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Joshua Kaufman vs Reinhold Hanning – Insanity in a German courtroom

Carolyn Yeager

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May 17, 2015

THE JEWS HAVE SUCCEEDED IN making Germans as insane as they are. Is everybody happy now?

A mentally disturbed (or mentally-challenged) man named Joshua Kaufman showed up (with a lawyer in tow) in the courtroom in Detmold, Germany where the Show Trial of an innocent man named Reinhold Hanning is wrapping up. Hanning is charged with being accessory to the murder of 170,000 persons because he was assigned as a guard at Auschwitz in 1944 during the arrival of many thousands of Hungarian Jews. Kaufman caused a stir by wanting to “speak” to the court even though he just flew over from California with his two daughters and had played no part in the court case that's been in progress for three months already. He spoke with the media who were happy to oblige him.

But the judge, after a recess, gave him the ruling that German law did not allow his testimony … adding, obsequiously, “please don't think we are disrespecting you.” But he did think so! In fact, he felt disrespect from everybody there. He complained to anyone who would listen (caught on video heretitled “Former Auschwitz Guard ...”) even though he had just arrived.

[The defendant Hanning]'s going home and he's laughing at me. I don't like it.

I'm not disappointed because I'm used to it. But comes a guy who was there [meaning himself]. Can you imagine who he was and who I was. He was in uniform, SS officer, good-looking, educated, uniform .. and I was a [?unclear word] family .. I lost hundred people in my family, we were one hundred people, we survived only five.

To ignore is a very unrespectful, and very mean, and it doesn't fit with these six people who sit there.

I would say he is suffering from what so many “holocaust survivors” suffer from – the feeling that they have been humiliated and they want to get even for that. They were made out to be the lesser people; the “Nazis” were the masters over them. In actuality, most weren't treated so badly, but the sense of disrespect and SHAME was so detestable to their sense of self that, in order to even the score, they resorted to exaggeration piled upon exaggeration. As other “survivors” saw what kind of stories were being told, they joined in and repeated the same things. What he's revealing is his deep resentment over the contrast between his status and appearance, and that of the disciplined guards in their clean, well-tailored uniforms. He wants to bring every one of them down to a level beneath himself, to “rule” over them now. He does it by accusing them of unspeakable atrocities that will SHAME them forever. Now it will be they who bear the SHAME. And look at how Hanning hangs his head like a whipped dog – he is giving them exactly what they want.


So how do we find out the rtory of this man's incarceration during which he "lost a hundred family members" and became one of the “living dead” before his liberation from Dachau. I want to know whether his story makes sense, whether it merits belief.

Kaufman: They know who I am

"They know who I am. I lost my whole family, I survived five concentration camps and I represent the dead people. They should at least respect me."

This he said to the reporters in Detmold while standing in the courtroom. The only thing he could be referring to is his starring role in a “heart-warming” news story widely carried in January 2015 of his meeting, after 70 years, with his American GI “liberator,” Daniel Gillespie – an unlikely story, but nobody asks questions. [I entirely missed it, by the way] The Daily Mail did a story as part of the obligatory coverage of the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau for “Holocaust Memorial Day," Jan. 27. Someone arranged a meeting of Kaufman and Gillespie, with a photographer present, and Kaufman made the dramatic gesture of getting down on the ground to kiss the shoe of his “liberator.”

But after that Kaufman was forgotten again. Once more, he felt unappreciated, disrespected. So he decides to go to the highly-publicized trial in Germany and get attention back on himself again. This, as I can see, is his sole purpose. But he is obliged to talk about his experience in the camps and that's where he gets in trouble.

Joshua Kaufman's daughter, who accompanied her father to Germany, speaks with him in the courtroom at the trial of the man he wants to testify against.

This is a quote from the NBC News report that covered Kaufman's day in court.

"Can you imagine working in a crematorium, when you are only 15 years old?" he asked. "I had to break the bones of the dead to get them untangled ... I am not Joshua Kaufman, I am number 109023."

Already problems arise. Joshua is 88 years old as of this writing in May 2016, making his birth date 1928 [same as Elie Wiesel]. He supplied a photograph of himself, published at the Daily Mail, before he was arrested and sent to a concentration camp.”


A youthful Joshua Kaufman is pictured before he was sent to a concentration camp but no age is given.

Does he look like he could be younger than 15? Doubtful. I would have judged him as about 18, or he could be 21. His clothing does make him look older. But does it make you question his statement that when he was 15, he was already working in a crematorium … at Auschwitz?

The Daily Mail also says he is a Hungarian Jew.

The first person [Gillespie, the American soldier] saw was Hungarian Jew Kaufman. He was hiding in the latrines with other prisoners ...

Yet this also:

'We were confined to barracks by the guards,' Mr Kaufman said.  'Then I saw the white flag flying from the watchtower [...] When the Americans smashed in the door, my heart did somersaults.'

So which story is true? The one told by Gillespie or the one by Kaufman? In Dachau, it was not necessary to smash in any doors, particularly not in the latrine that didn't have a door! It was arranged in advance for the camp to be turned over to the Allies by an international committee. But they like to pretend for the sake of the narrative that courageous American soldiers risked their lives to liberate the inmates.

I'd like to add here the revealing words spoken by liberating soldier Gillespie. who, by the way, is the same age as Kaufman:

'We could not understand it. I grew up in California where we had everything in abundance. 

