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Ernst Zundel Wins Appeal In The Sixth Circuit Court

By Ingrid Rimland

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ourt to be unraveled and set right!

The first sentence reads, "Although the precise nature of the events that resulted in Ernst Zundel's deportation to Canada casts more shadows than light on this appeal, several initial facts are clear."

The judge then outlines in broad strokes the illegalities that were permitted in this "deportation" and cites the reasons why this case calls for another look as to exactly what happened - and why.

Last night, I talked at length to Joseph McGinnes, one of our attorneys with considerable experience with appeals, and he explained to me that this Opinion document will now be followed up "within ten days or so" with specific instructions as to what needs to be done to grant us justice and get to the bottom of this judicial mess that cost us so much heartache, nerves, and money.

There are dimensions to this important ruling I can't discuss at this point. It means, however, that now we can begin Discovery - a process where we can ask questions and demand documents on court directives that are going to expose the depth of deceit and political interference of this "deportation," - that was, in fact, a well-coordinated political kidnapping that made Ernst Zundel one of the world's most prominent POWs in this newest, modern "War on Terror."

That's it for now - except that, to my knowledge, no case has such potential that I know of to reveal to the world how political "renditions" are done for the convenience of America's enemies to sideline and neutralize dissident voices.

Stay tuned!

Ingrid Rimland Zundel, Ed.D.
