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It Is Time To Push AIPAC and ADL Out Of The U.S. Political Process

Karl W. B. Schwarz

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hat they created.

James A. Baker, III might have figured out finally what the problem is. In his senior years he may well have had a major brain fart that got him to looking at the realities of the matter. The Iraq Study Group proposes a Middle East Peace Conference that would exclude Zionist Israel.

Baker wants Israel excluded from regional conference:

I am still concerned about their overall objective of making sure US oil companies have access to Iraq oil fields. That entire agenda has been problematic ever since Bush and Cheney had brain farts that did not pan out.

With all of this Zionist hyperventilation about the Tehran Holocaust Conference, Sky News in the UK ran an interesting group of interviews on December 12. They were interviewing Jews that are Iranian, living in Iran, peacefully with their Islamic neighbors, and those Jews do not want the US or Israel to keep stirring up hatred and war. Things are fine in Iran between the Jews and Islamic people. In fact, maybe Israel needs to take a tour of Iran and figure out why.

The problem is between Zionists Israel and everyone non-Zionist. That Bush and the gutless wonders in Congress bought off on this policy fiasco has also caused steps to be taken to remove Bush and the Israel Lobby from the policy making process. That would be a good thing and a step in the right direction.

The Jews in Iran are not fearful of their Islamic neighbors. They are fearful of the Zionist Israelis and Americans trying to start another needless war based on lies. They were not happy about the Holocaust Conference but several mentioned that there are more important problems facing this world than lingering on the past.

That goes to further what I have been saying. People get along just fine and the Zionists want war, want killing, want disruption and chaos. That our government aids and abets it is part of the problem.

Part of the problem are those Jews that are Askenasi and Khazarian that were not Jewish by birth, chose Judaism, and are not descendants of the 12 Tribes of Israel that the Bible mentions. I have watched this for years and it seems clear to me that the non-Jewish (by heritage and blood line) Zionists are the problem. I am not the only person that sees distinct differences in the 12 Tribe Jews and these Zionists that hide among the ranks of the religion of Judaism.

If you believe a recent poll, Israel has the worst PR image of any nation in the world and even lower than that of the United States. This study polled online people from 35 nations and the results are interesting. I bet Kim Jung-Il was slapping his knee and laughing in stitches at that one.

If we in America are not allowed freedom of speech by AIPAC and ADL it is time to put the foot down as to who the majority is and deny them freedom of speech and access to the government that we represent the majority, not the Zionist them. Some of what people have to say is sheer outrage at the conduct of the Zionists, not any deep-seated hatred for Jews. It is the conduct, stupid!

I think too many Americans do not know where Armenia is since many Americans cannot find their home state on a map or the US on a world map.

Most Americans do know that the Rothchilds are Jewish, reportedly Khazarian, not born Jewish, very pro-Zionist by their conduct at least, and have been part of the problem for way too long. I have read many accounts that they are not descendants of the 12 Tribes of Israel but chose Judaism as a religion hundreds of years ago.

I received one email citing that Joe Cortina and I were wrong (in reference to the David Prager comment) that there had never been a Muslim holocaust or a Muslim Auschwitz and that it did in fact happen to Muslims close to 100 years ago in Armenia.

One of the email list members lives in Yerevan, Armenia and this should get the attention of those Christians out there that think the Zionists are Christian-friendly. They are not and it is time American Christians wake up to the realities of the matter. They would not shed a tear if every Christian in America were murdered in their sleep.

I was right about Armenia not being the site of a Muslim holocaust. It was a Christian holocaust done by Jews and Jewish and Muslim Turks.

The following is from Armenia about a comment I was sent that there has been a Muslim holocaust and was a contradiction to what David Prager at FOXNews was spouting off. It was my understanding that due to oil many Christians (instead of Muslims) were slaughtered and when the Armenian puppet did not get it done they then sent in the Jewish Turks to affect a much larger solution on the Christians.

“In 1895 Sultan Abdul Hamid II was ordered by the owners of Royal Dutch Shell - the Rothschild's - to exterminate the Armenians, who were all Orthodox Christian. The background for that was Shell's rivalry with the Rockefeller's Standard Oil. Shell was trying to get oil from Baku down to the Mediterranean and the Rothschild's assessed the Armenians as being a potential destabilizing factor that could affect the flow of oil. The Sultan refused to murder the Armenians so the Rothschild's had one of his palace officials killed and the message was not lost on the Sultan, and so he commenced to slaughter about 300,000 Armenians.

