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Today is "Good Friday"

Hal Turner

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t his blood be upon us and our children." It is! His blood is upon them to this very day.

If you look at the history of jews, everything they have done since the Crucifixion of Christ has gotten them thrown out of almost every country on earth. People from all walks of life, from different cultures and in different countries have come to hate jews. NOT because they are jews, but because of how they act. How they behave! Jews are an evil, destructive, people with sinister beliefs and grotesque teachings.

Just look at what they tell you to "have fun" doing: Destroying other people's things for "the fun of it." That is an unwholesome, evil way of thinking and acting. There is no honor in it. Nothing good ever comes out of it. There is only destruction and hard feelings.

People who derive pleasure out of hurting others are sick, devaint people. They have been mislead into thinking that being bad is fun. It isn't fun, it's just sick. Don't be mislead by these evil people! Don't let them USE YOU for their sick purposes!

To give you an example of how truly sick and degenerate these people are, take a look at their "holy" book. The jews "holy book" is called "The Talmud." The Talmud teaches jews that non-jews are "animals in human form." The Talmud refers to non-jews as "Goyim" which, translated from Hebrew means "cattle." Jews consider us to be animals; cattle. Jews are taught this even today!

While Christianity and Islam teach love, the jew Talmud teaches outright hate! For instance, The Talmud teaches jews that Jesus is "in Hell, boiling in hot semen." The Talmud teaches that Jesus' mother, Mary, "was a whore." Can you even begin to fathom how a "religion" would teach such things about important religious figures?

The simple truth is that Jews HATE non-jews. They are taught this HATE from very early age. Everything they do revolves around their hatred of us. Sure, they will seem to side with one group; but it is only to further the jew agenda. They side with one group to cause a fight with another group. They USE YOU to further what they want. They manipulate one group to fight with another group.

If you side with jews, you are siding with an enemy who thinks you're an animal and hates you!

Don't side with these evil people. They killed the son of God. Do you really think they won't hurt you too?