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Extremism Of Worldwide Backstage Power On The Rise

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ention from the slaughter that the Zionist troops have been committing for the past 10 years in Gaza Strip, where over 100 Palestinians died. The blasts also allowed [Israel] to tie legitimate Palestinian Resistance to terrorism, which is spreading in the world because of the aggressive policies of the US administration."

One of the leaders of that organization, Asam al-Arian excluded any participation of Palestinians, Egyptian groups or Aiman al-Zawahiri in the terrorist acts in Sinai.

"Egypt is not listed among Zawahiri’s priorities and he has no fighters here who are capable of carrying out such an operation," Arian stated. He has no doubts that Israel remains the number one culprit.

Former Deputy Foreign Minister of Egypt Lt. Gen. Muhammed Omar also does not rule out that the blast of the hotel was carried out by Zionist secret service, MOSSAD.

Among the most important factors that affect the state of international alignment of forces, the fight for areas of influence in the world is being brought to the forefront today. This fight is being conducted by the world’s ruling backstage circles under the far-fetched threat of "international terrorism". The fight against this imaginary enemy, in many aspects, has been unleashed on a national, regional and worldwide scale, which involves direct lobbying of this worldwide war by international Zionist circles, which are not making a secret out of their participation in masterminding this war.

Apparently, this fight is a war for domination over the world and it is the utmost form of extremism of ruling regimes of the countries that have the strongest military might. This war is threatening to turn into one of the most serious problems that the world will be facing once and for all, with which the mankind entered the new millennium.

Grave crimes that are being committed under a plausible pretext of maintaining international security are actually posing more and more threat to security of these countries and their populations and taking more and more lives of innocent citizens. They entail quite tangible political, economic and moral losses and they have a strong psychological effect on large masses of the population.

Along with the increase of resistance to the so-called fight against "international terrorism", the ways this fight is being conducted are becoming more and more savage and perverted. More and more often "fighters against international terrorism" carry out strikes on residential areas and crowded places, when all sorts of banned weapons are used. It includes the provocation at Sinai, mentioned above, in which many tend to see the Zionist trace.

The dynamics of "fight against international terrorism" on a global scale, especially lately, gives us the reasons to believe that the activities of all kinds of political extremists who control the worldwide powerful circles backstage will at least remain at the same level. Attempts will be made to expand the scope and the geography of fight on "international terrorism", such as to strengthen the destructive influence of this fight on the state of social, political, economic and environmental safety of the international community.

Today it is becoming more and more obvious that the activities of the so-called "antiterrorist coalitions" most often have the goal not only to destabilize the situation in one region or another, or to destroy the local regimes listed among the enemy camp of the "world’s civilization", but also to take control of natural resources and territories, to set up controlled local regimes that can be run from the outside, and to change the worldview and the traditions of the subdued nations.

International Zionist circles that have influence on the countries and their governments with their power, their media and their money are the ones playing one of the key roles in this strategy.

Thus, after the USSR collapsed, Russian secret services, which were in need, and newly-founded powerful elite in Russia were put on the ration of international Zionist groups. The result of this patronage is obvious: Russia got mired in senseless and absolutely destructive military scam in the Caucasus, and the bosses of the "antiterrorist coalition" are skimming the cream and taking the post-Soviet/Russian political and territorial space, which is becoming deserted quite rapidly.

Ahmad of Ichkeria,

Kavkaz Center

2004-12-04 02:35:12

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