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Origin And Meaning Of The Words "Semite" And "Anti-Semite"

Rocky Montana

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Rocky Montana
Jan. 6, 2011;  update  Dec. 26, 2016 

It is important for ones who either use the word or live in fear of the word "Anti-Semite", to understand the truth (origin) of this word so that they and all who chose to, can at last, come out of the evil spell of this word cast upon humanity for so long.

The Hebrew Scriptures (the Old Testament) refers to three tribes of people, which have come to be known as three races. (Note: These were the only three "known" races at the time for there were peoples in other parts of the world, such as the Natives of the Americas, Australia and other countries, the oriental people of Asia, the people of India, etc, illustrating that the Hebrew Scriptures are missing quite a lot of facts regarding human history.)  Noah and his wife were light-skinned (white) people as was Noah's ancestors, therefore his offspring was white.  Noah had three sons, Japath, Noah's first born, Ham his second born and Shem his third born.  These three sons became the patriarchs of three tribes of people, Japathites, Hamites, and Shemites.  Shem's people did not mix with the Japathites or Hamites, thus the start of a white race or people.  Ham married a dark-skinned woman which developed into a black race of people.  Japath allowed intermarriage with brown and golden-skinned people which developed into a golden and brown-skinned people.  Thus, the beginning of three different colored tribes from the lineage of Noah.  Today, through intermarriage over thousands of years, color distinctions between races have become blurred.

In the first millennium A.D., the Japathites renamed themselves "Khazars" and later joined forces with the Pharisees, and took Talmudic Pharisaic religion (a false religion that overrode Judaism for evil intent by the Pharisees) as their state religion.  Thus, you can see that at that time the Talmudic Pharisaic religion was used for the conquest of their believers or subjects and of other peoples.  One has only to read the Talmud to prove the verity of this statement.  (Evil is defined as anyone who, or anything that, leads one away from living ones life in Godliness or Christness.)  The origin of the racial slur "anti-Semite" was conjured by the leaders of the Khazar-Pharisaic people who call themselves "Jews" and who are the "false Jews".  Remember Revelation 3:9:

 "Behold, I give of the synagogue of Satan, of them that say they are Jews, and they are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."

These false Jews use this racial slur to attempt to deflect or foil criticism from ones who dare to shine the light of truth onto their evil words, actions and plans for World domination.  The word "anti-Semite" is derived from the word "Shemite" (the tribe of "Shem").  They changed the name "Shemite" to the word "Semite", which is the cause of much of the confusion today.  For instance; if one said to you, "Shemite" instead of "Semite", you

would know exactly who he was referring to, the tribe of Shem.  Thus, no more confusion. In the second millennium A.D., (late 1700's) the leaders of the Khazars/Pharisees changed the word "Judean" to the word "Jew" and revised all available texts, then and since, replacing the word "Judean" with their conjured word, "Jew".  This has also been the cause of great confusion.  For instance: if one said to you, "Judean" instead of "Jew", you would know exactly whom he was talking about.  Thus, no more confusion.  So now, the Khazars/Pharisees call themselves "Jews".

Later, a division of Jews became defined. Descendants of the original Judeans and Galileans who were raised in the Judaist religion and who preferred to follow the original Torah instead of the Talmud, wisely renamed themselves "Sephardic Jews" in order to separate themselves from these "false Jews" (Khazar/Pharisees) and their evil and satanic way of life.  The leaders of the false Jews" (Khazar/Pharisees) renamed themselves "Ashkenazi Jews", but they are still Khazar/Pharisees or Rabbis.  They can change their name as many times as they wish, but they cannot hide under these conjured names as they have not changed their evil ways.  They are still Khazar/Pharisees, the false Jews. Interesting to note, the majority of the people living in Israel today are Ashkenazi Jews, mostly from Eastern Europe and Russia.  These ones are the descendants of the Khazars.

In the early 1900's (1908) the leaders of the Khazar/Pharisees, including Baron Rothschild as well as ones within the British government, created a new political party and called it the "Zionist" political party.  So then, they, went by the names "Zionist", in addition to "Zionist Jew", "Ashkenazi Jew" and "Jew".

In 1948 the Khazar/Pharisees (Zionists-Jews) seized the land of Palestine by deception and force.  They confounded the Christian world further by changing the word "israel" (of the Christian Bible) to "Israel" and renaming the newly conquered lands of Palestine, "Israel" and falsely called themselves "God's Chosen People". The Khazar/Pharisees or Zionist Jews (false Jews) are the biggest criers of anti-Semitism.  They were never Shemites or Semites (descendents of the tribe of Shem).  They were originally from the tribe of Japath.  Therefore, anyone calling the Semites (the light-skinned race) "anti-Semite" is a ridiculous lie and oxymoron. It is like calling them "anti-light skinned", which is untrue.  It, therefore, has become more of a "racial slur" against light-skinned people, not golden or brown-skinned people, which

Khazar/Pharisees and Judeans originally were, and many still are. This makes their crying, "anti-Semite" an idiotic, nonsensical and meaningless accusation.  It is one of the biggest lies that has ever been foisted onto mankind and has contributed heavily to the chaos we are now experiencing in the geopolitical world.

From their beginning, the Khazar/Pharisees who refer to themselves "Zionists", "Jews", Zionist-Jews, etc. have turned truth up-side-down, into the lie in order to deceive and gain control over their fellow man, until today, they have gained control over nearly every government in the world.  You have witnessed this in action within our own government.  The truth is usually the opposite of any statement the government tells you.  Our government has much to hide from us.  The people who are in control of our government are the adversary to mankind and are the "anti-Christ" people written about in the Christian Bible.  They are anti-Christ because they are anti-Truth and anti-God in their thoughts, their words, their actions and their intent.  They are masters of lies and deceit, have no truth in them, have no respect for human life, and live their lives in deception in order to gain advantage over their fellow man.  Their god is money and power.  They, then, effort to make everyone else live according to their lies and deception, while gaining wealth and power over them.  Mankind must stop giving its power over to this anti-Christ "people of the lie", the adversary of mankind.  We must stop being fooled and intimidated by the word "anti-Semite.  It is a lie, and h-u-man (higher universal man) is above buying into the Dark agenda of the adversary's lies.  Take back your God-power by following the Christed path of Truth and the Word of God, and come out of the anti-Christ's lies once and for all.

In conclusion: The color of one's skin tone is simply the expression of life in a different color format and culture.  The only thing that matters is whether one efforts to live his life in truth, according to the Laws of God and The Creation, or he does not. And it matters not what ones call God; there are thousands of names for the Creator.  Living by the truth is the pathway to living the Christed state of being and toward the perfection of God, the Father, Aton, Mother/Father, Creator, the Great Spirit, the One Source, Wakan Tanka, the Universal Source, Universal Mind, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, The Beginning and the End, etc.
