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The Jewish Illusion

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Aug. 5, 2016

We’ll go through a very simple, yet eye opening example of how exactly any and all type of Jewish illusions work on the masses. Well, I use the term illusion because of the example we’ll use in the article, but as you probably know very well by now – we are actually discussing brainwashing techniques and indoctrination. However, do notice that the term illusion describes a false idea or belief, a deception – so it is the basis of all brainwashing and indoctrination. Diversity is our Strength is one such Illusion; it doesn’t have to be a magical trick – mere words can trick your entire mind to believe such an idea.

Let us begin with one of the latest biggest brainwashing agendas – New Age. Its name itself tells us a lot about the Jewish involvement and its biggest key instruments are dangerous to our preservation. For starters, they believe that everything is One anyways – therefore it doesn’t really matter who is kept alive, we are just and only Humans. But, someway, somehow – they wish to also have diversity – can’t go without that term nowadays, now can ye? Then they have this idea that good and evil don’t exist – that only, just and only good actually exists and that evil is simply some kind of test you have to overcome.

I assume that every time someone dies from non-White immigration these days, it is simply a test of the One Universal Source to see whether or not this Universally Equal White person is going to resist Evil which has been purposefully incarnated into this non-White Universally Equal person, but Evil itself doesn’t actually exist – it is probably just an Illusion. After all, how could this Universal Source create something Evil, right? But, to these lunatics the following question never pops to mind : how do you know what is good, without knowing what is evil, or at least bad? Perfect victims, these retards.

Finally, they support this never-ending idea of “the power of positive thinking.”. You just have to be positive, because again – negativity doesn’t really exist – and if you somehow manage to observe it and allow it to influence you – well, then you are destroying yourself and hate yourself. Since they deny any and all dualism of any kind, they also deny Heaven and Hell. They are just and only walking positive thinkers. And they managed to influence millions today – so, we have millions of people who are literally afraid of looking into facts, evidence, truth which might reveal something evil, disturbing, hell – negative – because it might put them out of their positive trance and disturb their connection to some kind of spiritual channeling being.

They made out of them even worse patients than Christians. Illusions are not hard to sell if you entirely destroy the senses of people – when you convince them that everything they naturally see and hear is wrong; when you convince them to doubt their own Mind.

But, all of these Jewish controlled ideologies have one thing in common – they have to keep their victims in a never-ending illusion; a trap so to speak. You see, the New Age equivalent of the Christian Heaven and Hell is basically Positivism and Negativism, even though they deny this duality. On one hand we have people psychologically conditioned to follow their Jewbook and Church for guidance and regard everything else as Hereticism – while on the other hand we have psychologically conditioned people who basically will run away from negativity the moment they see it.

Oh, by the way – most of the New Age stuff comes also from the Bible. Add to this bunch the Liberals, Marxists, Faggots, etc. – and you got yourself a pretty nice bunch of idiots. Every single group of these has its own type of “hell” and has in its roots anti-National commandments which finally lead to the Jew World Order and our Genocide. All are Universal, all follow the Equality, Liberty, Fraternity  and are conditioned to see the world exactly in such a way. These people generally actually believe that their Creator has given them – on purpose – wrong sight and senses which they have to overcome by believing real hard in a certain system.

I usually call this phenomena the reverse Bible story : where you read it entirely backwards and end up with a story in which Jews enter non-Jewish Nations, bring their own Laws, destroy the Culture and People, bring in a Noah’s Ark with immigrants, flood the entire Nation and finally turn it into a hippy disaster of Communist regime called Eden where the Women and Men are walking around naked like slaves and don’t even know the difference between Right and Wrong, White and Black – absolutely nothing. They are slaves to not only the Jews, but their own Minds. With that in mind let us now look into the following image :

Images and examples like this one are being highly promoted by the New Age agenda, hence the reason why I chose to mention it in this article as well. You see, they look at the Brain as some kind of malfunctioning element of ourselves and they try to “prove” it through examples such as this one. Now, what exactly is going on on this image? We have a chessboard, so to speak, and the dark gray pieces are labelled as A, whereas the light gray ones as B. We then have a cylinder placed upon this board in such a way that its shadow goes over the light gray piece labelled as B.

