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From Carl Babst to John Kamnski

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Oct. 13, 2016

On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 12:12 AM, Carl wrote:

Hi John,

My name is Carl, and I live in South Africa, my great great grandfather came to this country from Germany with his wife and two children.

I have read some of your articles and I agree with what you say about the world as it is. It took me a year of studying images, videos and articles available on the internet to come to the conclusion that the official 911 story is complete nonsense. I am a structural engineer and pilot and aircraft designer and builder so I am sure that what we have been told officially is the lie of the century. I also  agree that the holocaust is Jewish propaganda.

How are we going to stop this? When will they take over the internet or have they already done it?  What can we do?

Thanks for your articles and keep it up!

Carl Babst

Hello Carl,

Thanks for writing. I've been writing about 9/11 and the Jews for the better part of 15 years now, and I can't say I've made much progress  . . . oh, maybe a little. More people than ever are talking more openly about Jewish influence, but by and large the general public has no conception about what really happened, and so many don't want to know about Jews, the Holocaust, the control of their own minds!

It's just too much for them to handle. So many people go into panic mode, and can't be brought out of it. I've looked at the problem for some time and remain puzzled. The Holocaust religion has replaced Christianity in the minds of many, and that's really bad for the whole world. No compassion, no forgiveness, only bribery and slaughter, raping children by powerful politicians, products and medicines that are completely poisonous, and above and beyond everything else is the jew and his money, corrupting and polluting everything and everyone.

You ask me what to do and all I can tell you is to tell people to face the madness, to face the myths we have been misled by, to face our own delusions, and then concentrate on finding people in need, in need of rescue, and the feelings that are produced by tangible rescues of people are contagious, and given enough time and space and watering this could grow into a society over time, but we're out of time, the Earth itself seems revolted by disgusting human behavior, and those who hoped for peace and love were killed off long ago, so the world goes on, with a price on everyone's head that can never be paid.

Only by fully realizing the problem we have can we begin to address it, and work to neutralize its ruthless insanity.

Best wishes,

John Kaminski