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No Place for Corruption

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Feb. 25, 2016


This Site Deals with Public Corruption Issues in our Nation and Communities.  Note Some of the links are being removed to protect the guilty.

Q: Who is the Major Figure standing in the Shadows of 911

Q: If Israel and the the Likud did 911 then who controls this?

Q: Who is Netanyahu’s Power Broker?

Q: Why did WTC owner Larry Silverstein meet with Netanyahu ever Sunday?

Q: Who in control of the Likud demanded that Sharon be replaced?

Q: What Gangster paid for the AIPAC Bldg in Washington DC?

Q: AIPAC controls 300+ in Congress who controls AIPAC?

Q: Who bought the Sands Casino's from Myer Lansky?

Q: Who has expertise in Controlled Demolition from taking down the Sands Casinos?

Q: Who controls the Diamond Industry?

Q: Who is the 3rd richest man in the US?

Q: Who is this person?

 A: Sheldon Adelson!!! 

 Likud-AIPAC leader Sheldon Adelson Crazy Jewish Billionaire sets Netanyahu

FBI Report shows AIPAC founder  I.L. Kenen was a Communist

9/11 All The Proof  In the World

The conclusion is that Sheldon Adelson is behind 9-11 along with Likud and Mike Miliken

Kissinger was to oversee the 911 commission. Kissinger was selected via Walter Annenberg in Nixon Era to Lead US Dept of State.

His rise to power was due to the Boardwalk Empire. Kissinger was selected by

Walter Annenberg Son of Moses Annenberg

American Mafia the Meet

This was the Honeymoon of Meyer Lansky’s First Wife Anna Citron 

Citron  lives in a Bucks County, Pennsylvania Nursing Home.

The Dean O'Banion Gang was in Competition with Capone for Control of Chicago. The gang was headed up by Moses Annenberg prior to the Massacre   - Closely aligned with the Jewish Mafia Segment via Moses Annenberg'Banion's_Day_Massacre   - Saint Valentine Affair (Merger of Detroit Purple Gang with Chicago)

Detroit Purple Gang Legacy  - American Mafia the Meet Capone with Moses Annenberg who controled Philadelphia and Protected Capone - Merger of Detroit Purple Gang with Chicago Syndicate

National Crime Syndicate  Legacy setup in Atlantic City, NJ a Few weeks after the St. Valentines Massacre.

2nd Meeting of the National Crime Syndicate with Jewish Mafia at the Franconia Hotel in 1931

In 1931, Stacher helped Meyer Lansky organize a conference of Jewish organized crime leaders at the Franconia Hotel, which later would see the alleged merging of the Jewish and Italian Mafia into a national crime syndicate. Running West Coast and Caribbean gambling operations for Lansky during the 1930s, as well as becoming a silent partner of movie studio Columbia Pictures in the late 1930s, Stacher would later supervise gambling in Las Vegas, Nevada, particularly the Sands and Fremont Casinos.

Sands Casino interest are now owned by Sheldon Adelson

In the Formation of the National Crime Syndicate is was setup with Murder Inc to be the enforcement arm. Albert Anastasia Lord High Executioner

In subsequent article Santos Trafficante state he killed Anastasia

Murder Inc the Model for the OSS and the CIA!!!

Murder Inc Abe Relles - The Canary that could not fly just like Admiral Forrestal!!

In the first three months after the Attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, the U.S. lost 120 merchant ships to German U-boats and surface raiders in the Battle of the North Atlantic and in February 1942 the cruise ship SS Normandie – a captured French ship that was being refitted as a troop ship in New York harbor – was allegedly sabotaged and sunk by arson in the Port of New York. The Mafia boss Albert Anastasia claimed responsibility for the sabotage.[1] After the war, Axis records showed no sabotage operation had existed and no evidence has ever been produced on the Allied side to indicate there had been underworld sabotage. The loss of the Normandie was almost certainly an accident.[2]

