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The Role of Zionism in the Holocaust

From Alex James

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on of the Zionist plan and it is being pushed by the Zionist lobbies in the US, UK and Europe. Note how simultaneously the Jewish American President Franklin Delano Roosevelt closed the doors to Jewish immigration from Europe when Hitler came to power under the guidance of Zionists. The plan all along was to scare European Jews into leaving Europe and the only place they would be allowed to go to is Palestine. Jim Condit Jr. video documentary: The Zionist-Nazi Secret Alliance, The Transfer Agreement and The New Transfer Agreement, Hitler's Policy was a Zionist Policy, Hitler was surrounded by Zionist Jews

Jim Condit

2 hr 22 min 36 sec - Apr 9, 2006

The Zionists brought us to the Holocaust. It is well known that it was possible to arrange for Jews to leave Europe for other areas of the World other than Palestine with money,...but THE ZIONIST LEADERS WHO NOW SIT IN GOVERNMENT PREVENTED IT! -- Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ehrenreich (circa 1954)

To the billions of people around the world who know only the standard Establishment version of 20th Century history, the above quotation is incomprehensible, its implications impossible to fathom. Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were the sworn enemies of all Jews, they will say, and to suggest there could be any collusion between Zionists and Hitler's Third Reich is both beyond belief and a slap at the memory of those who died at the hands of Nazi persecutors.

Incomprehensible, perhaps, but by no means impossible. The Zionist-Nazi collaboration, however suppressed it has been to the general public, is a little-known, but crucial, part of European history, one that continues to profoundly shape and affect world events in the 21st Century.

This mind-boggling voyage is but one of many facts which have been compiled and collated, and which is presented in this DVD by Jim Condit Jr. in this fascinating new DVD entitled The Final Solution to Adolf Hitler. This thorough analysis examines Hitler's career and influence, from his humble beginning in Austria to his appointment as German Chancellor by President Paul von Hindenburg, from his ascent to absolute dictator of the Third Reich to his role in bringing about the modern state of Israel and the emerging world government

Subject: Zionists Military Alliance with Hitler, a Treacherous Zionist Conspiracy

Yes, also check out "the transfer agreement " by Black. The Transfer Agreement is Edwin Black's compelling, award-winning story of a negotiated arrangement in 1933 between Zionist organizations and the Nazis to transfer some 50,000 Jews, and $100 million of their assets, to Jewish Palestine in exchange for stopping the worldwide Jewish-led boycott threatening to topple the Hitler regime in its first year. This updated edition includes the author's stunning new introduction and a powerful new afterword by Anti-Defamation League national director Abraham H. Foxman.


Article by Rabbi Gedalya Liebermann - Australia