free to enter Adelaide Institute's website: