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A.W. Mann

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Nov. 8, 2016

I’d like to say first of all that I wish it wasn’t necessary to write something like this, but Obama has re-ignited the Race issue and brought it to the foreground.  So, my goal is to help resolve some misunderstandings, suspicions, and hard feelings.


First, as anyone educated knows, the “All men are created equal” mantra is a myth, and no matter how much we believe in it, it won’t change natural law.  Racial equality is not the same thing as equality before the law.  Our founding fathers did not proclaim this statement like it was an absolute law of nature or nationhood.  In fact, most people don’t realize or want to understand what our forefathers actually meant.   Our founders believed that it was so self-evident in their day that they omitted the word “White” before “men” in this phrase, but they did not mean to imply that they believed that all White men were equal intellectually.  I have personally been to the Smithsonian and other places in Wash. D.C. and viewed the Constitution under glass, and I noticed that the word “White” was crossed out but left in the document, so it is obvious what our founders meant but felt it was redundant to include the word “White.”


Senator John Calhoun’s speech, “The Government of the White Man,” in 1848 before the Senate will also confirm what the founders meant.  It should be noted that these statements were understood at that time as fact, not out of hatred for nonwhites or a desire to enslave or exploit them.  Also, they had a higher purpose in founding a new nation than just for the sake of making money or exploiting the nonwhite world.


While scientific studies have been done on I.Q., proving that all peoples are not equal in intelligence, I do not wish to debate that issue here.  All we need to know is that Whites on the average are intelligent enough to run their own lives and control their own destiny.  One true test of intelligence is the ability to think in the abstract, and that capability is important in White culture.  Note the following dictionary definition:


Culture – “The training or refining of the moral and intellectual faculties; refinement in manners, taste, thought; the total pattern of human behavior and its products embodied in thought, speech, action, and artifacts and dependent upon man’s capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations through the use of tools, language, and systems of abstract thought.”


One of the pieces of evidence that reveal those who lack the ability to think in the abstract is the desire to worship idols which they can see and feel.  They need a subjective God, a personal god with human form, human emotions, etc., because their image of God is determined by their senses. This is one of the distinctions between Protestantism and Catholicism, which is why Catholicism appeals more to primitive peoples than Protestantism.  In relation to this, note the following definitions:


Sense perception – “perception by the senses as distinguished from intellectual perception.”


Sensism – “the philosophic doctrine that sense perceptions furnish the sole data of knowledge.”


Sensual – “of, relating to, or affecting the sense organs or senses; relating to or consisting in the gratification of the senses or the indulgence of appetite:  CARNAL, FLESHLY; deficient in moral, spiritual, or intellectual interests; materialistic.”


Here is the proof of the link between culture and religion of the senses and materialism.  So let us look at the definition of materialism:


“a doctrine, theory, or principle according to which physical matter is the only reality and the reality through which all being and processes and phenomena can be explained; a doctrine, theory, or principle according to which the only or the highest values or objectives of living lie in material well-being and pleasure and in the furtherance of material progress; a preoccupation with or tendency to seek after or stress material things rather than intellectual or spiritual things.”


It is quite common to hear preachers denounce materialism in America today, and yet how many of them note the link between materialism and living by the senses?


Biometric Readings


In his book The Awesome Life Force, Joseph Cater tells us about a distinguished physicist named Oscar Brunler who devised a method to obtain “biometric (mental) readings” and was able to discover that the average intelligence of primitive people is 200 degrees.  The average of Europeans and Americans (in the 1920s) was 250 degrees.  Most college professors fell in the 360 – 400 degree range, but their thinking was usually restricted to “narrow channels as prescribed by authority and textbooks.”  Top scientists were around 500 degrees.  One had to be far above 500 degrees, however, to be willing to defy academic authority and work outside of orthodoxy.


Brunler determined that only one out of 100,000 people is over 480 degrees.  Those below 280 degrees were incapable of abstract thought (about 75 percent of the population).  Brunler only measured one person who was at the genius level of 660 degrees – C. V. Raman, undoubtedly the best mind to ever win the Nobel prize.  In no way was he bound by orthodoxy.  The second highest reading that he made (from manuscripts, paintings and sculptures) was Leonardo Da Vinci at 725 degrees.  Brunler’s highest reading was from Jesus from the shroud of Turin (1050 degrees).  Since a biometric reading could only be taken from cloth in which a live body produced an image, it indicated that Jesus must have come back to life after being taken down from the cross.


Brunler discovered that most people (280 degrees and below) “are wholly dependent upon authority and convention and are easily swayed.  The finer aspects of great art, music, and philosophy escape them completely” (p.409).  People in the 360 – 400 degree range are able to think abstractly but tend to ignore or stifle their intuition.  “Since those in the professorial level are not original thinkers, it follows that they are inflexible” (p.410).


“Brunler . . . found that all those above 575 degrees . . . usually have altruistic tendencies.  This means that all malefactors, criminals, etc. are below 575 degrees.  This would take in practically all politicians past or present.  It follows that those involved with the so-called forces of darkness are also below 575 degrees. . . Therefore, the forces of light are always more powerful and intelligent than the forces of darkness” (p.412).  These are the kind of people that should be allowed to govern and set the standards of our culture – not those with the basest motives and instincts.  If people wish to live on a low plane, they should move out of our country and live among people who feel the same way.  The United States was not founded to be a “melting pot” of criminals and human refuse.  So, while this may seem to be a racist statement, nonwhites have nothing to fear from “White Supremacy” (those with high biometric readings) as opposed to “Jewish Supremacy” (those of the forces of darkness who worship Mammon).  As we can see, there is a connection between intellect and spirituality.


While all Whites are not equal intellectually or even spiritually, it has been proven by Brunler and others that Whites are on the average higher on the intellectual scale than nonwhites, and therefore they should be allowed to govern the nations which they founded for themselves without being hobbled and tripped up by guilt or by policies such as Affirmative Action.  Those with the highest intelligence should be supported and encouraged, not shunned, ostracized, criminalized, and forced into poverty by unemployment.  The Whites who founded this nation had very high goals and moral standards and wanted to found a nation that was better than the selfish, tyrannical monarchies in England and Europe.  Their goal of limited government and freedom from a State religion had never been tried before.   However, there were “tares” in the American colonies who did not want to break away from England and the status quo in which Mammon and Titles of Nobility meant everything.


White Privilege


While our founding fathers failed to achieve all their goals, do we today have the right to criticize them when we are so divided that we can’t agree on anything?  It seems to be very easy to see the “speck” or “twig” in our founding fathers’ eyes but ignore the “log” in our own eyes.  Instead of looking at the positive side and counting our blessings, we look at the negative and act as judges when most people today are of lesser intellect than our founders and could therefore do no better.  All most nonwhites seem to want to do today is destroy what we have without any plan or thought about what they want to replace it with, except possibly a Communist dictatorship.   Those with lesser intelligence seem to think that destruction for its own sake is a constructive force, and yet what might have taken many years to build can be destroyed in a matter of minutes or seconds.  How then does destructive power become better or superior to constructive power?  The same can be said regarding life.  A city of people or a forest of trees can be destroyed by a bomb in seconds – even though the time for life and growth may have taken centuries.  Shall we then worship death and destruction as superior forces?  Somehow I think that the values of the lesser intelligent among us are screwed up.  Why do people want to die instead of live?  Why is dissolution honored over creativity?


Because of greed, envy, and/or ignorance, nonwhites on average choose material things (money, body comforts, body values) for themselves instead of Mind-Intellectual-Spiritual values.  Affirmative Action on its face seemed like a good idea to them, and besides, it was satisfying to have the power to be able to punish all Whites for perceived historical inequities and injustices, even though our founding fathers weren’t obligated to create a nation for everyone in the world who wanted to come here.  By denying Whites jobs, the intellectual and spiritual growth of Whites has been held back and prevented from manifesting itself for the good and benefit of the nation.  As Germain stated:  “Culture is dying because sensation shuns culture.  A Wagner or Mozart is worth billions, and should be nourished.  The Wagners and Mozarts of today can be found trying to survive by playing in night clubs or selling vacuum cleaners” (Violinio Germain and Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, I And My Father Are One, Tehachapi, 1991, p.162).  Yet, because many nonwhites hate the White Man, they aren’t interested in living in a high culture led by Wagners and Mozarts.  Most nonwhites prefer jazz, rock, rap, etc. to classical or easy listening music, the latter of which they denigrate as “elevator music.”  So they aren’t really interested in having the spiritual level of our music and culture raised.  While they want to enjoy the technological advancements of Whites, they don’t want the high-minded spirituality and responsibilities that go with it.


How many Whites have been born who could be great scientists like Tesla, but have been denied education, jobs, or funding?  How many Whites have been replaced by left-wing Jewish professors in our colleges and universities who are today encouraging their students to infringe on the rights and freedoms of Whites by accusing Whites of “White privilege?”  Apparently it is okay for Mexicans to have “Mexican privilege” in Mexico, the Arabs to have “Arab privilege” in Arab lands, and the Chinese to have “Chinese privilege” in China – but for some reason it is assumed that it is wrong for Whites to have their own laws and culture in nations which they created for themselves and their posterity.  Why the double standard?