The New Age people are now fascinated with the fact that B and A actually in this scenario have the same color, however – we do not register it as such. They claim our brains are simply stupid for not doing so, yet it never even enters into their Mind that their Brain is far more intelligent than they actually are – the Brain knows that B is not the same as A and attempts to tell you the same by comparing this board, analyzing it and concluding that the Shadows are trying to play a trick on you.

You know that B is not the same as A, it is merely a trick of the shadows. This, my friends, also shows us another important element here – that the Brain itself is not directly connected to your Thoughts, Brainwashing and Indoctrination. It knows, whereas you – the person who thinks – can get into a position where you don’t know – or you don’t wish to know, or you ignore, or you… believe otherwise. This example, in short, is all you need to know about the New Age movement – they believe – that they are smarter than their own Brain and they mock it instead of respecting its inherit, intuitive knowledge of the difference between A and B – good and evil. The very element the Jews hate.

It goes to show you that brainwashing isn’t really so much about the brain, but much rather about convincing you that your brain is wrong – at any and all times.
The world itself, Nature, will always remain the same and true – no matter how blind you become through indoctrination.

So, we now have millions of people who think that their own Minds and Brains are lying to them and that they actually need to fix their own intellect through belief and indoctrination. They are willingly going to submit themselves to this idea that A and B have always been the same. But, all of them ignore the fact that A and B just seem to be the same because of the  cylinder. Were you ever to remove the cylinder, you would finally clearly see both A and B for what they truly are. Also, when you move B from its position – it loses the shadow of the cylinder – yet people think that cutting out B will make it still have that shadow. Blind fools!

The Brain will tell you – yes, A, B and the cylinder – are all on the same Board. They are all on the same One board, seemingly connected on it, having a relationship with one another. But, A and B are different. The cylinder is different. They represent different shapes and forms with different information, quality and values. The indoctrinated brain will say : they are all One, they are all Equal, there is absolutely no difference between any of them. And this is happening nowadays on a massive scale with real-life examples.

This is where you slowly get to understand that the cylinder represents all the various kinds of ideologies which the Jews use to brainwash people. People are to never ever question the cylinder – but to “come to understand” that A and B are truly “One”. This is why the Bible is the “word of God”; why the Quran begins with the statement “this is a Perfect Book”; why “Human rights” have overwritten common, Natural sense. You can also recognize here the idea behind Racism, or the idea behind the statement of : we are all One Race anyways. Another thing you can clearly see here is the following :

The point of Christianity and all Jewish ideologies are to convince B that it is the same as A by giving him an additional layer of identity which overrides all Natural, Common, Rational and Reasonable senses. The trick however is to make the cylinder convincing enough, so that no one dares to question it. In case of Christianity this has been mostly done through Fear – Fear of Hell, Divine Retribution, not going to Heaven, and so on. In case of Islam it follows partially the same elements, with one ever so more important and persistent one – if you leave the faith, you are to be killed.

You can clearly see the game that is being played to the masses here. It is probably the most efficient example I could find to get this message through. The masses are living under a Shadow, which in most cases is basically a “Shadow of Lies”, that convinces them that all are “One”. These minions of Darkness now spread this ideology of the Cylinder – but, since the idea of the cylinder would die as time passes without its direct influence – they also have to spread the cylinder itself. And they do this by constructing Churches, Mosques, Synagogues – the cylinders which will cast a new shadow into every region they are established. Not only that, but the holy book they have will make sure that this is done to perfection as well.

