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The KZB, Jews and Creator God


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, which is the replacing of god with themselves. Zionism is not Judaism and is most likely an illuminati movement originating in the combination of international usurers and elite royal european bloodlines. Neither of these groups, elite royals or elite zionists, have a much of a record when it comes to caring for their fellow man.

As Benjamin Freedman's speeches show (on the fourwinds site), the vast majority of jews (self-styled jews as Freedman refers to them) are or Khazar lineage and it is from the elite of this vicious and pagan culture that the impetus to zionism and world domination originates. To this day in Israel, sephardic jew are treated as second class citizens by the khazar jews. The khazars opted for judaism as they found within the more extreme aspects of levite influenced phariseeism the justifications to continue their racist and supremacist ways. In the european royal blood lines they found like-minded allies.

The schizophrenic nature of God in the Old Testament is in fact testament to the divisions within the hebrews at that time. The Levites favoured a racist god who instructed them to smite their enemies and therefore gain god's favour. The judeans chose a more peacable route. This lumping together of all things jewish shows how misunderstandings arise and how these misunderstandings have been used by the elite to manipulate jews, christians and muslims into a condition of befuddlement. The elites then offer solutions to that befuddlement which always results in their agenda (of replacing god) being extended.

Today we have "Jews Against Zionism" - sidelined from the main debate of course, but still exerting a voice of truth. And they and we will win. Lies must be repeated endlessly, the truth told but once.

The positive, truthful aspects of the great religions are common to all of them. The simple truths of one god and do unto others as you would have them do unto you hold true across the board. It is in the petty, man-made dogma and doctrine where trouble arises. These complex, petty, hypocritical, man-made nonsenses illustrate perfectly just how simple and beautiful and workable are the laws of the creation as given to us by creator god. By their fruits shall ye know them - the unworkable, divisive and destructive fruits of the laws of men are testament to that. Lies are a complex web. Truth is a monolith.

The challenge for all of us is to come to these spiritual truths and live within them, casting aside the man made fabricated nonsense that keeps us from creator god.

The god given things that Muslims, Christians and Jews have in common are the only things worth having. The divisive issues are of no value because they are not in alignment with the creation. The illuminati have to dwell within the godless realm of man-made bogus laws and suck us into it where they can then exert influence.

Our task at this time is to move to creator god and in so doing, make the illuminati irrelevant. For that is what they surely will become.

Peace and love to all. Prepare for creator god.

