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By Edgar J. Steele

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ike to memorialize death in their national holidays (as with Hanukah, which celebrates the slaughter of a great many of our White European ancestors), even when it's their own deaths...provided those deaths never occurred, of course. And then, of course, they like to make everybody else celebrate those holidays, too.

Though we all are expected to observe these holidays even more reverently than do the Jews, we can never become Jewish (it's racial, of course, which they used to admit quite freely). I like to think of the new religion being thrust upon us in place of Christianity as Jewdayism. Yes, it sounds a lot like Judaism, but instead of worshipping ourselves as the Jews do in Judaism, a form of secular humanism (go on, look it up), we adherents of Jewdayism are supposed to worship the Jews, not ourselves.

Don't confuse Jewdayism or Judaism with Judyism, a cult started by the comedian Judy Tenuta, wherein she herself is worshipped by others. I think Tenuta is Jewish, though, so hers might actually be a legitimate branch of Judaism, unless she expects other Jews to worship her, as well. And I'm not sure that she actually worships herself, either. In that case, hers is a branch of Jewdayism, isn't it? Note my evenhandedness: I make no value judgments about any of these religions. Each seems about as valid to me as the others.

I fielded several calls from CNN producers the other day. "Somebody" had given them my name as someone they might want to interview to provide counterpoint to their coverage today, which predictably will gush in support of all things Jewish. They discussed sending out a camera crew to film me being profiled with my commentary. Obviously, the idea was to get a foil to make look foolish...the typical, inarticulate and irrational "hater" to be vilified on camera. I know that always is the media's agenda when its minions approach me, but I am willing to play along, anyway, because I count on being able to hold my own with anybody on politically-incorrect subjects.

One of them asked if I believed in the Holocaust. "Do I believe Jews died or do I believe 6,000,000 Jews were gassed and cremated?" I responded. The latter, she said. "No - that's complete rubbish, as a little logic will demonstrate," I replied. "Here, let me explain."

"Consider why Germany, fighting a war on two fronts, desperate for fuel and materiel of every sort, would bother to load millions of Jews on railroad cars and transport them hundreds, even thousands, of miles to concentration camps. Camps built specifically to house them, where they would be fed, clothed, even tattooed so they could be inventoried...just to kill them."

"Look," I continued, "it doesn't even begin to make sense. If they wanted Jews dead, they would have done it the same way that Russian Jews had been doing it to millions and millions (20 to 80 million, depending upon to whom you talk) of White Christians for the past thirty years at the time: with a bullet to the base of the skull, wherever they might be found."

There was a long pause. I used it to add: "As my buddy Al likes to say, 'In all of German-occupied Europe, there were 2.4 million Jews. After the war, 3.8 million Jews applied for Holocaust reparations. Tragically, the remaining 6 million were lost.'"

More silence. (I imagined her feverishly taking notes.) "Did you know that WWII wasn't the first time that Jews claimed 6,000,000 of their number were eradicated in a genocidal frenzy?" I asked. "No - no, I didn't," came the tentative response. "WWI," I said. "They made the exact, same claim, but they would like us to forget about that now. And that wasn't the first time either. You might ask what is so magic about the 6 million figure - well, it derives from their Talmud, which teaches that their Messiah will not come until 6 million Jews are slaughtered." I resisted the almost-overwhelming urge to point out that Israel's current Jewish population is just about 6 million and then ask if she believed in religious prophecy.

"How do you know this is true?" she asked.

"Well, the Talmud is there for anybody to read. Besides, they keep changing the plaques at Auschwitz. First it was 4 million killed there, said the memorial plaque, which now has been replaced with a plaque that claims 1.5 million. Even so, the 6 million figure never got knocked down by the 2.5 million Auschwitz reduction." (Go here for a particularly illuminating article which puts the final Auschwitz figure at about 140,000, based on documents released following the Soviet collapse.)

More silence, then she asked if I had any other thoughts on Auschwitz. "Where do I begin?" I began.

"Did you know that, when the Russians were about to "liberate" Auschwitz, most of the Jewish prisoners, including Elie Wiesel, famed Nazi hunter, and Otto Frank, Anne Frank's father, elected to move to another camp with their German captors, rather than await the arrival of the Russians? If the Germans were so bad and such rampant killers, why not wait for the Russians? By the way, did you know that the last part of Anne Frank's handwritten diary was done in ball-point pen, which wasn't even invented until after the end of the war?" (Anne Frank died of typhus before war's end.) "Did you know that Otto has paid court-ordered restitution to at least one individual who claimed to have been hired to write the diary?"

"What about all the pictorial evidence?" she asked.

"Mostly faked," I replied. "All those pictures of skinny people and bodies stacked like cordwood were actually of Czechs and Poles and Germans. And they died of Typhus, which was rampant in the camps, not gas chambers. Simon Wiesenthal, whose Southern California museum is supported by taxpayer dollars, has been shown repeatedly to use faked photographs in his exhibits. A great many photographs were faked for the trumped-up Nuremberg trials, for which German confessions were extracted by torture, a notoriously unreliable interrogation technique. Tellingly, several confessions, written out in English, were signed by German officers, though they didn't speak a word of English.

"There's a famous photo of Auschwitz where smoke from alleged crematoria was added by Wiesenthal to "prove" the existence of ovens. Problem is, eventually the original surfaced, with no smoke to be seen. And Allied flyovers never reported any billowing smoke from any of the camps, either."

"Do you have these pictures?" she asked.

