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The Masonic Foundations of the United States

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ully manifesting the conditions for completing this first contact mission. "

We have been studying the philosophy of urban planning in early American history, in books and in-person throughout our 2006 Goddess Bless America etLIGHT Pilgrimage at the turn of the 18th century. We find it was dominated by Templar Sacred Geometry. The layout of Williamsburg, Washington D.C., Yorktown, Philadelphia, Jamestown, Savannah, Saint Augustine, Jacksonville, Miami and New York City (Mahattan) and every area we performed a StarGate Opening at this past year has had significant Templar platforms waiting to receive the energetics we implanted from the Stars. The work was done in precise accords with Templar, Rosicrucian, Hermetic, Solomonic and Masonic symbolism.

In Washington D.C., for instance, The White House is situated at the tip of a large compass created by Vermont Avenue and Connecticut Avenue as they lead north. The emblem of Freemasonry is a compass overlapping a square (the tool). Two right triangles meet exactly between Connecticut Avenue and Vermont Avenue at 16th Street. The Washington Monument (phallic symbol) is positioned precisely south from where the two right triangles meet, and the tip of the compass at the White House. Look for your self on


CountDown 2012

StarGate Openings * Sacred American Templar Geometry

We commence our pilgrimage in a place that used to be named the Middle Plantation. It was far more more rural that regal, and later had it's name changed to Williamsburg in honor of William III, King of England. The philosophy of urban planning at the turn of the 18th century was dominated by geometry, hence the new capitol was laid out in a pattern of squares and perpendicular avenues. The Market Square, or town commons, and a main street stretching from the Capitol Building to the newly established College of William and Mary were the key structural elements of the plan. The Capitol and the College, along with Bruton Parish Church, which lay west of the Square, represented stability and continuity to early settlers. Familiar symbols were important to the new colonists who had braved crossing the Atlantic Ocean, and faced the unknown in their search for economic advancement and a better life.

Williamsburg was a thriving center of commerce and government by the middle of the 18th Century. On the eve of the American Revolution nearly 2,000 people, half of whom were slaves, called the city home. Tailors, carpenters, bakers, gunsmiths, coopers, wheelwrights, merchants, clerks, and their slaves all worked to form the economic nucleus for the governmental system being developed by the capitol city's growing number of politicians and lawyers. In retrospect there is a strong argument that the most important institution in town was neither those of the tradesmen or the politicos. It was the taverns.

Taverns were not just for drinking. They were the heart of political, social and cultural discourse. The prominent role Williamsburg played in the events leading to the Revolutionary War is well known. In 1765 Patrick Henry delivered his rousing Stamp Act Speech at the House of Burgesses here. "Caesar had his Brutus--Charles the first his Cromwell--and George III--may he profit from their example." The First Continental Congress was called in 1774 and the Revolution ended not a dozen miles away, with the surrender of Cornwallis to Washington on the fields of Yorktown in 1781.

The other portion of our work concerns uncovering the Templar Tradition of America. We will unlease ET forces of Light as we uncover this secret destiny.

As the Revolutionary War wound down, Williamsburg's days as the center of government were drawing to a close. Governor Patrick Henry moved the capitol to Richmond. Williamsburg suffered a decline of prestige and vitality. The population declined and the only institutions of note that remained was the College of William and Mary . The arrival of the railroad in 1880 revived the town some and new houses sprang up near the new C&O depot. Williamsburg remained a quiet insulated college town until the mid 1920's when John D. Rockefeller, Jr. was inspired by the imagination of the Reverend W.A.R Goodwin of The Bruton Parish Church, and decided to return Williamsburg to its former glory. Through his financial support and leadership Rockefeller remained closely involved in the project until his death in 1960. The Governor's Palace was reconstructed along with the Raleigh Tavern and opened to the public. Colonial Williamsburg then became the centerpiece of what is now called Virginia's Historic Triangle comprised of Williamsburg, Jamestown, and Yorktown. This represents the beginning, middle and end of the Virginia Colonial period.

Many special events have been organized by a wide variety of groups to celebrate the city's heritage and showcase its many resources. Annual events such as the Williamsburg Scottish Festival and An Occasion for the Arts are a part of the regional fare. We researched further the Scottish connection and were happy to see that our Clan, the Mac Gregor were present, as were the Sinclairs' USA branch. Other celebrations, including First Night festivities and the Colonial Williamsburg Garden Symposium have been added in recent years and the list continues to grow.

