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Marcus Coicero

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If you don’t already, I suggest you study the Jewish Press – the ones based in Israel – in order to get a full understanding of what they routinely plan in respect to the Stupid Goyim.

You’ll usually see them admitting things that would never make it into the American media, and if you’re not up on the Jewish Problem, their rantings can be quite enlightening, indeed.

Like this little piece for example, which conclusively proves once and for all that Donald Trump is no longer a trustworthy asset for White America, but is instead at the mercy of his Jew advisers beyond any chance at redemption/salvation.

From Jewish Daily Forward:

Among many moves aimed at reversing his predecessor’s policies, President Trump recently decided not to make public the White House visitors logs. Had they been open, the lists would reveal the profound change 100 days of a Trump administration had brought about to the Jewish community’s power structure.

“The atmosphere has changed, at least for us. There’s a sense of familiarity and greater receptivity and that makes a better atmosphere,” said Abba Cohen, vice president for federal affairs at Agudath Israel of America, a group representing the ultra-Orthodox stream.

Liberal-leaning Jewish activists, once the backbone of communal advocacy, had been pushed aside in favor of a new elite made up of activists who are more conservative in their politics and more Orthodox in their religious practice. The new leaders representing American Jewish interests in the White House are keen to shape policy on education and religious expression and to ensure a pro-Israel stance more in line with the Netanyahu government.

But there’s also the personal aspect. With the center of gravity moving from Washington, D.C. and New York’s Upper West Side to New Jersey and Long Island’s modern Orthodox enclaves, a new power structure is emerging, one that was forged in the pews of Teaneck synagogues and at New York religious school fundraisers.

No one knows this better than Ben Chouake, a New Jersey physician who heads NORPAC, America’s largest pro-Israel PAC. Greenblatt and Friedman were on his board, and he even used to meet the Kushners at weddings and family events. “I have a lot more comfort with this administration,” Chouake said. In part, he says, it’s because he shares background and beliefs with some of Trump’s senior staffers. “This administration is much, much more congenial to U.S.-Israel relations,” he added.

The Zionist Organization of America, which was largely ignored by the Obama White House, is also seeing its star rise under the new administration. It was the first to score a meeting with a member of the Trump team after the election. President Mort Klein met in New York with an aide, Anthony Scaramucci. He left the White House shortly after.

The Orthodox Union raised its profile by lobbying in support of David Friedman’s confirmation. Chabad welcomed Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump to Washington, and Sheldon Adelson, one of Trump’s top donors, who is not Orthodox, was already invited to a private dinner with the President at the White House. Groups Adelson supports, including the Republican Jewish Coalition and Christians United for Israel, also got their share of face time with Trump in the first 100 days of his presidency.

But let’s just remember that Trump was just one step along the road of Nationalism.

His Movement was truly real, and we need to take that into account in the coming months – we shall grow stronger once the millions of Trump supporters realize that they’ve been conned and tricked in a manner that is almost legendary in its scope.

That is our mission for the immediate future – convert the masses and solidify into a cohesive group that will be able to make the corridors of power in Washington tremble.