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America's Youth Must Serve Israel, One Way or Another

Curt Maynard

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tary has a very big problem: Too many global conflicts and commitments - and too few soldiers.” His solution? Reinstate the draft of course. Glick, the gentleman that he is, prepared his article in just such a way as to appeal to all of the tired and worn out politically correct ideals held by his ilk for the last forty years – he wants his reader to believe that a draft will somehow further “gender equality” and be “fairer to African Americans and other minorities.”

What a kind, altruistic and benevolent man, this Glick. He tells us just how he’d do it too, according to Glick, “Here's how the new draft should work:”

• All able-bodied and able-minded 18-year-old men and women should have their names placed in a lottery. Depending on how many soldiers are needed - typically just a few thousand each year - a modest percentage would be drafted.

• Then, the names of all those who didn't get drafted should be placed into a lottery for nonmilitary service in city or suburban slums, rural areas, native Americans reservations, or other poverty-stricken places.

• If the lottery puts draftees in a nonmilitary program - say, in healthcare - that requires more education and training than they possess, they could opt for getting that additional expertise in the civilian world. But then, the draftees would have to enter that nonmilitary program immediately after completing their studies.

Glick eventually reveals his true agenda, he gives himself away when he wants us to “consider the Israeli experience.” According to Glick “Except for small minorities, Israelis feel that the responsibility for defending and dying for one's country is a duty that must be shared equally. They feel that military service should not be determined by demographics, by social circumstances, by the unemployment rate, or any other aspect of the nation's economy.”

Then Glick resorts to American patriotism by reminding us that John F. Kennedy said, “And so, my fellow Americans: Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”

According to the Christian Science Monitor, Edward Glick is “professor emeritus at Temple University in Philadelphia, where he specialized in civil-military relations. He is the author of "Soldiers, Scholars, and Society: The Social Impact of the American Military," and "Israel and Her Army: The Influence of the Soldier on the State.”[1]

What the Monitor neglected to mention however is that Edward Bernard Glick is Jewish and that he is also a hardcore Zionist. There are many neo-conservatives just like Glick, cowards really, they evaded the draft and/or got deferments during Vietnam, they have always been anti-American and pro-Zionist in outlook, they have traditionally condemned anything they believed to promote patriotism among Americans until it became “patriotic,” to support the Jewish state. Quite honestly a Jewish Zionist has no business whatsoever spewing his lies in the pages of the Christian Science Monitor or anywhere else for that matter when it comes to asserting that America’s youth need to do anything, let alone risk their lives to further the interests of Israel!

Despite sixty years of lies, American Jews have never served this country’s military in anywhere near the numbers they represent in the United States population, in fact Jews have always served in numbers far below what one would expect, based on their overall numbers. The New York Times itself noted some years ago that during Vietnam “Jewish combat deaths were lower, in demographic terms, than those of any other population group.”[2] The Times attempted to mitigate this empirical fact by stating that this was due to the disproportionate number of Jews receiving college deferments. Like I care, all I’m interested in is getting at the truth and the truth is Jews have always served in the military in numbers far less than their proportion of the population.

Richard Earley, author of the excellent book War, Money and Memory: Myths of Virtue, Valor and Patriotism notes on his website that the next edition of his book will “detail [Jewish] cowardice in the recent Iraq war. In an American army of almost 500,000 with Jews being little over 2% of the population a reasonable person would expect to see more than 10,000 Jews in the army if they were doing their share of the fighting. There were [according to Earley] less than 1500.”[3]

As of September 1, 2006 at least 2, 849 American soldiers have died in Iraq and Afghanistan. If Jews were in fact serving and dying in proportionate numbers [2.5% of the US population], one could expect that at least 71 Jews would have been killed by now in combat. The actual number is 17 according to Jewish Soldier, an online Internet memorial website commemorating the deaths of American Jews exclusively.[4] This author personally has a hard time believing that the number is that high, which by the way is still one half of one percent of the total number and approximately 400% less than one would expect if Jews were to have served and died in proportionate numbers. The fact is – Jews are not serving in proportionate numbers and neither are they dying in balanced numbers.

Based upon this fact, what business does a Jewish Zionist have in telling Americans that our children “must” serve in a military that is carrying out the interests of the Jewish state of Israel? What business does a Jewish Zionist have in dictating to us, how he thinks a draft should be carried out? I’ll tell you what I think; I think if Jews are so fired up and in a hurry to attack Iran, perhaps they’d better lead the rest of us by example and begin enlisting in the American military in numbers beyond their proportion of the population. Yeah - fat chance – Jews have always preferred to let others do their fighting and dying.

So, in the end, at least as far as I am concerned, Edward Bernard Glick can go to hell! Let’s see him enlist, let’s see him encourage his children to join a combat arms unit and face the IED’s he’d like to see our children exposed to. I’d like to see Edward Bernard Glick write an article entitled “America’s Jewish youth must serve in the American military, one way or another,” and have it published in the multitude of Jewish publications in the United States and abroad. Yeah, that’d be the day – don’t hold your breath!