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"Hello, Central!" Have Enough People Not Yet Awakened, Or Have We Not Yet Co-Created Enough Surge Of Light And Thought, Today, To Overcome The Dark Freewill?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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Realms for assistance in understanding.

Am I correct that this is round 3 in the physical world stage between those of Light freewill and those of Dark freewill? Has not the Dark freewill brought 2 former physical planets, planets created by the Thought of Creator Aton, and their life forms to complete devastation? Is it true that if enough of us do not "wake up", set our path on the Red Road, the Laws of Creation, and truly apply our freewill in Co-Creating the power of positive thought, that the Dark freewill will author devastation once again?

In veiled memory and knowing, Esu, at the time of Amelius, and the mission of the Abel's to overcome the Cains, the Dark freewill

prevailed in foothold. Did we not contribute enough positive thought then? Did we not give enough support to those of the Lighted Realms? Phylos the Thebetan points out the devastation of Atlantis, a once enlightened culture led by ones such as Lady Nada, through the mis-use of the "Nightside" energies by those of the Dark freewill.

In the battle now, is it the case, also, of numbers of players on the stage? Is this the first time this many have participated on a single 3D planet where the Dark continue in excess to replicate multiple copies of clones, robotoids, and synthetics where there numbers are 2/3" of the whole? Is it not these very products who run constant interference on the Nesara mission? Are we to "think" them away? "Love" them to become something better than they are? "Petition" the lighted realms for removal in expressing our free will? The Dark freewill was put on notice with the 1987 Harmonic Convergence. It is evident now, how many I do not know, that many will not surrender to the Light. Have we not co-created enough of a surge in Light and Thought , today, to overcome the Dark freewill ?

Esu Immanuel teaches us and states, "I AM CAPTAIN OF THIS SHIP. I COME WITH A SWORD OF LIGHT AND I SHALL SMITE MINE ENEMIES WITH PRECISION. KNOW IT!"... Let it be Now! Let Nesara be Now! Let us truly be about Our Father's business Now!

In Love, Light, Faith, Hope, and Knowing,

A & C


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: A and C

DATE: April 20, 2006


Dear A and C:

If 3D decisions continue to delay the progress to goodness on Earth Shan, and we are not ready to meet our planet's schedule for cleansing, we move to Plan B where Earth Shan does her own cleansing without our help. This does not mean devastation of the planet, only a cleansing and re-arrangement of the planet's crust in preparation for 5D living.

I have no answers to the "why" questions we all ask. Moving to Plan B does not mean the Lightworkers have failed. Creator God Aton told us that the Light had won, that we had won already by 1987. We had tipped the scales to the Light and that Earth Shan would definitely become a planet of Light in 5D vibrations and join the Galactic Federation of Lighted Planets.

Since then we have gone beyond our call of duty to do battle with the Darkside, who would not quit. Not only have we contained the Darkside, but we have also totally stopped them and wrecked their plans for total world control. They are now hanging by a thread over the abyss of eternal vaporization.

Are we not to reach the "finish line", the Shan Train Station on time, and the Shan Train moves on without our help? I do not know! Are there soul lessons yet to be learned, or freewill choices for goodness yet to be made, or sorting yet to be done? Only Creator God Aton and Esu Immanuel Sananda, the "Captain of this ship", know these answers.

Have peace within, my brother and sister, knowing that we have run a good race, even into over-time, and have not quit. The Light has won! Our task is to continue to hold positive energy and watch the last act of the play, as it reveals the mystery of the ending to us. Either Plan A or Plan B are still a win-win situation for the Light!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer