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How the Crown Rules the World

From: Jacques Hardy

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om the 677-acre,independent sovereign state called The City of London('The City.')LadyRothschild quote:"If my sons do not want war, there will be no war" Fed up with being lied to by politicians and the media?Concerned about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq? Ashamed that war crimes are being committed in your name?Not convinced that you have been told the truth about 9/11?Join Total 9/11 Truth

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----- Original Message -----

From: Jacques Hardy


Sent: Friday, February 16, 2007 2:20 AM

Subject: !217- (X) HTML - ISRAEL AND JEWS - 20070312-0330

217- (X) HTML - ISRAEL AND JEWS - 20070312-0330







Like in so many, many other cases, HATRED AGAINST JEWS is no accident and it is in fact deathly important to understand the "why" and the "how" of it... and especially the "where" it is leading us all! The future of the world is at stake: Unless you think your own thoughts... (not necessarily what I am thinking), your children or grandchildren are guaranteed to perish in a most dreadful manner. For the present, younger people think the way they are supposed to, a way which had been implanted in their brain during their youth... moreover with full success.

Another thing: My main discovery (though I am not alone to have discovered this) is that:

- Not all Jews are really Jews.

- Not all non-Jews are really non-Jews.

Here again we see greed and selfishness at work. Some people find it profitable and advantageous to be thought of as "Jews", while some other people on the contrary see their advantage and profit in being thought of as "non-Jews". Furthermore there is nothing surprising in this: it is the typical behaviour of the Human animal: the shame of the animal kingdom. Let's never forget it, we are our own worst threat.

Facts show that everywhere, Jews are considered to be bad people, even though it is quite clear that the only threat to Humanity comes from Zionism... hence from the plutocracy... hence from greed & selfishness... hence from human beings, the worst predatory animals on this planet, compared to whom snakes and spiders appear as little saints.

In addition, let's never, never forget that hatred, racism, xenophoby are the foundations of the US, UK (and other areas) and form the most essential part of their wealth-gathering system. HATRED is a necessary tool of Imperialism: Imperialism could not even exist without it.


Starting with W.W. 2 and afterwards, I have had occasion to both fight (the Nazis) and work alongside Jews and I never saw any difference between them and the rest of us. We are all human beings, remarkably similar. I did notice though that some Jews were better than the rest of us while at the same time some were worse than the rest of us. Some Jews were perhaps wealthier but MOST of them were far poorer. From my experience, I can affirm that Jews are simply Human Beings like the rest of us, neither better nor worse: There is no significant difference between Jews and non-Jews. Yet that is not at all what we are told! Even the Zionist-controlled media will fabricate both pro-Jew and anti-Jew material with the intention to stimulate profitable hatred. What is the explanation for this strange behaviour?

In fact, why are so many people against the Jews? I think, NO... I know, that there is a good, well hidden reason for this! Why indeed is it that it is in the United States that one can find the most, worst racism... and here the truth is beginning to come out bit by bit! If you carefully observe what is going on, you discover the forces involved and why! And here we can thank the Internet for the discovery!

Because indeed, if you review all the messages being spread in the Internet, you can observe clearly some facts:

FIRST, that a great number of these messages are anti Jewish, anti Blacks, anti Latinos, anti French, anti Russian, anti-Communist, etc., . . . more simply, they are against anything not White English Caucasian American.

SECOND, that these messages come from illiterate, thoroughly deseducated guys.

THIRD, that the same guys who spread all the "anti" stuff, REFUSE TO INCLUDE my articles (as well as those of other like-minded persons) in their digests, blogs, etc.!

The logic for all this is quite clear: it is a fact that there are a limited number of people, both Jews and non Jews, (but often White English Caucasian American) who have a financial interest in HATRED... and any hatred will do! And this is because they know indeed that any hatred leads to the accomplishment of their TWO current objectives:

(1) Increasing their wealth through the M.I.C.

(2) Depopulation.

Who are these guys? They are those I call the Plutocracy (the 1000 super wealthy few) and whom others call the N.W.O., the Illuminati, Skull & Bones, etc., but names don't really matter: Call them what you want... they are still THE WEALTHY FEW! And don't forget that when I say "wealthy", I don't mean at all millions of dollars, nor even any longer billions BUT TRILLIONS.

Now, who are those super wealthy few? Make no mistake about it: IT COULD BE ANY OF US ORDINARY PEOPLE who, if given, say a mere trillion dollars, instantly would become an evil, INSANE plutocrat, possibly even ready to kill his own mother if the need arose! If you are poor (like me), you are liable to say: "NO, NEVER, I LOVE MY MOTHER". But this is the terrible effect of wealth: one trillion dollars will change any man into a ghastly predatory beast. I could name names but I won't for obvious security reasons and in any case, lots of people KNOW EXACTLY who I have in mind! WEALTH IS A CURSE!


The greatest mistake that most of us is doing is to mix ISRAEL and JEWS. Israel is simply a new country created by people - some Jews and some not - with only two things on their mind: WEALTH and POWER. In addition, racism is the foundation upon which Israel is being built: you have to be of the right colour and ancestry to be accepted there. I know no few Russian Jews who emigrated to Israel believing the pro-Israel propaganda, then went back to Russia when they discovered that in Israel, Russian Jews were considered as second class people, discriminated against in every possible way.

It is nothing new to say that Israel and the United States are tightly inter-connected, though it is not exactly the way it is. As a matter of fact, all the US citizens I know are, if anything, against Israel. But the wealthy few, the plutocracy which controls the United States, also happens to control Israel as well as no few other countries. At the present time, the plutocracy is succeeding in confusing us into thinking that "Israel wants the US to attack Iran" while the truth of the matter is that both the US and Israel plutocracy NEED to attack Iran. Why do they need this?

(#1) To assure more and better control of all oil ressources.

(#2) To destroy Iran the same way they destroyed Iraq (necessary for #4).

(#3) To assure more control of all Islamic countries.

(#4) To go Northward, cut Russia in two, destroy part of Russia and grab Siberia.

(#5) To considerably increase Israeli territory.

(#6) To continue their notorious DEPOPULATION objective.

One has to keep in mind that both Israel and the USA are puppets of the International Plutocracy, therefore Israel BELONGS to the USA just as the USA BELONGS to Israel.,, and that is what really makes it all so complicated... except if you realize they are both tightly controlled by the International Plutocracy: Don't forget: The Plutocracy is INTERNATIONAL .. knows NO COUNTRY while their slaves (called citizens in the US) are supposed to be PATRIOTS!

In other words, the question "Is Israel ready 'to confront Iran alone?" is all part of the huge disinformation machinery, which would have people believe that ISRAEL is a threat. In actual fact, neither Israel nor the USA are a threat, it is the plutocracy that is a threat and the amazing thing is that there have been warnings and accusations to that extent going back for at least a hundred years. But the masses kept on sleeping (quite Human nature). The Plutocracy engineered W.W.I and W.W. II... but people (thanks to evil POSITIVE THINKING) never did anything about it... except for waiting (patiently) for their turn to be tortured to death. OK, relax, your turn (and mine) will come soon.


Zionism (Sionisme) is a movement, taking its name from a hill in Jerusalem (Sion). This movement had for initial objective the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine. At first, nobody really objected to this because it was not at all clear what was about to happen. Besides, people are all mentally VERY lazy. It is so much better to believe in the power of positive thinking, be optimist and watch ridiculous sports and sex stuff on television (Remember my #214: Television as a weapon of mass destruction).

What is Zionism anyway? For a long time, Zionism was simply a mystic concept, but in the XIXth Century, it evolved into something more precise: NATIONALIST POLITICS, and it was at that time that it became a DOCTRINE or ideology . . . that is to say when the book of Theodor Herzl "The Jewish State" (1896) was published. Then, in 1901, the Jewish National Foundation was created with the objective of purchasing land from the Palestinians. Nothing wrong with that except that it quickly evolved into a Theocracy which gradually (and inevitably) fell into the hands of the plutocracy: We have here a typical example of HUMANITY'S INNER MECHANICS.

Then, in 1917, the BALFOUR Declaration came out with the idea of creating in Palestine a Jewish National Centre. However the U.K. objected and was against it. Were they pro-Arab? Not in the least, but their financial interests at that time dictated full cooperation with Arab nations. As you can see, everything in this human world revolves around wealth. Wealth creates and destroys everything. Moreover, the ONLY reason why this is so and why it is getting worse all the time, is that the rest of us poor guys do NOTHING TO CHANGE THE WAY IT IS INTO THE WAY IT SHOULD BE !

Therefore, things are steadily going from bad to worse so that, thanks to the perfect orchestration of W.W.2 by Washington D.C. specialists and this in a far more refined way than their crude W.W.1 creation... all this as well as their highly successful Holocaust machination, thanks to all this, the plutocracy (which don't forget includes both Jews and non-Jews) secured their world positions. At this point - and as is widely known outside the United States - I need to stress that the purpose of the Holocaust (more about this below) was the elimination of as many ordinary Jews as possible and thus secure the positions of the few wealthy Jews who belonged to the Plutocracy.

Then, it was child's play to get the U.N.O. to - illegally as usual - divide Palestine in two, which led to the creation of Israel in 1948. Meanwhile, U.S. disinformers got busy inventing the most stupid stories (which were swallowed bait, hook and sinkers by everybody), accusing the Jews, the Soviets, the Moslems... everybody under the sun, except the US plutocracy, sitting comfortably in Washington D.C., busy counting the money they were so very successfully stealing from their fools (whom they callled "citizens" for whatever reason).


Was there a Holocoast? Or was it all a hoax? My very own life experience shows that is is neither the one nor the other. The plain truth - as I lived it - is the following:

(1) Yes, unfortunately, a great many, many good, innocent Jews - males, females and children as well as babies - were seized and sent to be murdered in concentration camps.

(2) But even more non Jews, such as RESISTANCE FIGHTERS (now called "TERRORISTS" by the Washington D.C. terrorists) were subjected to the same fate (and this includes my father).

(3) The ONLY culprit for all this was NAZISM, funded and introduced into Germany by the United States of America.

(4) That same Nazi United States which later turned its back on Nazi Germany and destroyed it.

(5) And that same United States which stole...

(a) shiploads of gold from the USSR,

(b) and incredible wealth from Germany, after the USSR won the war.

(c) bought thousands of traitors and spies within the USSR, which they later destroyed.

(6) The idea of making a Holocoast story is NOT Jewish at all but a "brilliant" Israeli idea, created in order to more easily get cooperation and money from the fools (in other words, a typical Human method).

The Holocaust is in itself not really different from the notorious US "patriotism", designed to fool the fools into giving their life and their wealth to the plutocracy. Another thing to observe is that we hear a lot about a holocaust of Jews but we never hear about all the holocausts done by the United States in Latin America, Korea, Vietnam, Africa, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc., with more planned against Syria, Russia, China and so on. Moreover, in every case, other countries are accused of the crimes committed by the US... and the fools believe it all: After all, they are patriots, aren't they!

This and many other circumstances lead to the conclusion that the greed and selfishness of the plutocracy, added to the indifference and passivity of the "patriots" is the real reason leading the world to disaster. All the Holocoasts of history are nothing compared to the coming Holocoast: the elimination of 6.5 billion people, unneeded by the plutocracy.


The question "Are Jews racists?" is really a ridiculous question because all the facts in the entire human history show and prove that HUMAN BEINGS have ALL a strong inborn racist tendency. Whether this tendency becomes dominant or not, depends in a first step on the mother's love for her child and in a second step on the type of education the child receives. Since in this new plutocracy-led "modern" world, mothers are compelled to neglect their children and go to work, and since the whole education system has been turned into a notorious DESEDUCATION system, dreadful results were to be expected and are in fact happening... as predicted by no few of us.

Hence, thanks to the plutocracy, we see the appearance of racism in Israel true enough, but we see even worse racism in the USA, UK, Australia and their allies. This is entirely logical and it is going to get worse and worse as the world becomes less and less civilised. Anyway, what use can be "civilisation" to a population who is about to be totally exterminated as their reward for their INDIFFERENCE and PASSIVITY (covered up under the clever ruse called POSITIVE THINKING).

What exactly is RACISM? Below is a dreadful example of it from, dated 15 February 2007, 13:17, under the title of:



With that kind of stuff appearing all the time over the Internet, you can easily guess that the Plutocracy is happy and their Depopulation will be a complete success.


Human beings are a species which - in spite of what disinformers will tell you - cannot readily mate with other species... no matter which. This will not surprise many of you, but something that may surprise you is that many geneticists (who for obvious reasons do not want to be named) have discovered that RIGHT NOW, one or more new species is or are evolving among us. This can be observed in the following manner:

A young man marries a young woman. They want children but try as they may, they can't have any! As a rule either the man or the woman or both, are able to conceive but together: they can't! And the reason for this is that one of the two has had a naturally occurring genetic alteration which in fact made him or her A NEW SPECIES. So, what is he or she going to do to have children? Simply mate with somebody who has the same genetic changes... Practically impossible, you quite correctly think.

