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Anti-Semitism When It's Not Zionists are seeing anti-Semitism everywhere, even when it's not there.

Zionists are seeing anti-Semitism everywhere, even when it's not there.

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Virtually not a day passes without some Zionist organisation working in a major world capital accusing an Arab figure or an official authority of writing "racist" material, perpetrating some "racist" act, inciting to hatred, or any other of the terms used to wave the weapon of anti-Semitism in the face of the targeted individual. Over the last few months, many Zionist organisations have accused several Arab organisations and figures of anti-Semitism, and they have succeeded in portraying them as engaging in racist practices against Judaism and inciting hatred against Jews. From here, the confrontation reaches another level, as Zionist organisations take the matter to court or ask the US State Department or European capitals to act to prevent this phenomenon, which they claim may lead to a repeat of the Jewish tragedy that occurred in Europe over various historical eras.

At the same time, these organisations have been keen to exploit any word or deed by an individual or organisation in Arab states and portray it as representative of state policy. Thus, they are able to describe entire states as anti-Jewish or anti-Semitic without considering the idea of freedom of expression or the fact that the state is not responsible for what one of its citizens or organisations says. This tactic distorts real policies and conveniently mixes issues to make the accusation of anti-Semitism as wide-ranging as possible.

What is new about this tactic is that accusations of anti-Semitism are now being directed at allied nations and individuals from these nations who in the past have worked to develop relations with Israel and defend Israeli interests. Finding it easy to wave the flag of anti-Semitism at international organisations like the United Nations and international humanitarian organisations that give no heed to ethnicity, language, or religion, like the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Zionist organisations have lately begun to spread these accusations among officials from pro-Israeli countries. Just criticising Israeli policy is enough to guarantee an aggressive, racist counter-campaign that does not merely target the person responsible for the statement critical of Israeli policy, but involves racist slanders directed at the country of the individual, his culture and civilisation, and at times even his religion.

This phenomenon was apparent in two incidents over the past few weeks, the first involving the Turkish prime minister and the second involving retired US Gen Anthony Zinni.

The first incident began with a statement made by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan during a meeting with Israeli Minister of Energy Joseph Paritzky in Ankara. "Erdogan said that although Turkey suffers from terrorism and combats it, he sees no difference between what terrorists do and Israel's demolition of homes and assaults on the lives of civilians," reported the Israeli news site

"Paritzky responded that Israel is not interested in occupying or controlling a foreign people, and he remarked that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon plans to implement a unilateral disengagement because there is no partner," the news report continued. "Paritzky also said that Israel could not condone any act of terrorism. Erdogan repeated Ankara's desire to act as a mediator between Israel and Islamic nations and push the peace process forward." The Web site was subsequently filled with responses from readers of the article demanding a boycott of Turkey and attacking the Turkish people.

"Let's boycott that disgusting place. I've never been there and I haven't lost anything. Death to the Turks," wrote one reader. Another shared his opinion: "We shouldn't be tourists in Turkey. It's a shame to give our money to these Muslims." Another reader rejoined, "What about killing 30,000 Kurds? It is prohibited for all Kurds under occupation to speak Kurdish in Turkey. Every time they revolt, they are slaughtered by the authorities." Yet another reader addressed the Turkish prime minister saying, "If you equate Israel with terrorists, then I equate your people with the Nazis! Do you remember the Turkish genocide of the Armenians? The difference between Germany and Turkey is that Germany admitted its crimes, while Turkey denies them to this day despite testimonies and evidence against it. It's like the camel that doesn't see its hump."

The second incident occurred following statements made by Zinni in an interview with CBS. As reported by the Israeli site : "In an interview with CBS, former American envoy to the Middle East Anthony Zinni said that high-ranking officials in the US administration pressured for an invasion of Iraq with the intent of promoting Israeli interests in the Middle East... According to Zinni, these senior officials -- who are mostly Jewish -- 'monopolised American foreign policy' for specific interests. He mentioned Paul Wolfowitz, deputy secretary of defense; Douglas J Feith, former under secretary of defense for policy; Richard Perle, former chairman of the Defense Policy Board; Elliott Abrams, member of the National Security Council; and Lewis Libby, vice president Cheney's chief of staff."

The article continued, "'I think it's the worst kept secret in Washington. That everybody -- everybody I talk to in Washington has known and fully knows what their agenda was and what they were trying to do,' says Zinni. 'And one article, because I mentioned the neo-conservatives who describe themselves as neo-conservatives, I was called anti-Semitic. I mean, you know, unbelievable. I certainly don't know what their ethnic religious backgrounds are. And I'm not interested.'

"According to Zinni, the neo-conservatives convinced President George Bush and Secretary of State Colin Powell to invade Iraq with the intent of changing the Middle East and bringing the region into the 21st century. 'And I don't believe there is any serious political leader, military leader, diplomat in Washington that doesn't know where it came from,' Zinni added. 'The trouble is the way they saw to go about this is unilateral aggressive intervention by the United States. We are now being viewed as the modern crusaders.'"

Immediately, dozens of articles and letters were penned, many of them racist, insulting and attacking Zinni. One reader wrote, "My dear General Zinni, I think that you have unconsciously embraced Islam... And hopefully you will at least visit a mosque to pray." Another reader described Zinni as a "little Nazi", saying, "I think they realised his inclinations when he was here." Another reader opined, "Zinni, you are a racist and an anti-Semite." Yet another reader expanded his accusations to include Bush's policies: "Finally, the truth has come out. This is the new racist policy of Bush." One reader even accused Zinni of taking money from the Arabs. "The deep secret is that Zinni is taking money from the Saudis. The even bigger secret is that the SOG -- the Saudi Oil Group (Saudi occupation government) -- is imposing its hegemony on the White House, instead of Anglican Christians."

For more details on these and other issues, please visit the Web site of Arabs Against Discrimination