Nevertheless, fears about possible sabotage or disruption of the waterfront led Commander Charles R. Haffenden of the U.S. Navy Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) Third Naval District in New York set up a special security unit and sought the help of Joseph Lanza, who ran the Fulton Fish Market, to get intelligence about the New York waterfront, control the labor unions and identify possible refuelling and resupply operations for German submarines with the help fishing industry along the Atlantic Coast. To cover Lanza’s activities, he suggested to approach Charles Luciano who was an important boss of the five New York Mafia crime families. Luciano agreed to cooperate with authorities in hopes of consideration for early release from prison.[3]

Murder Inc  was involved with Sinking Normandy in WWII in NYC via Albert Anastasia see

… Luciano received a 30- to 50-year sentence. During World War II, Anastasia reportedly originated the plan to win a pardon for Luciano by helping the war effort.

With America needing allies in Sicily to advance the invasion of Italy, and the desire of the Navy to dedicate its resources to the war, Anastasia orchestrated a deal to obtain lighter treatment for Luciano while he was in prison, and after the war, a parole in exchange for the Mafia protecting the waterfront and Luciano's assistance with his associates in Sicily.

The Mafia Restored: Fighters for Democracy in World War II

World War II gave the Mafia a new lease on life. In the United States, the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) became increasingly concerned over a series of sabotage incidents on the New York waterfront, which culminated with the burning of the French liner Normandie on the eve of its christening as an Allied troop ship.

Powerless to infiltrate the waterfront itself, the ONI very practically decided to fight fire with fire, and contacted Joseph Lanza, Mafia boss of the East Side docks, who agreed to organize effective antisabotage surveillance throughout his waterfront territory. When ONT decided to expand "Operation Underworld" to the West Side docks in 1943 they discovered they would have to deal with the man who controlled them: Lucky Luciano, unhappily languishing in the harsh Dannemora prison. After he promised full cooperation to naval intelligence officers, Luciano was rewarded by being transferred to a less austere state penitentiary near Albany, where he was regularly visited by military officers and underworld leaders such as Meyer Lansky (who had emerged as Luciano's chief assistant). (14)

While ONI enabled Luciano to resume active leadership of American organized crime, the Allied invasion of Italy returned the Sicilian Mafia to power.

On the night of July 9, 1943, 160,000 Allied troops landed on the extreme southwestern shore of Sicily.(15) After securing a beachhead, Gen. George Patton's U.S. Seventh Army launched an offensive into the island's western hills, Italy's Mafialand, and headed for the city of Palermo. (16) Although there were over sixty thousand Italian troops and a hundred miles of boobytrapped roads between Patton and Palermo, his troops covered the distance in a remarkable four days.(17)

The Defense Department has never offered any explanation for the remarkable lack of resistance in Patton's race through western Sicily and pointedly refused to provide any information to Sen. Estes Kefauver's Organized Crime Subcommittee in 1951.


At End of WWII  Gen Patton knew too much and was assassinated by the OSS/CIA under the thumb of Lansky’s Murder Inc that merged into the OSS/CIA.

Just Like Murder Inc the Canary that could not fly!!

…In May 1949, former US Secretary of Defense James Forrestal was found dead at the Bethesda Naval Hospital in suspicious circumstances. This was less than two months after he had been fired by President Truman. Forrestal had been the administration's leading opponent of the formation and US recognition of Israel. Seven weeks after being committed for "treatment", apparently against his will, his body was found on a ledge beneath a window of his 16th-floor room. The official account held that it was "suicide".   - Nixon talked about exposure of the Bay of Pigs Affair (JFK Murder)  - Taking of America 123  Starts with the Bay of Pigs Affair (Operation Zapata) Restore Lansky Cuban Casinos via Max Fisher influence in the CIA and Eisenhower administration.

Assassination of JFK  - Operation Zapata – (Code Bay of Pigs Affair)

Initially Bay of Pigs was about getting Mafia Casinos back into Cuba – Set via Moe Dalitz and Max Fisher.

via Southern Mafia Joe Bonnano/Bronfman Crime Family.