BUT in practical life and considering the vast population of the earth, it does in fact happen that, once in a long while, an appropriate genetic combination occurs and A NEW SPECIES is started. Thus, according to mathematical genetics, we are ALL the children of ONE single mother who lived thousands of years ago (hence, we are ALL related regardless of colour). Such a process is constantly occurring in nature: new species are appearing all the time, while old species disappear. As a matter of fact, anybody who (like me) has been involved in poultry selection, knows exactly how new species are created.

The Plutocrats being no fools, are well aware of all this. Rightly or wrongly, they figure that THEY are to be the new species, so everybody else has somehow to be eliminated, exterminated... and judging from the attitude of the victims, these sheep-like creatures are ready to be butchered... as soon as the Masters say so (disgusting attitude though).


Genocide... the murder of entire groups of people, just because they belong to the wrong race or the wrong colour or the wrong whatever, is something particular to the Human species. Who did that? At first, it would be easy to accuse the "Americans" as they keep (wrongly) calling themselves. But in actual, historical fact, it is not so at all.

Genocides started many thousands of years ago when modern Man appeared. At that time there were already some other men on the earth but their intellectual potential was very limited though they were physically much stronger. That old species existed in what is now Western Europe though at that time it was probably forming one continent with America. The new species of men decided that the old type of men was a threat and so they proceeded to kill them all... all right down to the last one. Quite probably they ate them but I have no proof of that (though it would be typically human: "Waste not, want not").

But now, we are facing an entirely new form of genocide: the extermination of all "ordinary people" (like you or me), deemed unneeded by the plutocracy and a threat to the plutocracy's future.


My conclusion of all the above is this: Unless we all - the world over - revolt and neutralize the plutocracy, we will all be killed. The way we are going to be killed is well known: this is being done by the intentional M.I.C. pollution of the air, he Chemtrails, the poisoning of the water, the purposeful modifications of the climate, the constant creation of new diseases, the permanent state of terrorism and war, as well as the imprisonment and murder (called "suicide" in American English) of people. The problem is that though many people are conscious of all this, nevertheless they constitute the minority, not powerful enough to resist. As to the majority: they are simply not interested in all that, being busy with POSITIVE THINKING.

So, all foreigners will die, but remember: at least 150 million and possibly as high as 250 million people in the US are scheduled to die too. As to those who are left, since they are not part of the plutocracy, they won't be allowed in the deep subterranean shelters, therefore, they will live a very, very miserable and short life. As to their children, sorry but no children will be allowed to remain alive, since they would actually be "future terrorists"... in fact, the plutocracy will follow exactly the same philosophy as the one used now in Iraq, so the rule in America will be: BABY TERRORISTS ARE KILLED BEFORE THEY GROW UP.


Not surpringly, there is currently a great deal of excitement in the USA about impeaching their president. At first, and if you don't think too much about it, it sounds like the right thing to do. But is it really?

IT IS NOT ! Because impeaching the president of the U.S. would imply that he is responsible for all that is happening in the world at the moment. But I got news for you, simpletons! Nothing will change! The only difference will be that some other puppet will sit in the White House. If anything, things will get even worse! Why?

Because guilty cannot, NOT EVER, be the puppet president who has exactly nothing to say in the leadership of his country. ONLY THE ELIMINATION OF THE PLUTOCRACY WILL SAVE AMERICA AND THE WORLD! Right now, the plutocracy has full power over the USA, the UK and some other countries. YOU are all slaves of the plutocracy, NOT of George W. Bush: the poor man is insane, drugged, completely useless... ready for the loony bin.

I may be wrong but, in view of the too little spreading which my articles are getting, I dare predict (though I hope I am wrong) that you will indeed impeach your president and then the US government will be ready to fabricate some good excuse to start Armageddon, whereby ALL (except for the plutocracy) will die the horrible death that has been planned all along for everybody (which includes you and me).

How about to start THINKING, just for this one time...


On 12 février 2007, 17:40, Jazzycatwanda reports that Iraq bombs from 'Iran' were created by UK security services:

In a message dated 2/12/2007 1:27:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

News Update from Citizens for Legitimate Government

12 February 2007 bombs from 'Iran' were created by UK security services --

Terror devices used by the IRA in a vicious murder campaign in Ulster blew up British servicemen as the world blamed Iran 16 Oct 2005 Eight British soldiers killed during ambushes in Iraq were the victims of a highly sophisticated bomb first used by the IRA, The Independent on Sunday can reveal. The soldiers, who were targeted by 'insurgents' as they travelled through the country, died after being attacked with bombs triggered by infra-red beams. The bombs were developed by the IRA using technology passed on by the security services in a botched "sting" operation more than a decade ago. This contradicts the British government's claims that Iran's Revolutionary Guard is helping Shia insurgents to make the devices. The Independent on Sunday can also reveal that the bombs and the firing devices used to kill the soldiers, as well as two private security guards, were initially created by the UK security services as part of a counter-terrorism strategy at the height of the troubles in the early 1990s.

