Kaminski: The invention of madmen
John Kaminski
The invention of madmen and the makingof the new population
By John Kaminski
New standards of behavior will be required to participate in the new electronic society that will squeeze all those who think improperly into oblivion.
Central to this death sentence for much of humanity is the revised Jewish history of the world which tells you little about what actually happened but outfits you with the proper information about why you should be happy to live your life for the respected leaders of your beloved country, a platitude which everyone is forced to accept but no one believes.
The stupid neither forgive nor forget;the naive forgive and forget;the wise forgive but do not forget.
— Thomas Szasz
To put it bluntly — you are not making your own choices. They are put into your head electronically and you don’t realize it. Principally by TV, now moreso from the Internet. Because we have all accepted the opinions of experts, there has been a tremendous shrinkage in what people can understand. They teach that vaccines and homosexuality are good for you; guns and freedom of speech are bad. People definitely cannot fend for themselves, and the forces that drive them toward their infantile ineptitude are anything but altruistic.RM
Through their control of complex technological devices, humans think they are smarter than they have ever been, but the opposite is true. All knowledge is now parked in an electronic box and all questions are answered by a worldwide data base, but how will you survive if suddenly the box doesn’t work? Short answer? You won’t.
No one can survive anymore without their technological devices, so should there be long lasting power outages, suicides will skyrocket.
You thought quitting smoking was hard. Wait til you try ditching your phone. Or worse — when they take it from you. As it already is in China, one day soon that will be your death sentence.
There is no more egalitarian democratically elected Congress; there are now only disguised CIA agents and other Jews masquerading as ordinary Americans but really working for the demented bankers who control the world and determine who winds up in which offices — and who winds up dead.
Most truly relevant information about our history has been twisted into fairy tales that benefit the very rich, the manipulators of society, and cover up the crimes they have committed. Only their prescribed programming has gotten through; the real information has either been warped, hidden or locked away in the basements of the Vatican and the Smithsonian.
People who have tried to tell the truth have been excluded from most mainstream versions of history, and their works have been assiduously erased. Many of these truthtellers have been murdered. In fact this is a regular and common occurrence among bankers, microbiologists, oncology doctors and those who try to tell the public about their government’s criminal activity.
This process happening today is not unlike the early Christian church viciously wiping out all other religions to control the way people thought, and claiming for itself ownership of the whole world during those memorable times Christians created after the fall of Rome that is now known as the Dark Ages.
And this rancid push by Democrats to open the borders and ruin America’s systems is a carbon copy of what the Republicans did at the close of the War Between the States when they registered all the blacks they supposedly freed from Confederate tyranny into the Republican party.
Today it’s Amazon, Google and Facebook eliminating all material the Jews don’t like as a way of controlling the minds of all the people in the world who, but for the Jews, would be healthy, happy and prosperous.
Instead we have a Jewish controlled police state staging fake acts of terror and real murders when necessary to convince the populace the guiding wisdom of their SWAT teams will rid us of all those trying to undermine their rancid Deep State version of paradise.
Inventing new people
Most rational people realize there are only two genders. Most rational people like it that way. Languages throughout history have verified this classification by attaching masculine and feminine suffixes to most nouns.
How new personality types are invented and then authenticated by false processes and fake professionals are what has legalized homosexuality as healthy behavior — which it is not! — and what has devastated the white birth rate.
This is precisely why our artificial reality isn’t real
But the really bad news for the human future is LGBT being accepted as normal behavior rather than the behavioral illness it genuinely is,
as proven by the absence of homosexuality in almost all other species.
For one thing, this disgusting development guarantees that the church is really dead, an ugly fact which is emphasized by the acceptance by many Christian denominations of homosexuality, which by all objective measurements a perversion of normal healthy behavior and has been regarded as such for many centuries.
And then there is “the church” itself, which has abjectly failed in its mission to bring morality to the world. Instead it has only brought sectarian slaughter, priestly bestiality and systemic corruption.
The acronym from hell
They’re calling it an initialism. Don’t try to pronounce it.
(lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, transsexual,
queer, questioning, intersex,
asexual, ally, pansexual)
Some say the final P stands for pedophilia. Nothing yet about interspecies sex, but I’m sure they’re out there somewhere.
Psychiatric professionals prefer this system because it greatly expands their profitable area of imaginary expertise. That psychotherapy essentially puts you under the control of a Jewish psychiatrist is something scrupulously to be avoided.
The false construction of people’s personalities benefits the controllers of our society, which is seldom a good thing (you only need to look at the 20th century Chinese history and the erasure of individual personalities).
The concept of freedom has never won any of the great historical arguments, and it is certainly not winning now, with all the news on TV fake and all the politicians plastic, and bought by the worldwide Jewish money machine.