Williamsburg celebrated its 300th anniversary in 1999. It was America's first planned city. Laid out in 1699 as a model capitol, Middle Plantation took Jamestown's place as the seat of colonial government. A visit to restored Colonial Williamsburg is a step back in time to a thriving 18th century community. It's a theater of living history where merchants sell their wares, craftspeople ply their trades and patriots sit in dark corners and whisper of revolution. Today, Colonial Williamsburg's authentic character and baroque town plan is the pride of the nation. This historic area covers more than 173 acres. All of the major public buildings have been faithfully reconstructed. The Colonial Williamsburg of today is a bustling community of homes, shops, taverns and exhibition buildings along with a hundred gardens and greens. The Historic area interprets the life and excitement of Colonial Virginia history.

Our purpose in studying this history and giving out to the world via Internet and printed medium publications for members, relates to the Masonic-Templar Plans of Geometric Light in designing America. See:

You will see that there are deep connections between George Washington and the Knights Templars, see: Our Motor Home sports a front license plates from the Masonic George Washington Knights Templars Presidential Pray for America Organization.




A guided tour of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial will alert one quickly to the truth concerning the true faith of the Father of Our Country and his significant Masonic|Templar Connections.

While in Williamsburg this Independence Week 7/4/06 we discovered further significant factors of the

The present day Knights Templar showing the significance upon American history

The leading role of Freemasonry in the American Revolution

The George Washington Masonic National Memorial, which is just off the Capitol Beltway, adjacent to Old Town Alexandria, VA and six miles from Washington, D.C, sits atop Shooter's Hill, a lofty peak about 3 miles west of the western shore of the Potomac River. Because of its vantage point, Shooter's Hill was the site of a Revolutionary War fort, although the only remains of the fort are some irregularities in the soil line that can be viewed from the monument's observation deck.

The Masons purchased the 36 acre site and laid the cornerstone in 1923. Assisting in the ceremonies were President Calvin Coolidge, Chief Justice William H. Taft and the Grand Masters of all the Grand Jurisdictions in the nation. The edifice, which has a broad rectangular base and soaring steeple, was completed and officially dedicated in 1932. President Herbert Hoover assisted in the dedication ceremonies.

The entrance to the Memorial displays two large plaques with George Washington's words of approbation and devotion to the Masonic Order, a portion of which states:

"Being persuaded that a just application of the principles on which the Masonic Fraternity is founded must be promotive of private virtue and public prosperity, I shall always be happy to advance the interest of the Society and to be considered by them as a Brother."

The Memorial Hall contains a 17 ft. high bronze statue of Washington wearing his Masonic apron as the Charter Worshipful Master of Alexandria Lodge No. 22 - to which office he had been elected in 1788 and held at the time of his election to the Presidency of the United States in January, 1789. The statue was presented to the Memorial by the Order of DeMolay for Boys in 1950 and unveiled by President. Harry S. Truman, Past Grand Master of Missouri.

N.B. The Order of DeMolay is named after the martyred 14th century Order of the Temple Grand Master, Jacques DeMolay. The DeMolay Order for Boys is also highly recommended by the Rev. Billy Graham whose status as a 33º Mason is documented at the Endtime Deception web site.

A book sold at the Masonic Memorial, The Age of Washington, describes President Washington's participation in laying the cornerstone of the U.S. Capitol with full Masonic rites:

"On September 18, 1793, President Washington officiated at the laying of the cornerstone for the United States Capitol building. It was a major event in the creation and development of the federal city, a project very dear to the heart of George Washington. It was also what the Masonic Fraternity refers to as one of the most memorable days in the life of George Washington, in the life of Freemasonry, and in the life of the United States.

"Washington, dressed in Masonic regalia, lead a procession of officers and brethren of the Masonic Fraternity from Maryland and Virginia to the site in the District of Columbia. Upon arrival, the music stopped playing, the drums stopped beating, the flags were anchored, and the artillery fired a volley. A large silver plate was handed to President Washington. Using a small trowel with silver blade and ivory handle, Washington deposited the plate and laid it on the corner-stone. A prayer followed. Then there were heard Masonic chanting honors and then a 15-volley from the artillery. According to a newspaper's eyewitness account, when the proceedings ended 'The whole company retired to an extensive booth, where an ox of 500 pounds weight was barbecued . . . Before dark the whole company departed with joyful hopes of the production of their labor.'

