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Bolshevik Bernies Vew on Government Explained

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June 23k 2016

Of course all jews view government in this manner, so singling out Bernie as anything other than going with his tribe on key issues is not only inaccurate but overlooking the main point here, and that is that as long as jews run the world, all non-jews will continue to exist under Their collective heel, and harnessed to the grist mill of the day, working to keep Them from having or needing to.  To say that non jews are not highly regarded by jews is being nice , and probably gracious to a fault, but as long as non jews don't seem to know that or care, I guess it really doesn't matter for Them to be thought of in such a way.


For some reason, the lot of humanity seem to favor collectivism and communistic governments over self determination and individualism, which is fortunate for the jew, because it is the former style government that allows Them to always be in control of Their live-stock, and never having to be concerned as to whether or not the majority will wander off the ranch as long as They're provided enough hay and water where They are, which is what Collectivism amounts to, for now that is, until the wholesale slaughter commences, which it has to at some point, because such is the eventual innate plan for all those living under It, that is to be finally dispensed with by the millions, purged to the point of a more manageable size and make up.


"No communist government has ever set aside the slaughter of its own people, veering from the nature of the people running Them." America has been a 100% Communist Government since the 1930's, thus is long over-due for the final phase of what that entails, and the only reason why that slaughter has not commenced in earnest already, is because the Government has not been able to successfully collect all the guns. . .yet.


Note* Donald Trump is not going to save America -- nor should he be looked to do so -- and not because he will never be president but because the American People will never have a so-called leader that is any different than Themselves until They find the courage to dissolve the current government, which They won't, because the majority are living off of it, and therein lies the rub of it all, the point in which it stalls out, or will climb no further, which the jew knows all-to-well will forever be the case. 


"The absence of courage, factual knowledge, and resolve, makes possible the rise of tyranny and collectivism."