Understudies (Sam Giancanna,Santos Trafficante and Carlos Marcello) (During JFK Era the Mafia Split between the Northern Mafia Traditional Italian Segment of the Southern Mafia)

Note Ties of Cord Meyer to Operation Mockingbird and Chicago Gangster Walter Annenberg

LBJ’s Links to Hoover Murder Cover Up – Joe Bonnano Selected LBJ for JFK’s VP

Hoover was compromised by Meyer Lansky

JFK vs LBJ those SOB’s will never embarrass me again

Joe Bonnano – Original Founder of the National Crime Syndicate like Lansky, Lucky, Capone and Torrio.


Bonnano became with Bronfman’s the Southern Mafia  (Jewish Mafia known as the Bronfmam-Lansky Syndicate). Aka Dope Inc via Bronfmans. Others in Southern Mafia under control of Bonnano: Santos Trafficante, Carlos Marcello, Sam Giancana

John Roseilli – CIA – Family Jewels Bay of Pigs - Killed via Santos Trafficante over talking about JFK

After mobster Johnny Roselli hinted in 1976  that he knew who arranged JFK's murder, he was found off the Florida coast in a 55-gallon drum, hacked to pieces.

Jack Anderson Interviews with details from  Roseilli  - More Details Note US Sen Specter's efforts, ONI compromised via Operation Underworld.

National Archive Report on Family Jewels

Jack Rubenstein (Ruby) Lt. in Bronfman Crime Family killer of Oswald Informer on the Mob to Pres Nixon in 50’s - Reported to have made trips to Cuba

 The Nephew of Jack Ruby is a Judge in Bucks County PA (Alan Rubenstein). His uncle was a Lt. In the Bronfman Crime Family (Jewish Mafia)

Ruby to Nixon Nexus. Ruby a Member of the Bronfman Crime Family was an informant to Nixon on Organized Crime

On the evening of October 20, 1964, Joseph Bonanno, the boss of the New York crime family that bore his name, sat down to dinner at an uptown restaurant with three of his attorneys: William Maloney, his partner Joe Allen, and Bonanno's Arizona attorney Lawrence D'Antonio. The sixty-year-old Bonanno was scheduled to appear before a grand jury the next day, and the lawyers had assembled to counsel him. Bonanno would later refer to this time of his life as being between a "hammer and anvil." The federal government was actively pursuing him for his organized-crime activities while at the same time the Mafia Commission, the mob's ruling body in America, had gotten wind of his plans to revamp their ranks through a series of planned assassinations in order to make himself boss of all bosses.

As written in the Book Hoffa Wars. The Southern Mafia was formed in the early 60’s with Bonanno and Bronfman as the Italian-Jewish Leaders located in Phoenix. Under the crime boss Bonnano was Sam Guicana, Santos Trafficante and Carlos Marcello.

Here also we here the story of Frank Raganno Lawyer for Santos state within hours of the JFK Murder Hoffa called and said to him tell Santos and Carlos “we did it we finally go rid of him”.See Assassination JFK by Joe Bonnano. Bonnano setup the Southern Mafia, his underbosses were Santos Trafficante, Carlos Marcello, Sam Giancana. This indicates that the leader of the Southern Mafia was involved. Since Bonanno worked with Joe Kennedy Sr. to get JFK elected and controlled the Southern Mafia he had to have more influence then what is indicated.  - See part were Bonnano talks about JFK and states only a local issue. They were his crime bosses

In the video Bonnano said Joe Kennedy Sr. asked him to support JFK for President. Later Bonnano states he had nothing to do with the JFK Murder.. Bunk as leader of the Mafia who authorized mob support for the JFK election he had to at least approve the murder. Bonnano was the leader of the southern Mafia  his underbosses were involved with the JFK Murder

In the video Bonnano said Joe Kennedy Sr. asked him to support JFK for President. Later Bonnano states he had nothing to do with the JFK Murder.. Bunk as leader of the Mafia who authorized mob support for the JFK election he had to at least approve the murder.!!