"The apron and sash worn by George Washington together with the trowel he used are today preserved in the Alexandria- Washington Masonic Lodge. George Washington, a member of the Masons since 1752, the Master Mason, the Past Master, the President of the United States had personally participated in the laying of the U.S. Capitol's cornerstone. He did so 'as a Freemason and President,' wrote Allen E. Roberts in G. Washington: Master Mason." (38)

In conjunction with emphasis on the Masonic influence on the founding of the U.S. Government, the religious tolerance aspect Freemasonry was advanced to promote the fraternal order. George Washington, in the ecumenical spirit of the Masons, sent a message in 1798 "'To the Clergy of Different Denominations Residing in and Near the City of Philadelphia.' In that message he wrote: 'Believing as I do that Religion and Morality are the essential pillars of civil society, I view with unspeakable pleasure, that harmony and brotherly love which characterizes the Clergy of different denominations, as well in this, as in other parts of the United States.' He added that he hoped 'your labours for the good of Mankind will be crowned with success...'" (39)


The Memorial's various exhibitions on the Shriners, Royal Arch Masonry, the Knights Templar Chapel, a replica of King Solomon's Throne Room (based on legend of Hiram Abiff) and the Tall Cedars Room (a reconstruction of Solomon's Temple) attempt to present Masonry as a faith that is based on Scripture. The propaganda made available to the public, however, is far from an accurate portrayal of true Freemasonry, which is based on Kabbalism assimilated by the Knights Templar who occupied the Holy Land during the Crusades. The Masonic emphasis on Old Testament types and figures is, in fact, derived from Kabbalah, which symbolism is designed to lead men into the ancient mysteries.

The Royal Arch Room features Egyptian and Hebraic paintings, a reproduction of the Ark of the Covenant and a large mural of the ruins of King Solomon's Temple. A new addition to the Memorial, the Tall Cedars Room, is a reconstruction of Solomon's Temple with statues of King Solomon, the High Priest, Prince Azariah, the Master Overseer, the Grand Master of Workers and others. These figures and are supposedly found in I Kings 4 and 5, which chapters describe the building of Solomon's Temple.

The Cedars of Lebanon were the materials used in the Temple by Hiram of Tyre, whom Masons teach is Hiram Abiff, the "First Grand Master" who is impersonated by every man initiated as a Master Mason. According to Masonic legend, Hiram Abiff was the only one on earth who knew the secrets of a Master Mason, including the Grand Masonic Word, the name of God (the 'Ineffable Name' of God identified in Kabbalah as YHVH).

A detailed brochure for the Tall Cedars Room states:

"The floor of the Tall Cedars Room...has as its center the Star of David [an occult symbol] ...Soon to be added will be replicas of other artifacts from King Solomon's Temple including the Altar for Incense Burning, the Seven Branched Menorah, the Altar of Burnt Offerings, and the Table of Shew-Bread."

The Watch Unto Prayer report, A Sacred Assembly of Men, explains the Kabbalistic interpretations of Solomon's Temple, the furniture of the Holy of Holies, and the Masonic legend of Hiram Abiff.


The Order of Knights Templar is described as the only Order of Masonry strictly for Christians. The Knights Templar Chapel exhibits an original suit of armor worn by a Knight Templar of the 12th century and a sword, a Bible and stained glass representations of Knights and Christian themes.

To give an idea of the international scope and organization of Knights Templar membership - that is, Masons Who are Affiliated with Christianity - a brochure on the Knights Templar reads:

Knights Templar

An ancient order serving mankind in the 20th century

Pride in our past - Faith in our future

Integrity, Obedience, Courage

"The Knights Templar is a Christian-oriented fraternal organization that was founded in the 11 century. Originally, the Knights Templar were laymen who protected and defended Christians travelling to Jerusalem. These men took vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, and were renowned for their fierceness and courage in battle.

"Today, the Knights Templar display their courage and goodwill in other ways. They organize fund-raising activities such as breakfasts, dinners, dances, and flea markets. They support Masonic-related youth groups and they raise millions of dollars for medical research and educational assistance.