'We didn't get how people could let other people starve. They murdered them or just let them die. Again and again the questions moved through my head. And at the same time I was just incredibly angry.'

This is the crime done against the Germans at Dachau—the war propaganda the troops were soaked in, the misunderstandings their leaders encouraged them to hold, the anger that was allowed to explode—that resulted in the murder of over 500 German guards and camp personnel (many who had just arrived!) by these “incredibly angry,” ignorant but arrogant US troops. This is the story of Dachau that the narrative doesn't include. It wasn't the guards who “let other people starve” either. It was the Allied destruction raining down from the air that obstructed the delivery of goods within Germany – which is what it was intended to do. These same airplanes had guns that killed many Jewish and other detainees who were being transported by rail to the Western Germany camps. The Allies didn't care about that either. It's very possible that more non-Germans were killed in Europe by the Allies than by the Germans, including in the camps.

Kaufman came from Hungary, that tells us a lot

Most Hungarian Jews were not touched until Spring 1944, when large numbers were sent to Auschwitz, and from there on to other labor camps. They were tattooed with numbers that began with an A or B. Kaufman said his number was 109023. This doesn't fit with Hungarian deportee numbers we know – Lazar Wiesel was A7713. Paul Argiewizc says he was arrested in 1941 in Poland and his Auschwitz number was 176520. If Joshua were arrested a year or two or three later, his number should be higher than Paul's, not lower.

George Rosenthal of Trenton, NJ, from documents obtained from the USHMM, has determined that numbers were divided into 1) “regular” (no letter), 2) preceded by AU for Soviet prisoners, 3) Z for Gypsy, 4) EH for Reeducation, and the A and B series that was not begun until May 1944 for Hungarian deportees. Thus, Paul and Joshua's numbers  would both be in the regular series but Joshua's number is too low.

Another problem: All major camps had crematoriums. In the reports by NBC News and the Daily Mail (UK) there was no quote from Kaufman using the word 'Auschwitz.' Yet it is understood he was at Auschwitz, and the number he gave indicates that. So if – a big if – he was working in one of the crematoriums at Auschwitz-Birkenau, he was dealing with corpses only. Yet the NBC News article has this, apparently from Kaufman:

Joshua Kaufman, who lives in Los Angeles, had hoped to win permission to tell the court about how he removed bodies from gas chambers at the World War II death camp after victims had been killed with Zyklon B.

Too bad he wasn't allowed to say that on the witness stand. It would have been very interesting. But the court knew they couldn't allow his un-rehearsed testimony. Their carefully constructed sacrifice of Reinhold Hanning, needed to feed the anti-nationalist system they serve and the voracious appetite of World Jewry, might suffer a setback from which it couldn't recover.

I conclude ...

My conclusion is that Kaufman must have been deported to Auschwitz with the Hungarian Jews in Spring 1944, at which time he would have been 16 years old. So he was never a 15-year old crematorium worker and he certainly didn't drag dead bodies out of a “gas chamber.” Lies. He also couldn't have had the Auschwitz number 109023. He easily might have worked in 3 small labor camps before being moved to Dachau at the end of his one year of incarceration.

Of Dachau he said:

In Dachau we had to tote around 50 kilo cement sacks. The whole day long. Whoever broke down was immediately shot.

This is something he just made up or he heard another say. Nothing was done without purpose in Dachau and there was plenty of useful work to do. Why bags of cement? This is reminiscent of stories of carrying boulders from one pile to another all day. No one was shot for “breaking down,” nor were they overworked to exhaustion. This is not the German way; it reflects the Jewish mentality of torturing and tormenting one's enemies.

The Daily Mail tells us that after the war this man made it to Israel where he became a soldier who fought in the Six Day War (1967) and the Yom Kippur War (1973). How then can he be seen as different from Reinhold Hanning since, as a soldier, you don't have a choice of your assignment. It wasn't until 30 years had gone by that he emigrated to America, married and had children.

Does Reinhold Hanning have children too? Yes. Did he ever lay a hand on this man Kaufman (or anyone else)? No. But Kaufman wants to join in on the pointless public abuse against him. If Hanning is found guilty on May 27, he could be sentenced to 15 years in prison – at age 94 - even if it would probably be a suspended sentence. They just want to get guilty verdicts to “prove” that what didn't happen happened.

Europeans have allowed themselves to be conned into accepting false guilt from the Jewish-Allied Forces official history of WW2. It is a type of false patriotism (Didn't we do great when we whipped the Nazis) that has ended up becoming anti-European because it condemns Nationalism as wrong, thereby promoting instead a borderless one-world multiculturalism that is intended to wipe out the distinctiveness of the White European race and their unique nation-states. Propaganda about the “Holocaust” is still central to this genocide of White Europeans. Those who use it don't intend to give it up.

The lesson to take from this is not to believe what those who call themselves “Holocaust survivors” tell you. Do not immediately defer to them. Ask questions and remember the answers, so you can check out the information later. They should not get a free pass. It has come to be that not even the highest authority in the world in any field will dare to question a “holocaust survivor.” That means they are the highest authority on what happened! They get away with giant lies, mainly about Germans, but that reflect on all Europeans, and that isn't right. It's one thing to seek advantage for yourself, but it's another to do it at the expense of another. This is what surlievors do.