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John Kaminski

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Sept. 27, 2016

Detoxifying the disinfo

that keeps us enslaved






By John Kaminski



Only lies need to be protected by laws. The truth stands on its own. — Monika Schaefer, Canadian fiddler  recently blacklisted for thoughtful Holocaust video

We are the ones who make war. We allow war to be made in our names. Millions of people have died because of the lies we refused to challenge. Millions more today and tomorrow will die needlessly because we remain silent and/or ignorant of the secret forces that engineer our enslavement and profit from our indifference.


Today’s heroes are old women, no longer shackled by social etiquette, directly describing the culture of crime that keeps them from living securely in their homes. The world needs to listen to them.


The main paradigm in the battle for people’s minds, I was surprised to learn, turns out to be the Holocaust issue, which half the world has been taught to be afraid to discuss. Too many careers have been ruined for even mentioning the subject. Since Roman days (according to Cicero), the behavior of our government is directly determined by what Jewish influence will permit.


Belief in the Holocaust allows the Jews to maintain a sacrosanct status that attempts to solicit pity for their self-inflicted suffering. This despicable act camouflages their worldwide financial crime syndicate, which is fueled by the guilt of their imagined persecution projected upon the duped goyim. The worldwide phenomenon of Holocaust reparations — the payment of today’s generations for yesterday’s supposed crimes — has allowed the Jews to rob several European countries of hundreds of billions of dollars.


The latest object lesson in the annals of Holocaust swindles involves a Canadian violinist who had the temerity to record a YouTube video titled “Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust” But as the video goes viral, Monika Schaefer’s violin jobs are disappearing amid petty whispers about her Nazi sympathies.


The longtime activist has dared transgress the taboo about talking about the events of World War II in a way that is not approved by Jews, which in most European countries and especially Canada can earn such truth tellers quick and long jail sentences.


Schaefer’s disheartening ordeal was recapped on Red Ice radio Her trouble with the Canadian government is reported here


Schaefer’s courageous efforts at promoting historical truth follow on the audacious ordeal 87-year-old Ursula Haverbeck has undertaken simply by talking about the lie Germans have been living since the end of World War II. Haverbeck’s courageous YouTubes and articles about the true, non Jewish facts about World War II recently earned her a nine-month prison sentence, but more importantly created yet another disgraceful example of the Jewish kangaroo courts of Germany, in which truth is no defense and the events of World War II may not be discussed candidly.


A heroine for the truth


Jailed for questioning history


It used to be the young who would wax heroic while advocating for justice and social change, but now it is the wise old women refusing to put up with the silly and toxic artificiality that keeps the entire world locked in a hermetically sealed auditorium where everything may be discussed except the 360 degree Jewish control of reality which poisons the motives of everything it seeks to control.


When patriotism becomes plunder, it’s time to revisit our allegiances. When justice serves only some it is actually serving none.


The Holocaust issue is shunned by many because of the dangers it presents to ordinary people who want to keep their jobs. The dilemma employers face when their employees exercise their free speech rights is that Jewish word of mouth campaign soon deprives these employers of its regular customers. Owners know the score and are faced with the reality that if they pay employees who oppose Jewish policies and mythologies, advertisers and other customers mysteriously disappear.


The much-talked-about Holocaust is the central metaphor in a culture taught to live in an artificial reality, buy artificial products and services, and live artificial, inauthentic lives. That we are not allowed to talk about the Holocaust is emblematic of not being able to talk about our own government’s murderous policies, which make plenty of money for kosher investors and gentile traitors, but very little for the average working class goy.


Plus there is the little matter of killing people for money — something American culture appears to approve of, as politicians say one thing and do another.


The financial difficulty Americans find themselves in today has resulted from spending all that money — all our money! — on wars for Israel and weapons for everyone.


The newspeak of George Orwell’s dark forecast for the future has long since passed into being. The United States in 2016 is a vigilante strike force for Jewish interests, which control every aspect of American society. War is peace. And a little tear comes to your eye as you wave your yellow ribbon at the steady stream of corpses from wars that never needed to happen, and mourn the deaths of all those who never needed to die.


During the time I have been foraging down these mental corridors of thought known as the Internet I have detected the consistent presence of a strong cadre of righteous old women who don’t really need to be informed about the disappointments and deceptions of the world.


The actions of Schaefer and Haverbeck to shatter these shackles that have been placed on our brains serve as beacons for others to follow, had they but the courage to recognize that the information that is poured down upon us by oligarchic politicians and cookie cutter commentators speaking what they are told to speak is all pure poison, meant to deceive us into supporting things most of us would never do in our real lives, and then punishing us for not being more enthusiastic about the disgusting crimes these psychos are committing in our names, in your name.


Do you take responsibility for all these atrocities, and say what really should be said about them, as these women have with such dignity and reasonableness? Or will you continue to remain silent and believe in the false facts that have deformed your lives and now threaten your future?


John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.