"Currently, Templar membership consists of people from all walks of life, including doctors, lawyers, clergy, businessmen and entertainment personalities, all of whom profess a belief in any Religion that uplifts humanity."

Masonic Connection

"All Knights Templar are members of the world's oldest fraternal organization known as 'The Ancient Free and Accepted Masons' or more commonly known as 'masons.' However, not all masons are Templars. Templary is but a part of the Masonic structure known as the 'York Rite of Freemasonry.'"

Three Levels of the Knights Templar

"The Knights Templar operate on a local, state and national level. But their religious activities extend across national borders as well. Nationally, there is the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar. This unit defines the rituals and laws governing state and local level organizations. The state level is called A Grand Commandery of Knights Templar. This organization represents members of a state or an area of equivalent size. Finally, the local level unit is called a Commandery of Knights Templar. There are almost 1,600 Commanderies in communities across the United States, Germany, Italy and Mexico, with over 260,000 members.

"To petition a Commandery of Knights Templar for membership, you must first be a member of a Masonic Lodge and other prerequisite bodies."

"In addition to many religious observances throughout the year, The Grand Encampment of Knights Templar sponsors an annual 'Holy Land Pilgrimage.' Masonic membership is not required and the Minister can be male or female."

Support for Young men and Young Ladies

"The Knights Templar also provide financial support, advisors and scholarships to Masonic-related Youth Organizations such as Order of Rainbow, Job's Daughters, and Order of DeMolay."

Patriotic Knights

"The Knights Templar are a uniformed Masonic unit that participates in parades or other public events. They take great pride in their patriotism and respect for the American Flag, which they are often called upon to carry as Parade Color Guard. There is a strong movement to return to the non-military flag of the USA!"

In this day and Age, we are honorary members of the International Order of Gnostic Templars - - we recommend it for all who are mystically oriented and seek truth!


Also available in the Memorial is a book titled Freemasonry in American History. The opening chapters make clear that, early on, the Grand Lodges of England and Scotland were planting Provincial lodges and appointing Grand Masters in the colonies to further their Mission of fashioning a new form of government, for and by the people. The Freemasons considered the Protestantism of Great Britain and Catholicism of Italy to be oppressive and looked to the New World as an opportunity to establish a government based on freedom for the people, with liberty and justice for all.

Some British and Scottish Freemasons were frustrated after many failed attempts to restore the Masonically-supportive Stuart dynasty to the throne of England and, as loyal Jacobites, they sought to establish a government for the people in the New World. There is evidence that both the American and French Revolutions were planned and perpetrated by Freemasons to peacefully change government by monarchies which were unsympathetic to the people. In 1673 and 1678, the English Parliament had passed the Test Acts, which prevented anyone but Anglicans from holding public office. The Protestant Hanoverian dynasty became firmly entrenched in Great Britain following the deposition in 1688 of King James II who had converted to Catholicism.

According chapters 14 and 15 of Freemasonry in American History, the leaders of the American Revolution were, in the main, Freemasons: Paul Revere was Junior Warden of the 15th St. Andrew's Lodge; Peyton Randolph, a Freemason from Virginia, was President of the First Continental Congress; famous delegates to the Second Continental Congress included Masons John Hancock and Benjamin Franklin; George Washington was elected by the Second Continental Congress to be Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Forces; under Washington was an army led largely by Masonic commanders, including Brigadier Gen. Richard Montgomery, Col. Benedict Arnold, John Sullivan, Col. John Glover, Nathanael Greene; foreign officers who arrived in 1777 to aid the cause of the Continental army were Freemasons Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben, Peter Stephen Du Ponceau, Thaddeus Kosciusko and the Marquis de Lafayette.

The Constitutional Committee consisted of Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin (past Grand Master of Pennsylvania), John Adams, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston (who would become Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New York). The Fourth Reich of the Rich, by Des Griffin, states about Thomas Jefferson:

"The Columbian Lodge of the Order of the Illluminati was established in New York City in 1785: Members included Gov. DeWitt Clinton and later Clinton Roosevelt, Charles Dana and Horace Greeley. The following year a Lodge was established in Virginia with which was identified Thomas Jefferson."

