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Israel Will Prosecute Holocaust Deniers

By Nina Gilbert

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nian Authority prime minister Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) for his doctoral dissertation 20 years ago in which he estimated that the Nazis killed less than a million Jews.

But the bill is unlikely to be anything more than declarative in nature. Countries that don't have laws against Holocaust denial are unlikely to extradite citizens to be tried in Israel for the crime, although Israel's protective measure would not require such a law to be on their books, according to Justice Ministry officials. Another problem is the fact that Holocaust denial is a crime of expression, and most countries treat such crimes liberally.

A more practical implication of the law is that it would deter Holocaust deniers from visiting Israel.

In 1994, Israel extended its legal protection abroad for the state and its citizens to Jews and Jewish institutions, which enables it to obtain justice for them as it does for Israelis. At the time, the idea of including Holocaust denial in Israel's ex-territorial laws was considered, but eventually dropped.

Eldad said the amendment to the law in Israel, where Holocaust denial is a crime, is necessary because "almost all" of those crimes are committed abroad.

He said he believes the law is going to be "very practical," since violations would give Israel the right to demand prosecution even if it does not request extradition. He said it would also enable Israel to file counter suits if Jews are sued for libel for labeling Holocaust deniers.

The law would also "send a signal to a Holocaust denier like Abu Mazen" that if he enters Israel he is a "criminal," Eldad said.

Moreover, he said the passage of the law would send a message that for the Jewish people there is "no statute of limitations" on the Holocaust. "The generation of survivors is dwindling," he noted, emphasizing the need to keep Nazism from rearing again.

The bill has the support of Knesset factions on the Left and Right.
