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Mayu 5, 2015

The phrase ‘America First’

deemed offensive to Jews


Brainwashed Americans too stupid

to realize what this really means



By John Kaminski



Jewish protests about Donald Trump’s use of the phrase “America First” being anti-Semitic should tell you all you need to know about how Jews feel about America.

They feel they own it — and they largely do! — but they also feel the goyim should obey them when they pontificate that Israel comes first, and that Americans should put Israel’s interests before America’s.


And why wouldn’t they? Israel Firsters — both Jews and those bought off by Jews —  own the U.S. government and virtually the entire U.S. infrastructure in its entirety, and have for decades. 


Top that off with the sad fact that just about all the information everyone receives through electronic and print media comes from Jewish owned shills, creating the perfect recipe for totalitarianism that is being swallowed hook, line and sinker by the younger generations of Americans who have had no exposure to the real history of the world, which reveals hundreds of years of warmaking Jewish perfidy exactly like what is happening in world today.


The Jewish Anti-Defamation League, the CNN network and a fatuous Jewish columnist named Eli Lake have insisted the phrase “America First” evokes highly charged memories of a different era some 76 years ago when the world was perched on the precipice of World War II, and the famed American aviator Charles Lindbergh was the most visible figure trying desperately to keep the U.S. out of an unprecedented bloodbath.


The bloodthirsty Jews were frothing at the mouth in their frenzy to annihilate Adolf Hitler, who had removed the Jews from power in Germany and imprisoned many of them in work camps — which were not the death camps of Jewish media propaganda. The 6 million hoax has long ago been debunked as a cover story to conceal how Germany became prosperous when it put serious sanctions on the treasonous behavior of the exploitative Jews.


U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet Union dictator Josef Stalin — all of them descended from Jews and surrounded by Jewish advisers — had aimed for years to overthrow Hitler and liquidate the entire German population. 


When Hitler removed the Jews from power in Germany in 1933, Jews all over the world declared war on him, and through their behind-the-scenes political control of the U.S., Britain, and the USSR, eventually obliterated the prosperous and innocent nation Hitler had resuscitated from the ashes of World War I.


Of course, because the world’s major media have been controlled by Jews throughout the 20th century, the world has been told a very different story about these events.


Now the ADL and their paid off lapdogs in America’s kosher-stink press have actually claimed it is wrong for Trump to use the phrase “America First” because it brings back memories of when one of the great Americans, Charles Lindbergh, fought courageously to keep the U.S. out of a falsely motivated World War II.


Had Lindbergh succeeded, it would have saved tens of millions of lives. But the combination of the Jewish press and their willingness to publish the lies of the politicians who were paid handsomely by the Jews who controlled the world’s money supply was simply too strong for average citizens who simply wanted to live in peace to overcome.


After all — and to this very day — peace is never on the Jewish agenda.


Today CNN, a thoroughly Jewish propaganda organization that fires people when they mention that fact, actually acknowledges the truth of the facts of World War II, but brands them as lies. It is the way Jews typically flip reality on its head, as they do when they support the notion that shouting out “America First!” is anti-Semitic.


In a tainted screed written by Williams College professor Susan Dunn


CNN proceeds to paint with a broad brush of inferred anti-Semitism a whole phalanx of American politicians, from Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart and former president Gerald Ford, to former Kennedy insider Sargent Shriver and former Yale President Kingman Brewster, for joining Lindbergh’s “isolationist” crusade.


Robert Wood, the board chairman of Sears, Roebuck, agreed to act as their group's temporary chair. The growing organization soon included powerful men like Col. Robert McCormick of the Chicago Tribune; Minnesota meatpacker Jay Hormel; Sterling Morton, the president of Morton Salt Company; U.S. Rep. Bruce Barton of New York; and Lessing Rosenwald, the former chairman of Sears.


These men were all patriots advocating U.S. independence who are now ridiculed by CNN as “soft on Hitler”. The true facts of the matter are that Hitler and Germany were the innocent victims of a worldwide Jewish conspiracy to throttle the most dangerous challenge ever seen to Jewish worldwide financial hegemony.


The way CNN tells it is that America First struggled with the problem of the anti-Semitism of some of its leaders and many of its members. CNN calls Henry Ford “notoriously anti-Semitic”, but Ford was and is the most important figure in the 20th century who correctly raised the alarm about international Jews who had allegiance to no country but their own demented tribe and its insane desire to conquer the world, which was a charge the Jews have always levelled against Hitler, but which was really a projection of their owned warped objective. 


As CNN enumerated the so called anti-Semitic aspects of Lindbergh’s America First movement, it cited a Kansas chapter leader who pronounced President Franklin Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt "Jewish" and Winston Churchill a "half-Jew."