On April 24, 1915 the Doenme Jew Young Turk leaders who had taken over the Ottoman Empire - Enver Pasha, Jamal Bey, and Taalat Paasha, commenced the Genocide of the Armenians which in two years time accomplished the rape and murder of over 1.5 million Armenians and the complete depopulation of Western Armenia. Those Armenians who accepted Mohammedanism were spared, and those Armenians who refused to give up their Christian faith were destroyed.

Now the U.S. regime for the last 90 years has been aiding and abetting the crime of Genocide by covering it up for the Turks and refusing to acknowledge the massacres as deliberate criminal Genocide. By aiding and abetting a criminal, the U.S. regime itself is an accomplice to the crime.”

Some of those on the list that do know the Bible will remember that Saul of Tarsus, who converted into the Apostle Paul, was from the southwest part of what is now Turkey. There have been Jews in Turkey for thousands of years.

Note that the above dates considerably precede the Holocaust that the Zionist Jews like to whine about and it was a Jewish group not of 12 Tribe origin ordering the slaughter of Christians and carrying it out. The Muslims were spared, the Christians were raped and slaughtered by Jews that were not part of the 12 Tribe blood line.

The only Muslim genocide in the last hundred years that I am aware of has been at the hand of the US against Iraq and Afghanistan, and at the hand of Zionist Israel against the Palestinian and Lebanese and pre-Israel Zionists against the Armenians.

The Zionists want all of the world to focus on their Holocaust and not any of the holocausts that have been done by them.

I had some interesting conversations over the weekend of December 9-10 with my Jewish friends (plain Orthodox Jews that love America and some anti-Zionist) and converted Christian Jews about the problem AIPAC presents to the US straightening out the mess we are in. I also spoke with some people that are just Christians and simple Americans concerned about what they see going on in America.

I will not argue that the fate of Israel is being held in check by US power and backing, but to build the entire foreign policy issues of the United States on the basis of what is best for Israel or Jews or Zionists ranges from pure sanity to reckless disregard for what is best for America.

The topic of conversation was regarding a letter by former US Senator James Abourezk of South Dakota. He was the first Arab-American to ever serve in the US Senate. You can imagine how fast AIPAC wanted him out of there.

I presume most on this list have heard about the global pattern of the Zionists trying to criminalize free speech and anyone who questions the Holocaust. Anyone who questions their veracity is labeled anti-Semitic or in some nations a criminal. Anyone who points them out accurately as liars and thieves and criminals, out comes the label to deflect the conversation in another direction that is off-topic. The simple fact is what the Zionists claim and the facts that are available do not add up regarding the Holocaust. They do not want to discuss that, they do not want the matter looked into to ascertain what the truth is.

They are about to go apoplectic about this Holocaust Conference that is in progress in Iran right now. They are wailing and it is not even down at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem.

They do not want the world to know that they are the murderous lot behind Lenin and literally slaughtered tens of millions of Orthodox Christian Russians, far more than any number they claim as their “special Jew entitlement” due to the Holocaust during World War II.

They do not want anyone discussing the “facts of the matter” about what happened to the Russians, the Armenians, or any other group that their hand was behind the slaughter. Even today, they do not want anyone pointing out that it is they who are conducting genocide against the Palestinians (Muslim and Christian) or their recent escapade into Lebanon where they killed Muslim and Christian at will and with impunity.

They even extend that belligerence and hatred towards anyone who questions the Israeli policies toward their Arab neighbors and the Palestinians living in Israel regardless of religion. I thought it interesting what the Iranian Jews had to say about the US and Israel trying to stir up dissension that does not otherwise exist between Iranian Jews and Iranian Muslims. If they can coexist in peace in a Fundamentalist Islamic nation, what in Hell is wrong with the US and Israel?

The answer is simple. The Zionists will not coexist with anyone except on their terms and the US is blind for supporting such. The reason the US supports it is due to the influence of AIPAC and the cowards we have for leaders in DC.

The Zionists want everyone to shut up and believe what they claim whether that is the truth or not. They demand that the world believe that every word they speak is true and the world knows they do not speak the truth or stand for the truth. Most of the world knows all anyone gets from DC or the Zionists are lies and agendas. The world gets equivocations, not simple facts.

I have long held the position that only liars fear the truth. If the Zionists had nothing to hide the entire matter of the Holocaust and their current policies should be looked into and history accurately recorded. They do not want to do that, which suggests that they have something to hide.

