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Jews Against the Zionist Israeli Occupation of Palestine(with video)

La Voz de Aztlan

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ognize this fact.

Many of the most malevolent Zionists oppressing the Palestinian people in the Holy Land are in fact not of the ancient Hebrew stock. They are opportunist immigrants from Russia and Eastern Europe who converted to Judaism over 1,000 years ago for reasons of self-interest. Judaism has in many ways been hijacked by Zionism.

The Zionists of Israel are not just brutalizing Palestinians, they are also brutalizing genuine Jews. Zionists are not religious and hate Jews who are. This is one fact you will not read or hear in the USA mainstream news networks. The true Anti-Semites of the world are in fact the Zionists. Semitic peoples includes Palestinians and other groups in the Middle East.

The following photographs are of the Israeli Zionist Police brutalizing religious Jews:

Click on the following video to see religious Jews demonstrating against the State of Israel and Zionism: (Click on "Visit Author's Website)

La Voz de Aztlan stands against Anti-Semitism and any form of hate, xenophobia, racism and bigotry. We stand with our friends the genuine Jews and our many readers and subscribers of the Jewish faith.


Rabbi Condemns Zionism as 'Criminal'

October 8,2007

Austrian Rabbi, Moshe Aryeh Friedman has described the Zionist regime in Israel as 'criminal'.

In a three-day conference on 'Judaism against Zionism' in Iran's Mashad Fersdowsi University, the Austrian Rabbi condemned the Zionist Regime for invading Palestine and further destroying the faith of world-wide religions.

"Our religious beliefs oblige us to secure the freedom of all Palestinians and the sacred Jerusalem from the aggressive Zionist invaders." Friedman said.

"The Zionist Regime has committed world-wide crimes behind its holocaust fabrication, presenting the Zionists as champions of suffering and persecution," he said. "Although they commit heinous crimes before the eyes of the world, international organizations such as the UN chooses to remain silent and ignorant," he added.

"The Zionist regime has justified its wide-spread atrocities, by distorting the testaments and True Jewish Values," he concluded.