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The root cause of all evil on Planet Earth is the Babylonian Talmudic Cabal


Esteemed Veterans Today author Jonas Alexis has laid out the secret evil agenda of the Babylonian Talmudists in his articles better than anyone else anywhere on the Internet. 

His latest article on the Babylonian Kabbalah has defined this secret Globalist NWO agenda that is hidden in plain sight extremely well.

The Babylonian Talmudists’ Globalist NWO agenda has been seriously stressing our lives in almost every way possible.

This Ruling Cabal that hijacked America is working hard to asset strip us of all our wealth and to destroy our Republic and Balkanize it and take into a continuing stream of wars for their personal profits.

The more one studies what the Babylonian Talmud and its Kabbalah actually teach, the more one becomes convinced that its secret teachings advocate the destruction of the natural societal order, America itself and eventually the whole world. 

The Babylonian Talmudic Cabal’s final goal is to create Hell on Earth. So far they have been pretty successful doing this in many nations of the world they have brought major war to, especially in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. And they have done a bang up job mass-murdering lots of innocent Syrian women and children.

The Babylonian Talmudic Cabal BTC (also known as the Khazarian Mafia KM) specializes in the Black Arts of the Darkside. This includes trauma-based mind-kontrol and “soul-murder”, covert assassinations of enemies of the BTC often unrecognized as such, and numerous evil human compromise operations often involving serving up young children to demented politicians and officials as blackmail bait.

The Babylonian Talmudic Cabal (BTC) basically runs the world by creating and lending Fiat, fake money at pernicious usury, and buying up, bribing and human compromising almost every single elected and appointed official and large corporate Directors. When you can create all the money you want and need, it is quite easy to gain control over almost every single government.

Once you’ve got control you can direct the society in the direction you want to produce massive drug addictions, out of control crime, major societal breakdown and war, all of which produces massive death, suffering and destruction which is the true secret goal of the Babylonian Talmudic Cabal (BTC).

Those at the very top of the BTC run most of the world through its three key interlocked private nation-states (the City of London Financial District COL, Washington DC, and the Vatican). This system is being used to attain a specific Globalist NWO Agenda for the BTC and it is all based on creating death, mass-death, massive bloodletting and horrific human suffering, all done to provide negative energy to their god Satan and the Darkside.

The BTC is so evil that it is unfathomable to most folks who even if told just cannot fit this sinister reality into their heads. It is this lack of knowledge about who really runs the world and who they serve and the unmatched pure evil they do, that prevents the masses from rising up and repeating the purge of the French Revolution all over the world.

If the masses truly understood what this small number of incredibly evil soulless perps were actually doing they would rise up in mass and hunt them down like rabid animals.

So far the Internet is doing a pretty good job informing some the masses of this, but the process is slow and the majority of the populace will not believe the truth of all this unless it is “christened” and announced repeatedly on the evening Network world news. This is not a likely prospect, because the nightly news is delivered by a CIA-created six part News Cartel that is functioning as an illegal monopoly, which must be broken up into a thousand pieces.

Through their secret three-part government, the BTC is working hard to implement an age-old, intergenerational, secret satanic Agenda to create Hell on Earth and reduce the population by 90% in the first round of major destruction. Then they plan to replace humans with their own gene-spliced derivative that is combined with A.I. and mechanical bodies (e.g. a transhumanist agenda to combine “clay and Iron”). They had been well on their way until the advent of the Internet, the New Gutenberg Press, out of which a strong populist uprising is rapidly emerging — a great and unexpected concern of the BTC.

Through their three separate secret nation-states, the BTC runs most of world.

The Vatican is the BTC’s secret spiritual head; the COL is the BTC’s secret financial head; and DC is the BTC’s secret military and acquisition arm.

This planned destruction is projected to include a 90% reduction of the world’s population by numerous sophisticated means, including the hard-kill of war and engineered crime and various types of soft-kill, including engineered toxic GMO food, toxic additives in vaccinations, fluoride in the water and various toxic chemicals sprayed in the skies.

Advanced psychotronics can easily be weaponized by changing the specific frequencies and wave forms, and then used to create mass cancer and various illnesses, including instant death for many.

The BTC’s Globalist NWO Agenda of pure evil of course includes the destruction of natural human institutions such as the family, sex roles, basic right and wrong morality, all substituted for political correctness, diversity, “relative morality”, all kinds of strange unnatural new sex roles (the USG has now constructed a list of over fifty transsexual and intersexual roles acceptable for children and adults who have become confused).

There has been a strong movement in the public schools and certain businesses to construct special transsexual lavatories by filing lawsuits against public school systems. The unexpected victory of Donald Trump due to an explosive emergence of massive populism has suddenly brought much of this program to create massive sex role confusion to a screeching halt.

The BTC specializes in dirtying up what they view as “dumb Goyim” by proliferating pornography, drugs, crime and perversions of every variety. This is their stock and trade. Continual streaming of murder on TV dramas assault the human soul and serve to mind-kontrol the weak and suggestible that become prone to crime, violence and deviance.

Who specifically are the folks that comprise the BTC. John Coleman (formerly MI-6) claimed that there were 300 families that ran the world. Some insiders who have left the BTC System have claimed it was an age old secret Satanic collection of a small number of families who date all the way back to ancient Babylonia. Others claim it is the “Old Black Nobility” families than secretly run the Vatican.