Please forward this update to anyone you think might be interested. Those who'd like to be added to the Newsletter list can sign up:

Please write to: for inquiries.

CLG Newsletter editor: Lori Price, Manager. Copyright © 2007, Citizens For Legitimate Government ® All rights reserved. CLG Founder and Chair is Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D.

This from Dick Eastman (11 février 2007, 00:46) is enough to prove that with Hillary Clinton as president, the United States will remain in the same mess as before:

'Israel's cause is our cause'


NSNS Friday, 9 February 2007

" ... That is why we stand with Israel because it is a beacon of democracy in the region; that is why we stand with Israel because its very existence is a defiant affront to anti-Semitism; that is why we stand with Israel because in defeating terror because Israel’s cause is our cause. And that is why we stand with Israel because of our shared values and our shared belief in the dignity of men and women and the right to live without fear or oppression.

And what we must do is to think rationally and strategically about how our values, our beliefs can be translated into effective action. It is not enough for us to say the right things; we’ve got to be smart and tough enough to do the right things that will protect American and Israeli interests now and forever."

— Presidential aspirant Hillary Rodham Clinton

before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in Washington, D.C., on Feb. 7, 2007


P.S. 1:

I just received the following amazing message and moreover, from a totally unknown person:

"Please Mr. Hardy, note that I was born in Iraq though I no longer live there. I am horrified and disgusted at seeing what the American animals are doing to my country. In addition, we didn't attack them nor didn't even dream of attacking them, so why the aggressions, why the murders and destructions? Even worse is the activity of some Iraqi citizens who are not only cooperating with the aggressors from America, but participating in the murders, all for the sake of money. I think that it is the duty of all honest people in the world to seize all Iraqi citizens who are "officials" (juges, leaders, officers and so on) and who are "cooperating" with the enemy, then hang all these traitors... but only after at least one hour of appropriate torture. For instance, any person who, on orders from above has killed or hanged or tortured any Iraqi individual, male or female, ought to be himself slowly executed. Please transmit my message to all for it is the will of Allah / God."

P.S. 2:

From Dick Eastman, dated 15 février 2007, 11:51, we get this report on Israel's behaviour. My opinion however is that the seemingly inhuman, animal behaviour of Israel, DOES NOT REFLECT the attitude of all Israelis but only of a plutocratic minority who is presently tightly controlling that country. WORSE YET: I predict that the very same pattern is PRESENTLY developping in the USA and will soon also show up in Australia and in some other countries owned by the Plutocracy.

Israel erases entire Bedouin village in the Negev

RCUV - Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Yesterday, Tuesday, January 9th, Israeli forces entered the Bedouin village of Twail Abu Jarwal in the Northern Negev for the 5th time, in order to demolish it. Large police forces, with the aid of special-task forces and with the aerial help of a helicopter, and two bulldozers demolished the entire village. 21 homes: shacks, brick rooms, and tents were destroyed . During the last battle Israel waged against the residents of this village, on Dec. 6th 2006 Israeli forces demolished 17 homes - more than half the village. But the villagers, with the help of friends and the Regional Council for the Unrecognized Villages managed to rebuild roofs over their heads, to protect them from the harsh Negev winter weather. Today, however, it seems that Israel might have won the battle - and the war - against its citizens in the Northern Negev.

But - where will they go now? The once-more-newly-homeless 30 adults and 63 children? To the streets of Laqia or Beer-Sheva?

The residents of the village of Twail Abu-Jarwal bought plots of land from the Israeli government in the town of Laqia in 1978. They lived on the outskirts of town in 'illegal' and ever more crowded shacks for 25 years waiting to receive their plots and build homes for their families. Several years ago, after not receiving any option from the government authorities to build legally they returned to the location of their ancestral lands and built more 'illegal' shacks.

Israel's minister of interior, Roni Bar-On announced last month that he will destroy every last one of the 42,000 illegal structures in the Israeli Negev. But, dear Mr. Bar-On, what about Israel's responsibility towards its citizens? When will Israel create options for 80,000 of its Bedouin citizens in the Unrecognized Villages to build homes legally for their families?

For more information: Yeela Raanan, Regional Council for the Unrecognized Villages. 054 7487005.