Perhaps the goal of the Frankfurt School was to eliminate all authentic human beings from the planet, a goal which may well have already been accomplished.
Because of the Jews’ overwhelming control of worldwide media, the populations of most countries are blind to their own actual histories.
So you wonder what they’re shaping us into?
Just look at the streets of Seattle, San Francisco, and Los Angeles if you wish to observe what the American philosophy has produced thus far.
The maverick psychologist Thomas Szasz identified the process of creating artificial personalities in his landmark book The Myth of Mental Illness (1961), which Google describes as “the landmark book that argued that psychiatry consistently expands its definition of mental illness to impose its authority over moral and cultural conflict.”
The Psychiatric Authentication of Impersonated Roles as Genuine
Is the Left now made up newly created personality types, created for the purpose of maximizing their afflictions to make them eager to join tasks somewhere beyond the level of legal that conform to the new standards of behavior that will be required to participate in the new electronic society which will squeeze all those who think improperly into oblivion.
Thomas Szasz wrote:
. . . . in all cases of so-called mental illness—psychiatrists actually confirm the patient's self-definition as ill and so help to shape his illness. This psychiatric authentication and legitimization of the sick role for those who claim to be ill, or about whom others make such claims, has the most profound implications for the whole field of psychiatry, and beyond it, for all of society.
When physicians and psychiatrists began to treat those who impersonated the sick role as genuinely ill patients, they acted much as an audience would if it treated Raymond Massey or Ralph Bellamy as Presidents of the United States. (Massey and Bellamy were famous actors of the 1940s who both played U.S. presidents on film.)
This sort of feedback to the actor means not only that he can no longer rely on his audience for a corrective definition of reality and his own identity in it, but also that, because of the audience's response, he must doubt his own perceptions about who he really is.
In this way, he is encouraged to acquiesce in the role which in part he wants to play, and which his audience wants him to play. While actors are sophisticated about the risks of typecasting, persons playing on the metaphorical stage of real life are usually quite unsuspecting of this danger.
Hence, few persons who launch themselves on a career of impersonating the sick role reckon with the danger of being authenticated in this role by their families and by the medical profession. On the contrary, they usually expect that their impersonated roles will be opposed or rejected by their audience.
They pretended to be sick, but were shocked when doctors agreed with them.
Just as swindlers expect skepticism and opposition from their intended victims, so malingerers have traditionally expected skepticism and opposition from physicians.
However, as on the stage so also in real life, an audience's resistance to an actor's impersonated role is strongest when the play is first put on stage. After a run of initial performances, the actor is either accepted in his role— and the play goes on for a longer run; or he is rejected in it — and the play closes down. Moreover, the longer the actor plays his role, the less will his critics and audience scrutinize his performance: he is now "in."
This is a familiar process in many phases of life. For example, if a student does well early in his courses and becomes defined as a good student, his teachers will scrutinize his subsequent performance much less closely-than they will that of a bad student. In the same way, actors, athletes, financiers, and others of proven ability tend to be much more immune to criticism than those who are not yet so accepted.
The distinction between genuine and impersonated roles may be described in still another way, by making use of the concepts of instrumental and institutional groups and the criteria for membership in them." Instrumental groups are based on shared skills. Membership in them, say in a Davis Cup team, implies that the person possesses a special skill. We consider this role genuine because such a person really knows how to play tennis. Institutional groups, on the other hand, are based on kinship, status, and other nonfunctional criteria.
Membership in a family, say in a royal family, is an example. When the king dies, the crown prince becomes the new king. This transformation from nonking to king requires no new knowledge or skills; it requires only being the son of a dead king.
Impersonation may be summed up in one sentence; it is a strategy of behavior based on the model of hereditary monarchies. Implicit in this strategy is a deep-seated belief that instrumental skills are unimportant. All that is needed to succeed in the game of life is to "play a role" and gain social approval for it. Parents often hold up this model for their children to follow. When they do follow it, they soon end up with an empty life.
When the child or young adult then tries to fill the void, his efforts to do so are often labeled as some form of "mental illness." However, being mentally ill or psychotic—or killing someone else or himself—may be the only games left for such a person to play.
Excerpted from The Myth of Mental Illness, pp. 244-245
Simple answers
This is who we’re dealing with — fake people, whose contrived identities are verified by warped psychological professionals. From this regrettable point, there is no way back to either healthy behavior or common sense.
And as the shadow of a world overrun by the Third World is expanded by smug billionaires and its inhabitants are kept in happy places with drugs and food, as Huxley predicted, humans’ world society careens toward its doom.
You have to be mad to think that the U.S. is a force for good in the world. As the human species is rapidly being put to sleep by those who can create money out of nothing, the future is making us all numb to the truth of our situation being manipulated slaves of the Jews.
John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.