When they bitch and whine about their Holocaust, I think it is time to put the facts on the table about the Russian holocaust levied by Lenin Jews against the Russian people that did not want communism, or the Armenian people that were in the way of another oil deal.

They do not want to explain why Russian Jew Boris Berezovsky is wanted in Russia. They do not want to explain why they gave shelter to a wanted felon of Yukos Oil named Leonid Nevzlin. They do not want to talk about the Jewish Holocaust that the Jews inflicted upon the Russians, the Armenians and peoples of other lands.

They do not want to talk about why Dominik Suter was given refuge from US authorities after he fled to Israel, his name was found on bank accounts financing 9-11, and he was one of the Dancing Israelis that were filming 9-11 from the New Jersey side of the Hudson River.

They do not want to talk about why they were in Australia and New Zealand getting and attempting to get fake passports.

They want you to think they are lily white and not notice the red blood stains all over their clothing and hands.

They do not want anyone analyzing and reporting the stark parallels between Russian mob and Jewish-ness and why they provide refuge for people wanted in Russia to face justice for committing felony acts.

I remind myself often that Iran is a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act and Israel is not. I also remind myself that Israel demands that everyone abide by UN sanctions or resolutions except those that the UN has issued against Israel and they refuse to abide by those. If demands are made, they either bring out the anti-Semite label or hide behind the US and AIPAC / ADL leverage.

They demand preeminence on the world stage but refuse to abide by any of the laws or rules of the world stage. They demand that they be treated properly and on the other hand treat no non-Jew properly.

When I see pinheads like David Prager of FOXNews making statements that are hateful towards Jesus Christ and Christians it makes my blood boil. The imbedded arrogance of the Zionist Jews is like nothing else on this Earth. One cannot find any nation on this Earth that is more arrogant, abusive of others than the Zionists of Israel and their arrogant Zionist backers spread out across the world.

As Joe Cortina pointed out and I added to the third email update on Multipolarization:

“Prager openly showed his loathing for Gibson’s film of the Passion of Christ and even went so far as to mock our Lord by stating that he (the Jew Prager) personally felt like the suffering of our Lord on the cross was overrated as compared to the suffering of Jews in German prison camps. I kid you NOT! In other words – as so commonly voiced by Jews – The suffering of just one Jew is more terrible and the suffering of all goyim (we non-Jew cattle)! READ HIS REVIEW of BLASPHEMOUS JEW ARROGANCE FOR YOURSELF!”

Read the letter and pay attention to the details being discussed. Folks, this is a former US Senator telling it like it is and that in and of itself is like a breath of fresh air.


Letter from James Abourezk, former US Senator from South Dakota to Jeff Blankfort on the Israel Lobby

Jeff Blankfort

December 4th 2006

The following letter was sent to me today by James Abourezk, former US Senator from South Dakota, and he readily complied when I asked that I be allowed to forward it to my list because what he had to say is of the utmost importance, given last month's election and all the new faces in Congress, and the immediate previous posting to you and James Petras's article earlier in the day..

Dear Jeff:

I just finished reading your critique of Noam Chomsky's positions in an e mail sent to me by Tony Saidy.

I had never paid much attention to Chomsky's writings, as I had all along assumed that he was correct and proper in his position on the Arab-Israeli conflict.

But now, upon learning that his first assumption is that Israel is simply doing what the imperial leaders in the U.S. wants them to do, I concur with you that this assumption is completely wrong.

I can tell you from personal experience that, at least in the Congress, the support Israel has in that body is based completely on political fear--fear of defeat by anyone who does not do what Israel wants done. I can also tell you that very few members of Congress--at least when I served there--have any affection for Israel or for its Lobby. What they have is contempt, but it is silenced by fear of being found out exactly how they feel. I've heard too many cloakroom conversations in which members of the Senate will voice their bitter feelings about how they're pushed around by the Lobby to think otherwise. In private one hears the dislike of Israel and the tactics of the Lobby, but not one of them is willing to risk the Lobby's animosity by making their feelings public.

Thus, I see no desire on the part of Members of Congress to further any U.S. imperial dreams by using Israel as their pit bull. The only exceptions to that rule are the feelings of Jewish members, whom, I believe, are sincere in their efforts to keep U.S. money flowing to Israel. But that minority does not a U.S. imperial policy make.

