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Israel Blames Brussels Bombing on EU Imposed “Labeling of Goods” Produced in Israeli Settlements in Palestine

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March 25, 2016theunhivedmind One comment

Israel Blames Brussels Bombing on EU Imposed “Labelling of Goods” Produced in Israeli Settlements in Palestine


Global Research, March 23, 2016

The New Arab 22 March 2016

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Ofir Akunis

An Israeli minister has said that a recent European Union law regarding the labelling of goods produced in Israeli settlements illegally built in the occupied Palestinian West Bank was a factor behind Tuesday’s bombing in the Belgium capital.

Ofir Akunis (image left), minister of science, technology and space, said that Europeans had lost sight of “terrorism of extremist Islam” by focusing on boycotting Israeli goods instead.

This supposed letting down of Europe’s guard had allowed an armed gang to strike at the heart of Europe with three bombings in Brussels, which killed at least 26 people, he inferred.

“Many in Europe have preferred to occupy themselves with the folly of condemning Israel, labelling products, and boycotts. In this time, underneath the nose of the continent’s citizens, thousands of extremist Islamic terror cells have grown,” Akunis wrote on Facebook.

“There were those who repressed and mocked whoever tried to give warning. There were those who underestimated. To our sorrow, the reality has struck the lives of dozens of innocent people.”

His reference to EU boycotts follows a decision by European MPs in Brussels for new guidelines regarding the labelling of products from Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

Israel has said that labelling the “origin of goods” from illegal settlements from occupied Palestinian territories was “unacceptable discrimination”.

“The terrorism of extremist Islam strikes all those who do not accept its authority,” Akunis added.

תנחומים כנים לעם הבלגי, למשפחות הנרצחים והחלמה מהירה לפצועים.

הטרור של האיסלאם הקיצוני מכה בכל מי שלא מקבל את…

— Ofir Akunis (@OfirAkunis) March 22, 2016

(Sincere condolences to the Belgian people and the families of the murdered, and a speedy recovery to the wounded. The terrorism of extremist Islam strikes all those who do not accept its authority)

He suggested Europeand refocused their attention on “Islamic extremism” to prevent further attacks.

His comments have been met with scorn on social media.

Israel’s @OfirAkunis speaks on behalf of bigots and extremists. No surprise. Europe is for freedom, not repression!

— Lucie Krahulcova (@nomadiclucie) March 22, 2016

Disgusting comment from Israeli Science Minister and Netanyahu confidant Ofir Akunis (Likud)

— Elizabeth Tsurkov (@Elizrael) March 22, 2016

let it not be said that israeli politicians are limited in their ability to be complete asses @OfirAkunis

— Ben Waxman (@benwaxman) March 22, 2016


March 25, 2016 at 7:13 am

I believe the world now has the capability to counter the Israeli threat of the Samson Option! What should happen is that there should be no more funding to Israel from the United States. Jewish controlled organizations like AIPAC, ADL and so forth should be removed from the Republic. All Jews should be expelled to Israel. No more weapons will be developed by so-called goyim to be sold back to Israel. All weapons sales will be off to Israel, no funding from the U.S. and a worldwide boycott of all Israeli products. No one will be allowed to deal and trade with any company or bank that’s remotely Jewish and all those banks that are Jewish will be either removed or taken over by the nation state. This is the way to rid the planet of this Satanic filth once and for all and free the rest of humanity and we might stand a chance of some progression. This way you’ve not even fired a single bullet, it’s all been done by stopping trade, aid/funding. Let this vile tribe fend for themselves in that vile dust-bowl they so adore and worship. Lets see if they’ll be able to bounce their heads covered in the Kronos black stone to a bunch of concrete when they cannot feed themselves. The Tribe like to have their boycotts well it’s time the world did to them what they did to Germany back in the 20th Century! The world doesn’t need Talmudist bankers we can create our own credit currencies and trade together in peace with real money and finally real prosperity through development and an increase in the energy flux density (denied to use by the post-industrial zero-growth model of the Club of Rome). All Jewish debt instruments of slavery will be null and voice as people stick to real money (moon-eye) and stay clear of the Satanic money-changers of the anti-Christ.


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