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Like the name of your jailer

and the terms of your sentence






By John Kaminski



Why do the Jews do what they do? Who gave them their twisted marching orders? Why do they snicker so smugly among themselves about fleecing the gullible goyim. “Dumb, stupid animals” is how Henry Kissinger — seen by the rest of the world as “the Jew war criminal” — referred to the cannon fodder American soldiers who died for Israel, the oil companies and Jew bankers everywhere. 


Why is it so many people refuse to see this single group of malicious misanthropes that has poisoned civilization for two thousand years as the greatest threat to our own current well-being?


Who are we? Slaves to somebody whose scams we fail to fathom? They are parasites, perpetrating their frauds under the putrescent color of law, forever sucking the life out of us, and derailing us out of our destiny as purposeful people, honest as the day is long.


Or could it be we’re being paid — in some preconscious autoengineered way — to assist in our own demise, to accept the sweet treats life has to offer if we can swallow the lies about the lives we destroy by our complicity in these crimes? And silence is complicity.


Or it could be it’s too late to talk about this, that the forces of nature may have been altered beyond the point of safe correction that could render all these geopolitical speculations superfluous if conditions of our existence change radically. If they do, you can be sure it is the work of the Jews.


Mostly we already know the game is rigged, and to fight City Hall is to risk your life, your fortune and your freedom to live in a manner of your own choosing. But to base your life on things that you fully realize are lies, then you know your life is a lie, and disaster is sure to follow because it inevitably happens to people who live on lies.


By decades of a 360-degree barrage of propaganda convincing us the Holocaust story is true, Americans have been taught to believe millions of Jews died in World War II concentration camps.


Fraudulent constructions

made by psychopaths


“Holocaust is the greatest scam ever known by the human race so far,” he says without embellishment.


A weary certitude graces his penetrating descriptions of the malignant influence of the Jews across time. These psychos have been running the same scam for thousands of years. 


As a little known Romanian historian, Olariu Constantin’s spectacular research into ancient history reveals his tireless tracking of the evil machinations of a sick cult. It also describes a rich history of his own clan which provided emperors to the Roman empire when they were known as Geats, or Goths. <>


Writing from a mostly forgotten country in a seldom spoken language, Constantin’s penetrating insights into the ancient events of history reveal a chilling clarity about the behavior of that clan of parasites which has plagued humanity back to the time when merchants keeping accounts invented the art of writing.


In particular Constantin’s accounts of the Getic peoples on the western shore of the Black Sea and their relevance to the history of the Roman empire shine as a tribute to a long forgotten nation now vanished from the card catalogue of time. Yet the ghostly visage of the mighty tribe of Geats shrouds the citizens of weary Romania, a punching bag of a country that has been abused by everyone, including its own rulers. 


In chronicling the history of his forgotten forebears, the spotlight Constantin casts on the history of the Jews reveals the devil that walks the Earth wearing a yarmulke. He nails the recognizable traits and recounts the hideous history of the poisoned tribe that has sabotaged and plundered the world since the dawn of civilization.


And as we’ve been consuming Jewish News throughout our lives, it’s easy to understand why now we are almost dead as a species. 


Each new modern convenience or medical breakthrough tends to make us sicker, and weaker, less competent to survive in disaster situations. Many products contain government-approved slow-acting poisons. 


Explanations of current events are always faulty, slanted to protect the unnamed culprits who attack the public and always escape because their accomplices run all the newspapers, and the public remains in the dark while the crisis actors get new identities, and perhaps, with luck, and using their invisible histories, eventually run for public office.


You’ve seen this horror movie before. “An unknown newcomer becoming a political star promising fresh ideas . . .” Hand picked by the puppetmasters.


And Hillary continues to rake in toxic millions through her foundation that corporatizes treason and feeds the insatiable war machine.


As most people realize, investigating the powers that be can be problematic. Constantin calls it “a time bomb that can be life threatening.”


This doesn’t stop him from concluding: 


“Holocaust is a fabrication made by USA Zionist mafia 

. . . with the aim of establishing an Israeli state 

and extortion of fabulous sums from the German state. “


Today, all these years later, the jackals, having consumed most of the body, are still picking at the remains of the carcass.


From a Getic perspective that saw the Khazars come and go, Constantin tracks the Jewish disease back through the millennia into their ancient playbook known as the Old Testament. He writes:


To judge the situation in scales of truth, I will bring the testimony they have written about themselves when they were struck by the arrogance plague, thoughts that belong to the prophet Isaiah, we find at 49.23:


The kings will feed you and the queens will nurse you. It will bow to the ground before and lick the dust of your feet . . . 60.5 when you see these things, you will jump for joy and your heart will beat and grow, because the abundance of the sea will return to you and treasures of the nations will come to you. 60.16 You will drink the milk of nations; you will suck the king’s breast . . . 61.5 . . . you will eat the riches of ancestry, and you will boast in their glory.”


