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Jews: Sexually Perverted ~ And Remaking Society In Their Image

Orli Santo

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May 17, 2016

ED Noor: After reading the following, please see: Radical Homosexual Movement Run by Jews .  Basically this piece explores deviancy, as dealt with in the Talmud. Of course the “bragging” regarding inclusion from the Times of  Israel has left yours truly with a roiling tummy; this material is just that deranged. The rabbinical portion is informational, not that it makes the topic any easier to digest. I am also going to ad that recently Israel partnered with an American PR firm to infiltrate and work with, among others, trans youth considered to be a fragile and impressionable segment of society. Apparently these young are beginning to openly relate to the suffering and isolation of the Palestinians and this does bother Israel…..

Another recommended read: The ‘Queering of Leviticus,’ or How a Rabbi Permits Gay Sex

So here we have two Israeli men who are officially a child’s biological fathers, a male rabbi born a woman, and a genderqueer rocker talk about life as they know it. Personally, I am prone to go with DNA having the final word on one’s gender but then, what does a mere Western gentile know about these matters when up against those great rabbinical minds who can even defeat God in a discussion?


By Orli Santo

Source: Times of Israel, Originally posted September 25, 2013

NOTE by Chris Rossetti: Just as Jews tend to remake the societies they invade into mirrors of the multiracial, multicultural cesspools in which they evolved, so also they instinctively attempt to mold their host societies to match the high levels of sex perversion naturally present among Jews. Jews are far more likely to be homosexual than non-Jews, for but one example among many. As the two articles ~ from Jewish sources ~ excerpted below show, Jews have historically recognized and tolerated a number of bizarre sexual categories.

They are clearly infecting us with their own long-term psychosexual illnesses, which are today illustrated by such repulsive manifestations as Yuval Topper ~“born female [and who] underwent a sex reassignment surgery to become male, discovered that he’s gay, married a gay man, and …became the first Israeli transgender man to conceive and give birth to a baby” ~ and the “the all-transgender, all-Jewish, folk punk band called Schmekel.”

In the second article quoted below, from the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, the Jewish author justifies what I believe is biological, instinctive behavior in “scriptural” terms.

What we are witnessing here is a type of evolutionary competition in which a species or subspecies (in this case, Jews) modifies its current environment to more closely resemble one in which it has thrived (multiculturalism, multiracialism, pervasive sex perversion) but in which its competitors (Whites) cannot thrive and are weakened. Jews do not all necessarily do this consciously (though many are intelligent enough to see this pattern in themselves, I am sure). But that they are doing it is, in my view, indisputable.

* * *

Transgender? Judaism’s got a blessing for you

This is an era of gender revolutions, and the Jewish community is racing to keep up. Enter Yuval Topper. Topper, who comes from an Orthodox family, was born female, underwent a sex reassignment surgery to become male, discovered that he’s gay, married a gay man, and in 2011 became the first Israeli transgender man to conceive and give birth to a baby.

Last week, following nearly two years of struggles, Israel’s Interior Ministry begrudgingly recognized both men as the child’s biological parents ~ another big first.