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Who Rules the World?????? Zionist Media!

From: Cal

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ned Universal Studios and later purchased Interscope Records, the foremost promoter of "gangsta rap," from Warner. Universal and Interscope now belong to Vivendi Universal, which merged with NBC in May 2004, with the parent company now called NBC Universal.

Bronfman became the biggest man in the record business in May 1998 when he also acquired control of PolyGram, the European record giant, by paying $10.6 billion to the Dutch electronics manufacturer Philips.

In June 2000, the Bronfman family traded Seagram to Vivendi for stock in Vivendi, and Edgar, Jr. became vice chairman of Vivendi. Vivendi was originally a French utilities company, and was then led by Gentile Jean-Marie Messier. A board of directors faction led by Bronfman forced Messier to resign in July 2002.

Vivendi also acquired bisexual Jew Barry Diller's USA Networks in 2002. (Diller is the owner of InterActive Corporation, which owns Expedia, Ticketmaster, The Home Shopping Network, Lending Tree,, CitySearch, Evite,, and other Internet businesses.) Vivendi combined the USA Network, Universal Studios, Universal Television, and theme parks into Vivendi Universal Entertainment (VUE).

After the Vivendi-NBC merger, Bronfman used his considerable personal profits to strike out on his own, and recently purchased Warner Music from Jewish-dominated Time Warner. The current chairman of NBC Universal is a Gentile often associated with Jewish causes, long-time NBC employee Bob Wright. Ron Meyer, a Jew, is president and chief operating officer of Universal Studios. Stacey Snider, also Jewish, is the chairman of Universal Pictures. The president of NBC Universal Television Group is Jeff Zucker, another Jew.

With two of the top four media conglomerates in the hands of Jews (Disney and Viacom), with Jewish executives running the media operations of NBC Universal, and with Jews filling a large proportion of the executive jobs at Time Warner, it is unlikely that such an overwhelming degree of control came about without a deliberate, concerted effort on the Jews' part.

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June 28, 2007

12 Tammuz, 5767

Jewish leaders meet with PM Martin

OTTAWA — In the wake of last month’s spate of anti-Semitic attacks in and around Toronto, senior Jewish leaders from several organizations came together in a show of solidarity for a meeting March 29 with Prime Minister Paul Martin. From left, Canadian Council for Israel and Jewish Advocacy (CIJA) co-chair Brent Belzberg, CIJA co-chair Steven Cummings, Prime Minister Paul Martin, Canadian Jewish Congress president Keith Landy, CJC government relations director Eric Vernonand and CIJA CEO Hershell Ezrin met in Ottawa March 29.

Joining the prime minister were Justice Minister Irwin Cotler, Minister of International Trade Jim Peterson and Elinor Caplan, member of Parliament for Thornhill. Groups represented were Canadian Jewish Congress, the Canadian Council for Israel and Jewish Advocacy (CIJA), UIA Federations Canada, the federations of Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa, Friends of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre and B’nai Brith Canada. “We came together as a unified delegation to convey to the prime minister the apprehension and concern in the community following these despicable acts,” said CJC national president Keith Landy. “We wanted to thank him and the senior members of his caucus who loudly and publicly condemned the recent incidents and to encourage such open denunciations as a template for responding to future acts of anti-Semitism and any manifestations of hatred.” Said CIJA co-chair Brent Belzberg: “We wanted to reinforce for the prime minister the notion that the resurgence of

contemporary anti-Semitism is a global phenomenon that transcends borders. “We appreciated [his] undertaking to enhance Canada’s leadership role in the international campaign against anti-Semitism, both in the context of multilateral forums and Canada’s bilateral foreign relations.” Acting CJC national executive director Manuel Prutschi urged Martin to stay the course in Canada’s campaign against international terrorism both at home and abroad.

“We conveyed the community’s concern that terrorism is, and will continue to be, a real threat to national security,” said Prutschi. “We encouraged the government to make the case to Canadians that counter-terrorism measures remain necessary in a world where no country is immune to terrorist attacks.” CIJA co-chair Steven Cummings said the delegation “also sensitized [Martin] to the profound physical, psychological and financial impact of the heavy security burden the community is bearing and that this very need constituted an infringement on our rights as Canadians.” Cummings said Martin “gave a very sympathetic hearing to the human side of the various security measures the community is forced to undertake at our schools, synagogues and other communal institutions… we asked the prime minister to consider what the government could do to assist us in this process.” The delegation also engaged Martin in a discussion of racism and discrimination in Canada and the need to maintain civil discourse.

“We agreed that it would be advantageous for the government to explore its role in promoting core Canadian values, such as respect for diversity and pluralism, to help maintain civility and act as an antidote to expressions of hate irrespective of the source or the target,” said CIJA’s chief executive officer Hershell Ezrin. Other members of the delegation included UIA Federations Canada president Shoel Silver; chair of UJA Federation of Greater Toronto, Leslie Gales; president of Montreal’s FEDERATION CJA, Sylvain Abitbol; president of the Ottawa Jewish Community Council, Arnon Vered; CJC director of government relations Eric Vernon; B’nai Brith Canada national president Rochelle Wilner; B’nai Brith Canada executive vice-president Frank Dimant; B’nai Brith Canada director of communications Joseph Ben-Ami; and director of national affairs of the Friends of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Leo Adler.