While it is okay with the Khazar Jews to allow themselves the Jewish privilege of controlling our money through the Federal Reserve, the IMF, and Wall Street, and while it is okay with them to spend trillions of dollars for wars which only benefit the Jews, they continue to denounce “White privilege,” as if Whites are responsible for the actions of the Jews, even though the Jews are not part of the White Race.  Preachers typically lump us all together as one human race without acknowledging the fact that those with high intellectual and spiritual faculties are prevented from being allowed to exert their influence on society.  So, Affirmative Action hasn’t hurt the Jews one bit, as it doesn’t deny them jobs, but it has thrown our nation out of balance by virtually turning everything upside down.


If nonwhites were honest with themselves, they would realize that when the U.S. was controlled more by Whites than by the Khazar Jews, our nation was admired and respected all over the world.  However, as the Jews took over our government, our courts, our money, and the media, etc., everything went downhill.  Having a black man (Obama) as president has done nothing to stem the downhill slide, although it did give blacks a boost in their self-esteem and gave them more hope that they could actually succeed in overthrowing the White Man’s culture and everything that Whites had worked so hard to build for themselves.  Thus we see the government supporting gay marriage, abortion, and unlimited immigration of foreigners who have their own cultures and have no intention of adopting ours.   However, if we aren’t permitted to legislate morality, they certainly have no right to legislate immorality either.


What it comes down to is not “White privilege,” but envy of the White Man.  Nature “unfairly” gave the White Man higher intellectual ability on average, the ability to think in the abstract rather than just focus on material things, and the ability to look at things objectively.  Thus, a way had to be devised to interfere with the natural order of things in which people must compete with one another on an equal playing field.  Those with greater ability, honesty, trustworthiness, and good character should naturally be hired over others.  While this may seem unfair to those with lesser ability, in the long run those with greater ability are bound to raise the living standard of everyone.  We can see this now with the invention of robots and machinery.  Where would we be today without cells phones and computers?  The inventions of electricity, telephones, automobiles, airplanes, etc. have benefitted the whole world, not just the White Race.  So, the comfort level of nonwhites has been raised as each new invention has been incorporated into national life.  The problem is that Whites have been held back to the level of nonwhites intellectually and spiritually in order not to violate the “sacred” humanistic doctrine of racial equality.  This blocking has dumbed down many Whites and caused them to turn to drugs and crime, because they have no incentive or encouragement to be the best people they can be.


Regarding the absence of jobs for everyone, we can thank our Jewish controllers in government for shipping our jobs overseas where slave labor is still legal (in nonwhite countries, I might add).  If Whites had been allowed to remain in control, they would have considered shipping our industries and jobs overseas as being national suicide.  Whites certainly have not benefitted from unemployment on top of being denied jobs because of Affirmative Action.  So why are Whites blamed for high unemployment when it was the greedy Khazar Jews who created the problem?


Incidentally, many nonwhites who denounce “White privilege” and call Trump a racist are illogically shooting themselves in the foot as Trump has promised to bring jobs back to America (25 million he said).   Attacking Trump because of being White and ignoring what he has pledged to do for the benefit of all Americans is hypocritical and downright stupid.  Trump doesn’t plan to go down the same path as Obama, the Clintons, and the Bushes, which meant more spending on war, fewer jobs, and more insecurity (due to allowing illegals in and allowing terrorists in to create mayhem and bloodshed to justify taking away more of our liberties and freedoms).   However, apparently many nonwhites hate or distrust Whites so much that they would rather see our nation destroyed through Hillary and suffer personally as a result than allow the White Man a chance to make things right again.  Striking out at the White Man for what the Jews have done or are doing doesn’t hurt the Jews at all.  It makes about as much sense as kicking one’s dog for something one’s boss said or did to one at work.


It has now become apparent to the whole world that the Jews, like Soros, have rigged our elections so that the will of the people has been counteracted and nullified.  Hillary is a perfect example of the qualities most Americans do not want in a leader – unless they are masochistic or suicidal.  If the Bushes and Clintons are the best leaders the Jews can come up with, then it’s obvious, to say the least, that the Jews are unfit to rule over nations founded by Whites.