After these quotations we must understand our own destiny, but after their sayings: from the fullness of their envenomed hearts they bring us to eternal slavery of divine order because they will be able to buy the leaders of the goyim, and the crowd will be kept only under the whip, yoke and sword.[. . .]

Constantine Olariu,

Industry of Hebrew Holocaust

chapter 3, The Yiddish spirit


In the Qumran “incubator”, where they became bosses after the year 30 in our era, by chasing the Essenes (non-Semitic, but mainly of Getic origin!), they conceive a plan to assault and destroy the world: Lord Gog of the land of Magog, Assyria, moab, Edom, the sons of Set — Egyptians, the sons of Japheth (Gomer, Gog, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meschech and Tiras), Kitiens (Romans) and other “disobedient” tribes who were there on the earth. Starting the revolt in 66 A.D., the first ones passed through the sword were the Cyrenaica (Libya) province’s population of 300,000,  then 200,00 in Cyprus, following others as it was “written” in their plan.


All the ideas from these writings discovered at Qumran who plan the destruction of the world and its rebuilding by Judeans as absolute masters of the world, empowered by Yahweh — lord of hell, with a single religion as Orthodox Judaism” (may be found in many manuscripts), and is significantly found in the Communist Manifesto, The Protocols of Zion and the Bolshevik ideology . . .


The passage of time has not led to abandonment of those ideas that erupted with the same fanaticism once with the Communist ideology and creation of the first state of Khazar Bolsheviks in the tsarist empire. I give a few quote . . . in order to understand the alteration of history made by the Mosaics . . .


Destroy nations that rise up against three. And let your sword cut up the meat. Bring glory to Earth  . . . Silver and gold to be in your palaces. Zion rejoices. . . . Let’s enjoy Jerusalem with songs of joy. Your gates shall always be open to let in the wealth of nations. Israel rules over all.


The depth of Constantin’s thought is about as deep as contemporary mainstream media are shallow. The great art of reporting is to be telling the truth when others all around you are telling lies and making a good living at it. From this porridge of corruption, Constantin is inflexible in his perception and zeroes in on the essence of the Jews.


The great art of these great leaders is to kill non-Jews with other than Jewish hands. Jews lead the fighting from points without any danger to them.


The epithets and their classical references roll off this writer’s tongue like a list of the wounded missing in action, yet these historical glimpses reveal the origins of how Jewish manipulation of reality figured out how to entrap the world into a prison of its own construction, when the hope of heaven got obliterated by the love of money.


Far too many of us today are feeling the pain of reading puff pieces about psychotic killers painted in a heroic light. Gen. Barry McCaffrey, chief executioner on the Highway of Death in Kuwait during the first Gulf war, 10,000 surrendering troops executed, typical Jewish/American performance — war hero!


Need more pain? It is collected in the scripture of the Jewish people and followed obediently across time. Also collected in the pages of Constantin’s work, the evidence of their psychopathological crimes.


Jewish people as a whole will become its own messiah.


The objective of Judaism in the extermination of the bourgeoesie.


The giants of Communist history were all insane.


And so are today’s corrupt demagogues eagerly kneeling to kiss the shoes of the Jews and guarantee the demise of America.


The rules of Jews:


1. Only jews have the right to be called people.


2. Only Mosaics are human beings, goyim are animals.


This is the age of Mosaic Eternal Vengeance, a fresh universal alliance of infinite evil. Josef Stalin wrote about it in Pravda in 1922. The Red Army will consider its Bolshevik mission accomplished when we rule the entire globe, he said.


Of the Essene disciples, presumably the Geats and ancient forebears of today’s Romanians, Constantin writes:


Only two things they can do of their own free will: to give help and do acts of mercy. They are permitted to offer assistance to those who deserve it, when they stand in need, and to bestow food on those in distress. To them, swearing is worse than perjury, saying that he who cannot be believed with swearing to God is already condemned.


The thrust of all of Constantin’s historical work, which has a breadth of knowledge across the many centuries, is this.


If Holocaust turns out to be false, 

it collapses the most powerful weapon in the arsenal of Israel.


Then we shall know that anybody who still believes what the Jews says about their losses in World War II is actually working for the Jews and against the freedom of all peoples struggling to escape the worldwide clutches of kosher mercenaries cynically claiming to be acting according to law.


Recognizing the hoax of the holocaust shows everyone you are no longer under the spell of Jewish propaganda, and that the whole edifice of our government and society is a sadistic sideshow circus in which every fondest wish you can ever have will be granted, except for freedom, of course, which is the price you pay every day to keep from going to jail.


In case you were wondering, you pay it to the Jews.


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John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.