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Secret Weapons of Mass Destruction in Israel (Video)

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ear weapons. Two months earlier he had converted to Christianity while traveling in Australia.

After having learned about the secret production of plutonium for nuclear weapons at Dimona, in 1985 Vanunu believed it was his responsibility to inform the citizens of the world that an arsenal of nuclear weapons was being created in Israel.

Vanunu provided evidence and described how Israel had built an arsenal of over 200 nuclear bombs and neutron bombs. Before The Times’s story was even published, however, Vanunu had been lured to Rome and kidnapped by Israeli secret service agents. A secret trial followed, and Vanunu was locked in a tiny, windowless cell for more than a decade.

When Vanunu was released from an Israeli prison on April 21, the Israeli military authorities imposed severe restrictions on his freedom. He is banned from leaving the country, confined to an assigned residence and denied the right to be in contact with journalists or foreigners. This brilliant documentary is about one mans courage and resolve in warning the rest of the world about a terrorist state without peer. . .Israel.

We all owe Mordechai Vanunu a sincere debt of gratitude for having endured what he did, so that the rest of humanity  would once and for all, be forced to see Israel for what it was, and is  a truly satanic, and psychotic destabilizing influence on the whole of mankind, to say nothing of the entire Middle East.

Mordechai Vanunu Speaks

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