Even though these examples are far more “physical” in their existence, we can easily extrapolate the same with any type of mental or psychological brainwashing – meaning – that you don’t actually need a Church or Bible, depending on how good your brainwashing is. The ultimate level of indoctrination is one in which the physical cylinder isn’t even necessary anymore – all it takes is the manifestation of some kind of morality which overrides everything Natural. One could “zip, rar” the Bible into “morality issues” as well, and is has been largely performed as Communism, Social Democracy and Liberalism. The point is that the Cylinder is necessary when you have to convert a grown up population, but – when you raise children and indoctrinate them since birth – then the Cylinder isn’t even necessary anymore. These kids will never ever again see the world with their own Brain and Mind anymore – they don’t even listen to them anymore. They have become their own cylinders.

And this works the best for Jews, because when everyone is a Cylinder themselves, no one will know the Source of these problems even if – by some miracle – they somehow wake up out of their hypnosis. The way things currently are – you can still point back to the Jews. And this is what they hope to remove as a possibility in the future.

One has to however notice that the reverse Nature of the Cylinder is also true – just as they define an ideology with Jesus as we have seen in the example, to turn their minions of Darkness against the surrounding world – so can they, by the very same analogy, cast a shadow on Light and convince the rest of the Light that it needs to destroy these “shadowy elements”.

This is usually known as their tactic of Divide and Conquer, or as “leading both oppositions”, by creating them in the first place. And, yet again – the most important factor of this tactic is to never ever question the cylinder. We see this example coming to life in our every day experience manifested as “White privilege”, “White supremacy”, and even the idea that all Whites who wish to preserve their existence, their very species – are simply “Racist”. And there cannot be any discussion about this – the cylinder which has made these terms come into life can never be questioned; neither can these terms be questioned.

You will also notice that the group upon which such a shadow has been cast is surrounded from all sides. And to further emphasize this strife, the Jews have added non-White people from all around the world into our Nations who are even easier brainwashed than our own population into following the cylinder narrative – after all, all the destruction of the White Race seems to “benefit” the non-White races; at least that is what they are being told by the Jews – the only Source of all Evil and the only Element which benefits of this entire game.

Notice also that the best way to make the Lie become “reality” is to force upon the target group of “heretics” conditions of life which will bring about exactly the elements for which they are being accused of. As the non-White masses grow within our ranks and become ever more hostile towards us and openly state that they wish to genocide us – the more will we become defensive and actually become anti-semitic, racist – and so on. It is absolutely natural for these elements to occur in such a given situation, yet, from the Jewish perspective it is a blessing, because their minions will think that they are truly part of the “Truth”. But, I will add here that we are and always have been, Naturally anti-Semitic and Racist – it is absolutely Natural; anti-Semitic because we see the Devil in the Jew; Racist not in terms of hating others, but in terms of wishing to preserve our own Kind. A sheep doesn’t wish to be around crocodiles – it isn’t Racist because of that.

Therefore the Jews win and will keep on winning as long as their Cylinder remains intact. As long as they can control the narrative and manipulate the masses through it – they will keep on winning. The more immigrants they flood our countries with – the more hostile and chaotic will the situation become. The only solution is to finally destroy this Cylinder, them as the Source of it – to make the people see the  Truth again – at least, our own People – the only element which we truly care for in this struggle. The non-White masses will probably never again see the Truth because the Jewish Lies have become their personal benefit – they have all become their own little Cylinders. But, notice also – we have many such Cylinders in play by the Jews right now – on the current Board, in reality, there is not just one cylinder; there are many of them operating from different angles and perspectives. The more there are, the better the Lies and the more difficult it is to destroy them.

You don’t talk with Evil. You don’t debate with it. You don’t even let it near your People. You remove it by any means necessary. That is the only way you can live in peace, harmony and freedom. There is no way ever to find a reasonable solution or way to live together alongside with Jews in our Nations. They are Parasites, Viruses, Evil incarnated and they have openly stated all of these things themselves – from the inception of the Bible and its verses to the most recent Quotes and Statements which they have made. They tell you, in your face, what they are about. And they have been playing Illusions upon the rest of the world throughout history – illusions which must finally come to an end.