Freemasonry in American History confirms that, as 3rd U.S. President from 1805-9, Thomas Jefferson's Vice President was George Clinton, Worshipful Master of Warren Lodge No. 17 in New York City in 1800, and also the uncle of DeWitt Clinton who would serve as Grand Master of Masons in New York from 1806 to 1819.

Many other Famous Freemasons were leaders of the American Revolution and Presidents of the United States.

It seems that many colonists initially opposed the Declaration of Independence and Revolutionary War, but were gradually persuaded to join the Masonic cause. A volume cited by Allen, George Washington, Master Mason states:

"George Washington expected to 'fall' during the war. And well he might have such expectations. Some historians claim a third of the colonists were Tories; it would appear this was an underestimation. At any rate, it was evident that not even half were wholeheartedly in favor of a revolution. There was certainly no unity."

"Our country was founded upon the presupposition that government is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."


Other items of interest we came across are:

MASONIC PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES & Of the fifty-six signers of the Declaration of Independence, the following were known to be members of a Masonic lodge:

George Washington, A Masonic Initiate:

In the Godfre Ray King books, (see Guy Ballard), and Law of Life books is said that St. Germain was Joseph the foster-father of Jesus, Merlin the magician of King Arthur's Court, Roger Bacon, Christian Rosenkreuz of Germany, Christopher Columbus, Francis Bacon and Prince Rakoczy of Transylvania, in previous reincarnations. These beliefs about his previous incarnations are also promulgated by the Church Universal and Triumphant. Guy Ballard claimed his book The Magic Presence was channeled to him from St. Germain (The official I Am edition of The Magic Presence, regarded as a sacred scripture, is printed in a violet colored typeface on lavender paper.)

For certain Saint Germain, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and Benjamin Franklin were all Masters of Light that came to establish America.

Part II of: The Masonic Foundations Of The United States will be sent ASAP! Please stay tuned to this channel. Part II will be titled: THE FOUNDING FATHERS of the USA & their Masonic Foundations.


This Report is presented by StarDoves, 2 StarSeeds {Dr. RAJa Merk Dove & Prof. MoiRA Lady of the Sun Dove} founders and directors of the, AQUARIAN PERSPECTIVES INTER-PLANETARY MISSION and LIGHT WAVES the World's Largest Aquarian Age's eList, Marketing With The Stars. StarSeeds occupy human form to accomplish Missions' of Light on Earth.

They are specially selected and evolved souls from other planets, star systems, or dimensional frequencies, whose specific mission is to act as a bridge between the Ascended Masters, the Inter-Galactic Confederation of Planets, Angelic Hierarchies and Earthlings, most especially those starseeds living in human bodies who have lost their connection to their own StarSeeded I AM Selves and their divine missions. StarDoves are simply 2 of 144,000 StarSeeds here on Earth with the necessary skills to help assist and catalyze a global shift in consciousness, eventually bringing on the latest Aquarian Golden Age of Love and Light with Freedom and Plenty for ALL.

Because these Missions' of Light are the most difficult of all to perform on fallen backward worlds such as Earth, StarSeeds are hand-picked by the Councils of Light within the Interplanetary Confederation. StarSeeds incarnate into the same conditions of helplessness and total amnesia concerning their identity, origins and purpose and appear just as native earthlings so that they may acclimatize to and empathize with earth conditions and her peoples. Memory and star powers are restored to varying degrees, in different StarSeeds, according to the Mission on Earth they have come to perform. Their connections to their I AM Higher StarSelves are greatly strengthened when the time is right, permitting them to be largely guided by their inner knowing.

As we drive the highways of the Earth in our StarPod mobile (a 33 foot Winnebago) and rub shoulders (merge auras) with humankind daily during our 2006 Goddess Bless America etLIGHT Pilgrimage all up and down the Eastern Seaboard of the USA, and even all East of the Mississippi, especially in big cities; each individual we pass by is a Star Seed potentate. StarSeeds can emanate a radiation of Light that blesses with happiness, joy, gratitude, comfort and peace - so that they have expanded the Light of the entire planet. These homely blessings, the practice of Love in Action and Love of Life, Light and Liberty transforms humankind and an evolution from selfish animal fallen consciousness into Divine Beings of Light. In fact, the InterPlanetary Teachings relate that all of humanity were once Divine kings and queens of Light and will once more become!