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Brother Nathanel Kapner

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May 19 2015


LIKE AN ACQUIRED TASTE… that is, like swallowing hemlock, anti-Semitism surfaces on the tongues of the unsuspecting.

Not long ago, those accused of “Jew-hatred” were labeled as “racists” with an “Aryan” mind set, whose “monstrous” aim was to rid the world of Jews by way of “gas chambers.”

This approach by those ever-vigilant hate-watchers in order to stifle justifiable criticism of the nefarious activities of Jewry is no longer working.

Thus a “new anti-Semitism” emerges in quick succession as the up-to-date watchword by the press and state department, both of which, (unless you’re so totally dumbed-down), are subsidiaries of Jewish proprietorship.

In fact, every single year a “new anti-Semitism” rears its innocuous head, the latest being criticism via the current BDS Movement of Israel’s apartheid policies.

(Last year it was opposing the appointments of Jews to university positions with ties to Jewish organizations and their “Jew-specific” agendas.)

According to England’s former chief rabbi, Jonathan Sachs, “anti-Zionism” is the newest breed of anti-Semitism.

Now, if the question ever arises that perhaps Jewry is not so innocent after all and brings upon its own head an “unfriendly” reception, the Jewish censorship committee overseeing our surveillance state will immediately call those who voice this hunch, “anti-Semitic.”