"Yep, and documentary proof of everything I say. And, I can put my hands on it in mere minutes, at most."

For example, now you see you don't.

The first photo was downloaded from Wiesenthal's own web page at, though removed, of course, once the original was found in Auschwitz Album 1978 (1st edition, Beate Klarsfeld Foundation, New York, 1978, photo No. 165). No wonder the Jews had to invent a word for that characteristic to which they refer as "chutzpah," a word which simply has no English equivalent.

I went on to point out that there is absolutely no evidence of skinshade lamps, soap rendered from human fat, gas chambers, crematoria or of huge pits of either ash or bodies. More silence. "The sole gas chamber at Auschwitz is acknowledged and now labeled to be a reproduction constructed by the Russians. A phony reproduction, according to camp records."

"Why would they lie about all these things?" asked the CNN producer.

"To engender an ethnocentric feeling of unity among Jews and simultaneously guilt trip all the rest of us into submission. Besides, it's been a huge moneymaker for them. Don't forget the Mossad's motto: 'By Way of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War.'"

More silence. She allowed as how she would be getting back to me to arrange the time for the shoot if they decided to go forward with it. I knew they wouldn't. I wasn't stupid enough. Obviously, I had not been properly Jewdayized.

Mind you, I had only scratched the surface of this monstrous fraud being forced upon us by the Chosen.

So, you won't be seeing me on CNN today. I wonder what poor schmuck (another Yiddish term which simply has no English correlate) will be presented as the "Holocaust Denier" and cut to ribbons in the ambush they have arranged?

However, you can tune in to two different radio programs, both of which are available over the Internet, early next week for extended interviews with me that will go forward.

First, I will be on Rick Stanley's "Standing up for America," Sunday, January 30, starting at 6 pm, PST. Click here for the link. Their listener call-in number is 800-433-1429.

Then, the following day (Monday, January 31) I will be on Barbara Jean Carpenter's "Born on the Fourth of July," a two-hour segment that begins at 11 am, PST, on KTKK's radio station in Salt Lake City. Click here for the link to their web site (click cancel if you get a log-in screen), then on the "Listen Now!" button in the upper right corner of the web page that appears. Their listener call-in number (not toll free, so tell them you're calling long distance) is 801-254-5855. I've been on Barbara Jean's show many times in the past and we always have a great time fielding listener calls.

I've developed some deep pockets of solid supporters in several places, it turns out - Salt Lake City, the western Florida panhandle, Australia (can you believe it?) and many others. One day, I would like to put together a speaking tour to those places where I could expect a good turnout, so that I'd have a chance to meet as many of you as possible, up close and personal, and shake your hands.

Our dissatisfaction with America's current difficulties presents us with a golden opportunity to mend fences with old leftist friends, who feel the same way about our President's foreign policy and who are beginning to smell a rat in that "sh***y little country" called Israel. Why, many Democrats actually are beginning to complain about Dubya's spending profligacy, can you believe it? (This line of thinking will come as a surprise to many new list members, who actually think I am a, just a true patriot like yourselves.) Besides, fellas, it's a great way to meet girls (who are almost all leftist) and get back in touch with leftist humor, which can be outrageous. For example, go here and read "Ishtar II" by David Podvin, which is a riot (pretend that "Kerry in '08" banner isn't there and you'll do just fine). Fact is, there are a great many right-wing morons...way too many these days if you include neocons, the way I see it, so we shouldn't dismiss all leftists out of hand. We're all in this together. Our unifying factor should be true patriotism, regardless of the political ideology we think we profess. At worst, just remember: the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

While I'm plugging the work of others, let me point you to a DVD entitled "Understanding Anti-Semitism - Why Do Some People Dislike Jews?" by up-and-coming videographer Mark Farrell. I finally watched a preview copy he sent around and am very impressed with its sincerity, professionalism, sensitivity and profundity. Go here for a more thoroughgoing review of Farrell's DVD by my friend Dr. Fredrick Toben, head of the Adelaide Institute in Australia. While you are there on The Birdman's web site, you might poke around - you will find some most eclectic and thought-provoking material. I think Farrell is selling his DVD generally, but have not learned its price or where it may be ordered. Write him directly, if you might be interested: Mark Farrell, PO Box 141243, Cincinnati, OH 45250-1243 or e-mail him at

And, still plugging away, I can't resist telling you about "Fragment of the Future," a music CD sent to me by the artists, Prussian Blue, a duet of twin sisters: Lamb and Lynx. Cute as buttons is a phrase that seems wholly inadequate to describe these little charmers whom I had the privilege of meeting and hearing perform in Sacramento last Spring. They are both about 12 years old and play their own instruments in accompaniment to their singing. They actually wrote some of the songs on the album. The first few tracks are tentative and their singing displays their nervousness, but as the album really gets underway, they hit their stride and sound very professional. I can't recommend this CD enough. Call me a fan. Call it a weakness. These girls truly represent the best of us and signify what's at stake in our struggle. If Pokerface is the house band of the Second American Revolution, then Prussian Blue is our inspiration. Go here and buy a copy for about $15.

Finally, I am deeply honored by the current spread in The Barnes Review, which presents the entire unedited text of my speech to the Duke Unity Conference in New Orleans last year, "Together We Can Take Back America." (Also on my web site here.)

New America. An idea whose time has come.


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"I didn't say it would be easy. I just said it would be the truth."

- Morpheus

Copyright ©2005, Edgar J. Steele

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