Secondly, the Lobby is quite clear in its efforts to suppress any congressional dissent from the policy of complete support for Israel which might hurt annual appropriations. Even one voice is attacked, as I was, on grounds that if Congress is completely silent on the issue, the press will have no one to quote, which effectively silences the press as well. Any journalists or editors who step out of line are quickly brought under control by well organized economic pressure against the newspaper caught sinning.

I once made a trip through the Middle East, taking with me a reporter friend who wrote for Knight-Ridder newspapers. He was writing honestly about what he saw with respect to the Palestinians and other countries bordering on Israel. The St. Paul Pioneer press executives received threats from several of their large advertisers that their advertising would be terminated if they continued publishing the journalist's articles. It's a lesson quickly learned by those who controlled the paper.

With respect to the positions of several administrations on the question of Israel, there are two things that bring them into line: One is pressure from members of Congress who bring that pressure resulting in the demands of AIPAC, and the other is the desire on the part of the President and his advisers to keep their respective political parties from crumbling under that pressure. I do not recall a single instance where any administration saw the need for Israel's military power to advance U.S. Imperial interests. In fact, as we saw in the Gulf War, Israel's involvement was detrimental to what Bush, Sr. wanted to accomplish in that war. They had, as you might remember, to suppress any Israeli assistance so that the coalition would not be destroyed by their involvement.

So far as the argument that we need to use Israel as a base for U.S. operations, I'm not aware of any U.S. bases there of any kind. The U.S. has enough military bases, and fleets, in the area to be able to handle any kind of military needs without using Israel. In fact I can't think of an instance where the U.S. would want to involve Israel militarily for fear of upsetting the current allies the U.S. has, i.e., Saudi Arabia and the Emirates. The public in those countries would not allow the monarchies to continue their alliance with the U.S. should Israel become involved.

I suppose one could argue that Bush's encouragement of Israel in the Lebanon war this summer was the result of some imperial urge, but it was merely an extension of the U.S. policy of helping Israel because of the Lobby's continual pressure. In fact, I heard not one voice of opposition to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon this summer (except Chuck Hagel). Lebanon always has been a "throw away" country so far as the congress is concerned, that is, what happens there has no effect on U.S. interests. There is no Lebanon Lobby. The same was true in 1982, when the Congress fell completely silent over the invasion that year.

I think in the heart of hearts of both members of congress and of the administrations they would prefer not to have Israel fouling things up for U.S. foreign policy, which is to keep oil flowing to the Western world to prevent an economic depression. But what our policy makers do is to juggle the Lobby's pressure on them to support Israel with keeping the oil countries from cutting off oil to the western nations. So far they've been able to do that. With the exception of King Feisal and his oil embargo, there hasn't been a Saudi leader able to stand up to U.S. policy.

So I believe that divestment, and especially cutting off U.S. aid to Israel would immediately result in Israel's giving up the West Bank and leaving the Gaza to the Palestinians. Such pressure would work, I think, because the Israeli public would be able to determine what is causing their misery and would demand that an immediate peace agreement be made with the Palestinians. It would work because of the democracy there, unlike sanctions against a dictatorship where the public could do little about changing their leaders' minds. One need only look at the objectives of the Israeli Lobby to determine how to best change their minds. The Lobby's principal objectives are to keep money flowing from the U.S. treasury to Israel, requiring a docile congress and a compliant administration. As Willie Sutton once said, "That's where the money is."

Jim Abourezk


I remember when the bankruptcy cases of Enron and Global Crossing were filed, the Zionist Jews were more worried about the effect that was going to have on how much Robert “Bob” Belfer (Belco Petroleum, Internorth, Enron) and Gary Winnick of Global Crossing were going to be impacted. They did not care about millions of investors that were plowed under by corporate frauds. They were only worried about how much could be stolen from Americans and others and donated to Israel. In short the damage to lives meant nothing and they were only worried about how much money they might not be getting from the plundering of America.

This is why people like Michael Milken (convicted felon junk bond king), Gary Winnick (Global Crossing fraud. Milken co-defendant), Bob Belfer (Enron fraud), Andy Fastow (Enron fraud), Ruppert Murdoch (FOXNews and other media empire components to control the message), former AIG CEO Maurice “Hank” Greenberg (out in lieu of criminal prosecution), former Citigroup CEO Sanford Weill (out in lieu of criminal prosecution), Russian Jew Leonid Nevzlin (fugitive from justice), Russian Jew Boris Berezovsky (fugitive from justice), junk bond scam-ster Meshalum Riklis (Google “Forbes the check is not in the mail, he is Michael Milken’s hero), pardoned felon Marc Rich, et al are national heroes to the Zionists in Israel. That is because they have plundered millions of people of hundreds of billions of dollars and donated lavishly to Israel as philanthropists handing out stolen money. That is their insurance policy of not being prosecuted for otherwise out will come the anti-Semite label and the cowards in DC will be hiding under their desks.