CNN disparages these assertions as ridiculous, but the facts prove the charges were all true. Roosevelt was descended from Jews on both sides of his family, and Churchill’s abusive mother was an American Jew who raised one of the great homicidal maniacs and incompetent politicians of the 20th century.


(Yes, I happen to be reading Mike King’s latest history lesson, “The British Mad Dog: Debunking the Myth of Winston Churchill”.)


After Pearl Harbor, the America First Committee closed its doors, but not before Lindbergh made his famous speech at an America First rally in Des Moines, Iowa, in September 1941. After charging that President Roosevelt had manufactured "incidents" (like Pearl Harbor!) to propel the country into war, Lindbergh proceeded to blurt out his true thoughts.


"The British and the Jewish races," he declared, "for reasons which are not American, wish to involve us in the war." The nation's enemy was an internal one, a Jewish one. "Their greatest danger to this country lies in their large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio, and our government," he contended.


Today, these facts are even more true than they were in 1941.


Lindbergh's unambiguous message was that Jews living in the United States constituted a wealthy, influential, conspiratorial foreign "race" that had seized "our" media and infiltrated "our" political institutions. They were the alien out-group, hostile to "us."


Although Lindbergh’s assertions were all true, they were blotted out by the tremendous power of the Jewish controlled media and politicians bribed and blackmailed by the Jews, a demonic fact of life that continues to sabotage the USA right up to the present moment.


So confident of its power to mislead Americans with absurd lies, Holocaust-loving CNN quoted Anne Frank’s “stepsister” comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler (we should be so lucky).


“Eva Schloss, now 86, was a friend of Frank's in Amsterdam after their families fled Nazi Germany in the 1930s. Her mother, Fritzi, would marry Otto Frank, Anne's father, after World War II. If Donald Trump become(s) the next president of the U.S. it would be a complete disaster," she told Newsweek. "I think he is acting like another Hitler by inciting racism."


Of course, anyone familiar with the Anne Frank scam knows what William Pierce discovered, that large parts of the so-called Diary of a Young Girl were written in ballpoint pen (despite an avalanche of Jewish arguments trying to defend their Holocaust myths that the diary was written with a fountain pen). <>


The kicker is the ballpoint pen was invented in 1951; Anne Frank died in 1945.


As it happens, I was going through my files recently and found some remarks by the now imprisoned Revisionist Horst Mahler which were translated into English by James Damon that reminded me how long this Jewish assault on reality has been going on.


Although many of the world’s great thinkers, from Cicero to Ezra Pound, have weighed in on the depraved behavior of the Jews, Mahler zeroed in on a long forgotten literary luminary who aptly described Jewish behavior more than 200 years ago.


In 1793 the German philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte described the Jewish problem quite clearly:


A power, animosity-filled state within a state is spreading through nearly all the countries of Europe . . . This state is constantly at war with all others, severely oppressing the general citizenry.


It is Judaism, the Judaic state.


The Jews must be granted human rights even though they deny them to others.


They are, after all, human beings; and the injustices that they commit do not give us the right to behave as they do.


In granting them the rights of citizens, however, I can see no alternative to cutting off their heads and replacing them with heads that are purged of Jewish ideas  . . .


In order to protect ourselves from them, I see no alternative but to transport them all to their promised land.


Mahler, perhaps the most eloquent of the World War II German revisionists who continues to be abused by the Jewified German authorites, had this to say about the quote.


For Fichte, the danger did not lie merely in the fact that Jews form a state within a state.


The greatest danger lay in the fact that the Jewish state is founded on hatred of all other states.


Mahler further commented on Fichte’s assessment by adding


I do not believe that this is true because it forms a separate a closely bound state, but rather because it is founded on hatred of the entire human race.”


We have known for many centuries that the Jews are a lethal menace to any country in which they choose to nest. No assessment of their criminal behavior has been more accurate than that of the famous 18th century French philosopher Voltaire.


''They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race...


Most Americans have no idea how perilously close we are to this observation coming true. Voltaire then predicted what we must to do prevent this.


''You have surpassed all nations in impertinent fables, in bad conduct and in barbarism. You deserve to be punished, for this is your destiny.''


So the next time you see a Jew, greet him with Hitler’s hand salute and shout “America First”. Then tell him to go back to where he belongs (which might in fact be the bowels of hell). 


Tell him to leave now, while he still has a chance to escape his fate, before everyone finally realizes the terrible things the Jews have done — and are doing — to the whole world. The world should know by now there is no reasoning with mad dogs.


Special treatment should be reserved for those politicians who take their money and propagate Jewish lies at the expense of America’s well being. And this includes virtually every politician in America.




John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.


