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Come The Khazars

Gyeo;rgos Ceres Hatonn

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ing colony there in what is now southern Russia (wherein we now find the important city of Yalta). They had made this move to escape forced conversion and baptism by the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius, who had defeated the Persians in battle a few years earlier and recovered the Holy Cross, restoring it to Jerusalem. Soon, the Jews in the Crimea came in contact and intermingled with yet other descendants of Japheth and his grandson Togarmah, the fierce and warlike Khazars, a Turkish tribe of the steppes who controlled or exacted heavy tribute from some thirty different tribes and nations over a vast territory. All such heretics (ketzers) and outcasts were apparently welcomed in Khazaria, which had its headquarters to the east of the Crimea at the mouth of the Volga River, on the northwest coast of the Caspian Sea at Itil, where there had long existed a prosperous slave market. A much earlier name for this city had been Saksin, named a great many centuries earlier by the Israelite-Sacasene, another group from the Assyrian Captivity (now known as Saxons). Strategically situated as it was, the Khazars exacted a 10% tax on all traffic by river through their hard-won territories.

A medieval Russian-Georgian chronicle identified the Khazars with "the host of Gog and Magog... wild men with hideous faces and the manners of wild beasts, eaters of blood." That’s pretty descriptive all right. One group of them, the Kara-Khazars, reportedly wore long black straggly hair and were "swarthy verging on deep black" married with their cousins, the Huns (other descendants of Togarmah), had whiter complexions, blue eyes, and flowing red hair. The Khazar king over both branches was known as the Great Kagan (his Queen, the Katoun), and was a powerful, no-nonsense ruler over a large horde of lusty and barbaric people (estimated to then number around half a million souls). His length of rule was inflexibly set at exactly 40 years (a generation). Should he by chance live that long, and attempt to serve beyond that time, he was, according to Khazar custom, executed by his own high command. This quaint custom is known as regicide. The Khazar’s pagan religion was a wild form of Shamanism, consisting of a pantheon of nebulous gods, and they sacrificed not only various animals in their ritual ceremonies (preferably horses), but humans, usually the very cleverest and smartest among their captives.

As History records, the Khazars first came on the world scene in a dramatic way in AD 198 when they first burst into Armenia, in league with the Barsileens (more cousins through Togarmah). By 550, they began settling between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, and thirty-nine years later they joined the Byzantine Empire in a defense against Persia. During the next century, in 627, the Khazars formed a military alliance with the Eastern Roman Emperor, Heraclius, again against the pesky Persian armies. And in AD 685, Justinian II became East Roman Emperor in Byzantium at age 16, only to soon prove that he was as insanely murderous and despotic as his namesake. Ten years later, after his intolerable catholic rule had gone too far, he was overthrown by Leontius, who immediately mutilated Justinian by cutting off his nose (and perhaps part of his tongue)—giving him the uncharitable nickname thereafter of Rhinotmetus—and banished him to Chersonae in Cri-Tartary (the Crimea). Justinian later escaped, however, and fled eastward to Itil, capital of Khazaria, where he entered into a plot with the Kagan, King Busir, to re-take the Empire of Byzantium by marching on Constantinople with a superior force. To seal the bargain, the Kagan gave Justinian his sister (Theodora) in marriage. Soon double-crossed by King Busir, who attempted to murder him, Justinian and his Khazar bride fled to the land of the Bulgars (still other descendants of Togarmah) whose King, Terbolis, then provided 15,000 heavily-armed horsemen for the conquest.

After successfully capturing Constantinople, and then paying a huge sum of promised gold to Terbolis

and his warriors for their services, Justinian II began his second reign which lasted from AD 705 to 711. But this reign was even more despotic and terrifyingly brutal than his first, and the Empress Theodora was no angel herself. Subsequently, he and his half-Khazar son were assassinated, and the usurper, Philippicus, was greeted as a liberator and installed on the Byzantine throne—only to himself be deposed within two years and blinded by his successor, Anastasius. Some religion!

In his famous 1976 book, The Thirteenth Tribe, the Jewish-Zionist author Arthur Koestler relates in considerable detail that following this bizarre series of events: " 732—after a resounding Khazar victory over the Arabs—the future [Byzantine Catholic] Emperor Constantine V married a Khazar princess [baptized Eirene]. In due time their son became the Emperor Leo IV, known as Leo the Khazar. A few years later, probably AD 740, the [Khazar] King [Bulan], his court and the military ruling class embraced the Jewish faith, and Judaism became the state religion of the Khazars..." This odd mass-conversion of the wild and woolly Khazar Kingdom, we learn, was but "a cunning political maneuver", since this bothersome tribe was then surrounded on all sides by hostile tribes and several numerically superior enemies who were trying to force them to convert to either the Byzantine Christian, Roman Catholic, Moslem or Persian faiths.