Those folks in Tel Aviv love any Zionist Jew that will do anything for a shekel and sent lots of shekels to “poor Israel”. I do not listen to their whining and wailing for one reason. I am not an unsympathetic person about that tragedies of the past or present, but I have no regard for a con job.

The following links were provided to me by a Global Crossing insider that was thoroughly disgusted by what they saw and knew was going on inside of that colossal corporate fraud and how much money was being routed to Israel and pet Jewish causes in the US. The following is in the book I wrote One-Way Ticket to Crawford, Texas:


“Philanthropy in times of crisis"

Philanthropy for general Jewish causes relies on donations being tax-deductible

By Eliahu Salpeter

The world economic crisis, the severe blows sustained by hi-tech industries and the bankruptcies of major companies have had a significant impact on the middle and upper classes, to which a sizable percentage of Western Jews belong. Thus, the above factors have also had repercussions for Diaspora Jewish organizations, which, on the one hand, are receiving smaller donations but which, on the other, must provide services to an increasing number of needy Jews.

For example, the world economic crisis has reduced the revenues of America's United Jewish Appeal, which recently merged with two other major organizations to form the United Jewish Communities (UJC), and is creating funding problems for the activities of the Jewish Agency for Israel and for assistance efforts aimed at Argentinian Jewry. Even large-scale affairs not directly linked to the world economic crisis - such as Enron's bankruptcy - have had serious implications for several Jewish institutions.

Philanthropy for both general and Jewish causes relies on the possibility of donations being tax-deductible. To donate generously, one must have a large income subject to high income tax rates. Thus, the size of taxable incomes has a major impact on the level of donations. For the most part, the relationship between taxable income and philanthropy is less blatant in donations earmarked for local needs and more obvious in those earmarked for overseas causes.

According to the American Jewish press, the effect of the world economic crisis was not felt too strongly last year. For overseas assistance, local Jewish charitable foundations transferred to the UJC a total of $288 million, instead of $300 million. It should be recalled that last year the crisis was only in its initial stage; only this year will the public know the extent to which the downscaling of revenues indicates a wider trend. In any event, UJC leaders hope to put the finishing touches this year on their new organizational mechanism in America and in the world, with the ultimate goal being to slice 40% off administrative expenses ($20 million out of a total $45 million).

Even Hadassah, the largest of the world's Zionist organizations, whose membership consists of over 300,000 Jewish women in some 1,100 branches across the globe, has announced this month that it will be laying off 10% of its salaried employees in Hadassah's New York headquarters. It seems reasonable to assume that Hadassah and other Jewish organizations are worried not only about a reduction in regular revenues from donations and membership fees but also about a diminishing of their income because of the lowering of the value of their financial investments.

The major bankruptcies that have recently shaken American capital markets have had a significant influence on important donors to Jewish charities. As reported by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA), Enron's bankruptcy inflicted serious financial losses on several Jewish investors, some of whom were also major donors to Jewish institutions. For example, it was reported that the losses of billionaire Robert Belfer - who owned Enron shares and who was also a major donor to New York's Yeshiva University, an important modern Orthodox Jewish institution in New York City - are estimated to be about $2 billion.

The major bankruptcies that have recently shaken American capital markets have had a significant influence on important donors to Jewish charities An earlier bankruptcy declaration by a major corporation - the international communications giant, Global Crossing, last month - inflicted serious fiscal damage on one of the corporation's owners, Gary Winnick, the largest contributor to the Jewish Federation of Los Angeles. Winnick regularly donated approximately $100 million annually to Jewish causes.”



Despite bankruptcy, he's still big donor to Jewish causes[1]


Jewish Telegraphic Agency

“LOS ANGELES -- In an interview with the Jewish press in the fall of 1999, Gary Winnick was asked what he hoped to achieve in the future.

He'd be happy if he could "freeze-frame my life right now," he replied.

Small wonder. Winnick was then the wunderkind among a constellation of high-tech financial wizards. His net worth was pegged at $6.2 billion, and, coming out of nowhere, he was crowned as the wealthiest man in Los Angeles.

