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il Talmudic Jews rejoice terror attacks against Christian Europe

The Unhived Mind

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March 25, 2016theunhivedmind One comment

March 24 2016

Jim Stone

Intrinsic proof the Jews were the ones who rejoiced 911

Take a look at the type of comments Jews are writing in Hebrew to their social profiles. All of these were written by Jews. Several are openly hoping attacks happen more often. They are certainly not upset by the attacks, the following proves it:




March 25, 2016 at 6:54 am

It’s very interesting how this fake tribe can mouth off on social media but if you the goyim try it then you’re thought-reformed, sued or jailed. I’m telling you people that you must watch the two documentaries I’ve added below as they’re highly important in exposing the worse people this planet has ever known. Don’t fear blacks, whites, orientals or Arabs but you should definitely fear these tribal cretins who believe they’re the chosen ones. The colors of the world should unite and expose the Synagogue of Satan the worshipers of Kronos. Today people attack the Catholic Church but rest assured this Synagogue makes the Catholic Church look like child’s play and make note how the Catholic Church was always dead against these Satanists and rightfully so. This Synagogue and Venetian powers have destroyed Europe and they’re going in for the kill right now. The Vatican has been fully mastered by this vermin for decades and more openly since 1963! Don’t be diverted from the real enemy! There’s something seriously mentally wrong with this tribe. It’s so annoying what’s being said on social media by this tribe especially when you consider the Israeli Government aka Likud Party were outright terrorists. Reminds me of how Barack and Michelle Obama (New Venice agents) were part of the terrorist Weatherman Underground. Lets flush these turds out and down the sewer where they belong. Don’t be deceived by false so-called Christian preachers that this vermin is the chosen ones. These preachers are trapped in a farce that was created by these Satanic Venetians and that’s called the Reformation. It seems a lot of Christians are waking up to whats happening with this tribe. Let me remind you that it’s this immigrant Shephardic tribe which killed off the Tribe of Judah the true so-called Jew. The Ashkenazi are outright frauds having never even been in Judea. We have deception at the highest levels. Now hopefully people will be able to see what’s happening to Europe with the Kalergi Plan by the likes of Zionist George Soros. Can you imagine what Europe and the U.S. will like once these practitioners of the Kabbalah get their Greater Israel? You’re seeing the result now as they try to shift Middle Easterners out and into Europe so the tribe can have the land to themselves aided by Sabbos Goy and the highly deceived goyim.


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