Significantly, as speculated upon by the noted Soviet Communist archaeologist, M.I. Artamonov, author of History of the Khazars, the sudden and unprecedented Khazar acceptance of Judaism as their new religion was actually the result of a carefully-planned Jewish coup d’etat, which at the same time not only reduced the Kagan to a mere figurehead but turned over all the real power to a new co-ruler called the Bek! As the former Communist, and decidedly pro-Khazar author Koestler writes, all "the affairs of state including leadership of the army, were managed by the Bek (sometimes also called the Kagan Bek), who wielded all effective power." Thus, the ancient Khazar system of government became a "double kingship", the Kagan representing divine, the Bek secular power. Shortly thereafter, the Jews now having consolidated their power (like fleas over a dog), they had the Khazars adopt the 22-letter Hebrew alphabet as well as their language, and even convinced them to submit to circumcision! Artamonov called the Khazar peoples "a parasitic class with a Jewish coloration". But it was actually the other way around.

This important takeover was effected by the Grand Sanhedrin, the Grand Satraps and Rabbis of the Jewish Pharisaic Grand Kehilla (Communal Register), a relatively small but exceedingly devious and powerful Cabal of Satanic Black Occultists. They were headed by a shadowy and sinister entity highly regarded by the Sephardic and Edomite-Jews everywhere as—the NASI (Prince)—ruler of all temporal affairs of Jewry. The NASI presided over an inner Council of 13 , which directed a larger Council of 33, which in turn controlled all the actions of an even greater Council of 300, since the bygone days of the Babylonian Captivity. [H: Hummnnnn...!] Ruling jointly with the NASI was the Ab Beth Din, the religious head of all Pharisaism. (At the time of Christ, the ruling pair, or zugot, had been the bloodthirsty Jews, Shammai and Hillel). This mysterious and little-known group of occultic adepts of the Left-hand Path was then, as now, steeped in the vile sorceries of the Zohar, of the Judaised Kaballah (The Tradition) [The Kaballah (also called Cabala) was brought from Babylonia to Italy c. 850 by the Jew Aaron ben Samuel.], and the sick and perverted Babylonian Talmud (The Study), or, as it is referred to in Hebrew by those well versed in its esoteric contents, Aavon Gilaion.

These leaders of orthodox Jewry in the East were all headquartered at the Talmudic Academy in Baghdad during this period, much later to move to Constantinople. As head of this subversive Academy, the Ab Beth Din (also known as the Gaon—"excellency") served as spiritual leader of all the many Jewish settlements dispersed all over the Near and Middle East. The NASI, on the other hand, was also the much revered Exilarch, or "Prince of Captivity", and represented the secular power over these more or less autonomous communities.

Following their wholesale conversion to Judaism, the rapacious warriors of the Khazar tribes, who had already intermarried as well with their equally fierce cousins (and sometime enemies), the Ashkenazim of Armenia (descendants of Ashkenaz, first son of Gomer and brother of Togarmah), they would all come to be thenceforth known by their enemies (and historians) as the "Red Jews of the Crimea". And with good cause. For not only did they carry large Red battle flags on their devastating forages into surrounding territories, many of their tribes had also earlier on interbred with the Edomite-Mongol Turks as well—and EDOM, of course, means RED! Also suddenly appearing in the Crimea ("Little Khazaria") around this same time-frame was an offbeat fundamentalist Jewish sect known as the Karaites, a small group which had been founded circa AD 765 in Persia, by one Anan ben David. Since then, it has spread out among Jews far and wide (in 1897, "there were 12,894 Karaite Jews living in the [Russian] Tsarist Empire...).

Shortly thereafter, as earlier mentioned, in AD 775 Leo IV, grandson of a Khazar sovereign, ascended the throne in Constantinople—as the Emperor Leo the Khazar—and ruled Catholic Byzantium with a heavy hand for the next five years. His mother was the remarkable Khazar Princess "Flower", whose marriage had taken place shortly after the great Khazar victory over the vast Muslim armies in the decisive battle of Ardabil. It was also around this time that the Westphalian monk, Christian Druthmar of Aquitania, wrote his Latin treatise Exposito in Evangelium Mattei, in which he reports that, "there exist people under the sky in regions where no Christians can be found, whose name is Gog and Magog, and who are Huns; among them is one, called the Gazari [Khazars], who are circumcized and observe Judaism in its entirety."

Then, in the year AD 833 or thereabouts, responding to an urgent plea from the Khazar Kagan and the Bek, the Catholic East Roman Emperor Theophilus "sent a fleet across the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov up the mouth of the Don," and helped their Khazar allies build a large, heavily-constructed fortress (the White Castle) at Sarkel, for their mutual defense. This was done to protect them all from "those formidable and menacing newcomers on the world scene, whom the West called Vikings or Norsemen, and the East called Rhous or Rhos or Rus," said Koestler. While these eastern Vikings from Sweden were beginning to really pose a serious threat to the pseudo-Jews of Khazaria as well as the true Sephardics in their midst, and also the pseudo-Christians of both Rome and Constantinople: "Their western branch [made up Norwegians and Danes] had already penetrated all the major waterways of Europe and conquered half of Ireland. Within the next few decades they colonized Iceland, conquered Normandy, repeatedly sacked Paris, raided Germany, the Rhone Delta, the Gulf of Genoa, circumnavigated the Iberian Peninsula and attacked Constantinople through the Mediterranean and the Dardanelles—simultaneously with a Rus attack down the Dnieper [into the Crimea] and across the Black Sea." Thus wrote Arthur Koestler, in obvious awe.