He also was a generous philanthropist, giving tens of millions of dollars to Jewish causes.

The 54-year old entrepreneur shot to the top by founding and heading Global Crossing Ltd., which built the world's largest fiber optic cable communications network under the ocean floor, linking 200 major cities in 27 countries.

But last month Global Crossing filed for bankruptcy under Chapter 11, citing a debt of more than $12 billion. In keeping with the grand scale of the company's outreach, this represents the largest bankruptcy filing by an American telecom firm and the fifth largest for any company in U.S. history.

It may take a long time to sort out the causes and impact of Global Crossing's fall. The Los Angeles Times most recently reported charges by a former Global Crossing executive of questionable accounting practices. The company used the same auditor, Arthur Andersen, that is caught up in the Enron scandal.

So far analysts say the global network was not ill-conceived, just ill-timed in the face of a glutted market and a worldwide collapse of the high-tech economy. Few are willing to write off the company's founder.

"Gary Winnick is going to land somewhere, and he's going to make money again, and we all want a piece of it," one unidentified investment banker told the Times.

Shareholders and laid-off employees may be gloomy, but the beneficiaries of Winnick's enormous charitable donations and pledges should still be happy.

Over the last three years, the Gary and Karen Winnick Family Foundation has contributed and pledged well over $100 million, with the lion's share going to Jewish causes. Rosalie Zalis, once former California governor Pete Wilson's liaison to the Jewish community, has been serving as the foundation's executive director

One listing shows 54 organizations as beneficiaries of the fund, from the American Friends of the Israel Philharmonic to the World Relief Foundation.

The family foundation is supported by the Winnicks' personal wealth and is completely independent of the fortunes of Global Crossing and another Winnick company, Pacific Capital Group, according to a top source in the Winnick organization, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

That personal wealth is a matter of speculation, but, according to published reports, ranges from $600 million to $750 million, mostly derived from Winnick's sale of stocks in his companies in previous years. That may not be as impressive as $6.2 billion, but it's not too shabby a figure.

In addition, there is the Winnicks' palatial home, which is worth $60 million or $94 million, according to varying estimates.

By far the foundation's largest single donation is the $40 million pledged to the Simon Wiesenthal Center for construction of the Winnick Institute in Jerusalem. The institute will represent a philosophy and function similar to that of the Wiesenthal Center's Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles.

Winnick has met his initial obligations on this pledge, and the outstanding payments are linked to the institute's construction schedule, said Rabbi Marvin Hier, dean and founder of the Wiesenthal Center.

Hier anticipates that construction will start in about 18 months and will be completed almost three years later, at which time Winnick's final payment is due.

Another $5 million recipient is Birthright Israel, which sends young adults on a free 10-day trip. A spokesperson confirmed the organization has received all payments on time.

The Winnick Foundation lists $3 million in matching funds for a Chabad girls school in West Los Angeles, from nursery school through fifth grade. Rabbi Boruch Shlomo Cunin, Chabad's West Coast director, said the payment schedule for the grant has been fully met.

Across the country, the Hillel houses at Syracuse University and Brown University each have received "multimillion-dollar" grants, according to the Winnick organization source.

The Winnicks have been "extremely generous" to the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles, said its president, John Fishel. That may be an understatement. The couple is believed to be among the top contributors to the Federation's annual campaign and building capital fund, and has given $500,000 to the Koreh literacy program.

"There is no indication that these pledges will not be honored," Fishel said. "Gary is a really caring guy."

For more JTA stories, go to

It is time to bar AIPAC from political extortion in the United States and cut off the flow of funds to Israel from any US source until they get their heads out and solve the problems with Palestine peacefully and we in the mean time straighten out the mess the US is in as an American solution, not a Zionist Jew solution. It is time to declare Israel a terrorist nation and a nation harboring terrorists and felons and put the freeze on until they clean up their act.

The problems America is having are about Americans, not Zionists. The problems of the Zionists are not America’s problems nor do we need to make them American problems.

There are many ways to try to deal with the Middle East problems and who rejects any constructive means of doing that is Israel. They do not get along with anybody and the poll says so.

Even James A. Baker, III has called for a Middle East peace conference that would exclude Israel. That should tell you all you need to know as to what the problem is.

Just like Bush and Cheney, arrogance does not sell. If they want the world to treat them with respect they must be worthy of it and not demanding of it.

If there is peace in the Middle East by excluding Israel, watch the wailing and the volume go way up.

Best regards,