It is high time that nonwhites wake up to the fact that most of the charges against the White Man have just been Jewish propaganda.  For instance, most of the slave traders and slave owners in America were Jews, not Whites.   What the French and Spanish fur traders did should not be attributed to White Americans either.   Most of the Spanish conquistadores were Jews by race but Catholic by religion, at least outwardly.  The Rockefellers, J. P. Morgan, Carnegie, Schiff, Albert Pike, etc. and other high rollers were all Jews, so again, their actions should not be attributed to Whites.  While we fought against the Germans and Japanese in WW2, they are not our enemies today, nor should all Whites be held responsible for the actions of Hitler.  By the same token, Americans should not be held responsible for everything their corrupt leaders and Jewish-controlled corporations have done. 


Shutting out the Creator


Germain stated in the previously-named book that “The cardinal error of science lies in shutting the Creator out of His Creation” (p.172).  The cardinal error of nonwhites is in trying to shut the White Man out of his own creation, the United States.  It’s like the whole camel has gotten inside the tent while the Master is outside in the cold with his Constitution under one arm.  I can’t think of any nation in the nonwhite world that would tolerate the White Man coming in and taking over the rulership of their peoples, and yet they have bought into the idea that it is perfectly acceptable and even admirable to shut the White Man out of his own government.  Most nonwhites cannot seem to understand that if the White Man loses, the only winner will be the Jews, and to top it off, the White Man is the only one who could possibly succeed in defeating the Jews and return the earth to sanity.  Can you imagine allowing Jews like the Clintons and Bushes to run a world government?


If one doesn’t believe in White Supremacy, then one should not believe that Whites are the “Great Satan” either, especially when Whites have done more good for the world than bad.  Believing that world government will solve everything is not the answer since the Jews will have attained their goal of “Every Jew a king and every goy a slave.”  If whites cannot be trusted with power, what makes the Jews trustworthy with power?  The Jews have made nonwhites fear and therefore hate the White Man – not because the Jews love nonwhites and want to create a loving, just, and spiritual world (look at how they’ve treated the Palestinians) – but for the ulterior motive of running the world without the tempering, spiritual influence of Whites.  It is indisputable that our Jewish rulers serve Mammon, not God.  As Karl Marx wrote, the god of the Jews is gold, so for them, ruling over a nation is an opportunity to make money, not to rule for the benefit of the nation.  As long as the Jews have an “us versus them” (Jews vs. Goy-cattle) attitude, the world will continue to be at war and the world will continue to decline spiritually.




The question I have been examining is not the issue of racial superiority, but whether the White Race is capable of ruling this nation under the Constitution which its forefathers drew up long ago.  Up to now the Jewish aristocracy has acted as though it is the most qualified, and the Jews have taken the position that if Whites were allowed to rule, they would be nationalistic rather than support Jewish international law and Jewish-controlled world government, and they are right.  Whites recognize the differences between the races and therefore believe that people should be allowed to have their own form of government, suitable to their own nature, without interference from the outside world.  Whites, contrary to Jewish propaganda, have no interest in running the whole world, forcing everyone to have one culture, or enslaving nonwhite peoples.  However, Whites would expect everyone in their own nations to follow the precepts and principles of the Bible rather than allow immorality and crime to run rampant.  The war against nature would end, and so would the wars against foreign sovereign nations, and the mini-bandit state of Israeli would have to fend for itself without U.S. taxpayer money.

While the Jews send their children to private schools where they receive a real education, they have held back Whites to the level of the lowest common denominator in society so as not to disprove the myth of racial equality or give them the power to rebel.  The real reason for doing this was not because of Jewish altruism and love for everyone, but to weaken its only real enemy and competitor, the White Race.  A dumbed-down, drug-dependent, impoverished, apathetic people present no real threat to Jewish rule.  The Jews fully realize that a single political system applied to everyone would have to be a dictatorship in order to hold disparate elements together.  Although Whites have proven themselves capable of self-government, most other peoples require “parental” (Big Brother) rule from outside themselves and will do just enough to fulfill the letter of the law rather than live by its spirit.

All Whites need is the opportunity to have their own culture and the freedom to manifest what lies hidden within them to make our nation prosperous and peace-loving.  The fact that Whites have sacrificed so much in the last couple hundred years in order to preach the Gospel, educate, and relieve the suffering of people around the world is a testament to the giving nature of our Race.  But again, Protestants should not be blamed for what the Catholic Church or the Catholic (Jesuit) priests have done, whether it be the Inquisition, rape, or enslavement of native peoples.  Although Whites and Protestants are by no means perfect, when left to their own devices (free of Jewish influence), they police their own people and hold each other accountable for their actions.  They know that they will not be blessed if they live and act like the Jews.

Blocking, and even outlawing, the personal and cultural development of Whites intellectually and spiritually in the name of racial justice and racial equality is equivalent to soul murder, so anyone who is in favor of this is not only dishonest, hateful, and of low moral character, but is a rebel against God and Nature.