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Abe Foxman: Holocaust Denier

Edgar J. Steele

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Yes, indeed, they are all "pretty" people.

Give up? Abe Foxman doesn't care if they live or die. In fact, a bunch of Abe's relatives killed a bunch of theirs in one of the few bona fide holocausts that occurred in the Twentieth Century.

Murdered them. In cold blood. Exterminated. Homicide. Mass murder. Genocide. Holocaust, in other words.

What's more, Abe doesn't want you know about it. In fact, Abe is doing everything in his power to make sure you never hear about it.

What Do They Have in Common?

What do all the people in the pictures above have to do with Abe Foxman, Holocaust Denier? They are all Armenian, at least in part (from the top: Vivien Leigh, Arlene Francis, Mike Connors, Adrienne Barbeau, David Hedison ... the last four pictures are of my wife and three children, one-half and one-quarter Armenian, respectively, which is why this little matter is something I take very personally).

In 1915, over 1.5 million Armenians were massacred by Abe's relatives in Turkey. Exterminated. Homicide. Mass murder. Genocide. You know: Holocaust.

The ADL and Its Mission

Here's a picture of Abe:

No, he isn't very pretty, is he? Being a nasty, lying, murderous son of a bitch will do that to you, though.

Abe Foxman heads up the ADL, formally known as the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. B'nai B'rith is Hebrew for "Brotherhood of the Chosen."

The ADL is used to covering up things. In fact, the ADL's main job is coverups, formed as it was to cover up the rape and murder of a little girl by a Jewish factory owner.

How the ADL was Formed

In Jewish Hate, the Media, and the ADL, Dr. William Pierce concisely explains why and how the ADL was formed: "The ADL was organized in 1913 by a group of rich Jews specifically as a response to a notorious child-rape and murder in Georgia. Leo Frank was a Jew who owned a pencil factory in Atlanta. In 1913, he raped and murdered one of his White female employees, 14-year-old Mary Phagan. He was tried, convicted, and sentenced to death. The governor of Georgia, in response to Jewish lobbying -- and, most believe, in response to a large Jewish bribe -- almost immediately commuted the death sentence."

Now For Something Different--A Real Holocaust

So, what is the ADL covering up these days? The Armenian Holocaust of 1915, in which more than 1.5 million Armenians were murdered. You've heard the term "young Turks?" Well, it was the "Young Turks" of last century's Turkey who conducted that little piece of genocide. What does this have to do with Abe Foxman? Lots. He's related.

You see, the "Young Turks" almost exclusively were Jews who, as "Donmeh Muslims," then controlled Turkey. The Armenian Holocaust was carried out by Jews. And that is why Holocaust-Denier Abe Foxman and the ADL are trying to prevent its recognition and acknowledgment, even today. (I used a much better source than the Jewish-controlled and recently-discredited Wikipedia for "Donmeh Muslims" in my essay, Holy Holocaust, which thoroughly debunks the so-called Jewish Holocaust of WWII, but that source now has been "cleansed" from the Internet. Regrettably, I neglected to archive a copy of it.)

The Holocaust-Denying ADL

The ADL's hypocrisy about the 1915 Armenian Holocaust resulted in some mainstream headlines very recently when the Holocaust-denying ADL fired its New England regional director "after he broke ranks with national ADL leadership and said the human rights organization should acknowledge the Armenian genocide that began in 1915." (ADL local leader fired on Armenian issue, The Boston Globe, 8/18/07)

But, the ADL doesn't stop merely at refusing to acknowledge what Jews did to Armenians nearly a century, ago. No, indeed. Though daily instruction in the alleged Jewish Holocaust is mandatory in Germany (and fast becoming that in American schools), laws are being passed specifically to prevent even mentioning last century's Armenian genocide by Jews. For example, see "Turkey Wins Removal Of Armenian Genocide From German Schools," posted two years ago at

In fact, in the State of Georgia, just as in strictly-regimented Germany and Austria, where they jail you for saying, "It was less than 6 million," it now is the law to pay obeisance to the alleged Jewish Holocaust: Georgia Title 50, 12-130.

Never Forget

I, for one, refuse to forget what Jews have done to my family. None of us ever should forget what they have done to us, time and again, down through history in Turkey, in Russia, in Poland and so many other countries, not to mention Palestine, Jerusalem and, now, in America. Those whom Jews have mass-murdered live on through our memory and 6 million Abe Foxmans never will erase that.

Furthermore, I refuse to bow down to the revisionist Jews who dare to call me a Holocaust Denier, anti-Semitic and worse for exposing their lies, their hubris, their atrocities.

In fact, I consider Abe's listing me as an "Extremist" on his ADL web site to be a compliment, one that I wear with honor.

Nor should we ever forget that it was the same Holocaust-denying Abe Foxman, who dismissed Mel Gibson's magnificent motion picture about Jesus Christ, The Passion of the Christ, as nothing more than an anti-Semitic porn snuff film. Well, on the other hand, I guess he would know, wouldn't he?

I've Got It Bad

Jews like to refer to anti-Semitism as a disease. Well, I agree. I've got it bad. I've said it before and I'm going to keep on saying it: Anti-Semitism is a disease - you catch it from Jews.

Oh, and Abe? That's Mr. Anti-Semite to you, you ... you ... you Holocaust Denier!

New America. An idea whose time has come.

My name is Edgar J. Steele. Thanks for listening. Please visit my web site,, for other messages just like this one.


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