Frank Ragano Story on JFK – “We Did It We Finally Got Rid of Him” Hoffa to Ragano hours after the JFK Murder. In Tampa with Bonnano Underbosses Marcello and Trafficante


The Legacy of LBJ starts with his activities in Texas. Then his selection via Joe Boannoa to become VP, Murder of JFK, RFK via CIA Assassin Squad(s). RFK vs Hoffa. RFK asks LBJ why did you have my brother killed.  LBJ Mistress Madeline Brown interview (Note: Her comments on Kellog Brown & Root aka Haliburton)  - Bay of Pigs Nixon like Pres Bush Sr was in Dallas Texas on Day of JFK Murder  - Nixon Comments on LBJ killing JFK

Nixon's Comments on the Bay of Pigs Affair (JFK Assasination) (At Nixon Library Brea CA, you see two top benefactors to the Nixon Administration Walter Annenberg and Max Fisher. Both are Gangsters).


President LBJ asked  Gerald Ford to work with the Warren Commission. His Power Broker was Max Fisher Jewish Mafia Boss involved with Bay of Pigs  - Max Fisher Legacy Ohio State University Former Detroit Purple Gangster tied to Moe Dalitz, took over United Fruit, Setup the Repulican Jewish Coaltion  Another front for the Syndicate. Fisher owned Aurora Oil and Gas and Marathon Oil (Gas Station Chain). Later sold to Edgar Bronfman (Capone Bootleggers).  The Marthon Oil Merger with DuPont resulted in the Bronfman-Lansky Syndicate controlling the firm. In a Charles Rose interview Edgar Bronfman Jr. said he was earning a Billion per day from DuPont Alone. (Comes to about a Trillion in 3-5 years). DuPont controls Delaware politics. Hence Joe Biden who was hand picked to become President Obama's VP. Seems just like when Joe Boanno selected LBJ to be JFK's VP.  - Max Fisher's Purple Gang Merged into Capone Syndicate via Saint Valentine Massacre.  (Jewish Mafia Communists)

President Regan's Links to Bronfman-Lansky Syndicate MCA Records

Dark Victory – Reagan / MCA Records/ Bronfman Nexus

Regan's Outsourcing of US Jobs via 1986 Tax Reform Act Section 1706 via US Sens Specter and Monyihan

Operation Zapata – Like CIA Director at that time Bush Sr. as in Zapata Oil (Gangster Max Fisher of United Fruit)

Photo of CIA Director Bush Sr. – Operation Zapata via the Gangster Max Fisher who setup the Bay of Pigs Affair (Jewish Mafia Communists)

Details on Kellog Brown Root (Haliburton just like Madeline Brown LBJ’s Mistress said)  - American Drug Lords Barry Seal, Clinton and Walmart Trucking  - Clinton's Best Friends the Bronfman-Lansky Syndicate   - Clinton Outsourcing US Jobs via H1BVisa and Free Trade Agreements

"Truth, crushed to earth, shall rise again, - - The eternal years of God are hers;

But Error, wounded, writhes in pain,And dies among his worshippers."

Truth has a way of asserting itself despite all attempts to obscure it. Distortion only serves to derail it for a time. No matter to what lengths we humans may go to obfuscate facts or delude our fellows, truth has a way of squeezing out through the cracks, eventually.

But the danger is that at some point it may no longer matter. The danger is that damage is done before the truth is widely realized. The reality is that, sometimes, it is easier to ignore uncomfortable facts and go along with whatever distortion is currently in vogue. We see a lot of this today in politics. I see a lot of it -- more than I would ever have believed -- right on this Senate Floor. Sen Byrd comments on reasons for US to go to War with Iraq.


Frank Ragano Story on JFK – “We Did It We Finally Got Rid of Him” Hoffa to Ragano hours after the JFK Murder.  - Hoffa Murder  RFK vs Hoffa

Hoffa Wars – Tony Pro and ICE Man Ted Kuklinski killed Hoffa and the Limo was taken to the JunkYard at the Fountain Auto Mall in Brooklyn NY

Kuklinski and the Hoffa Confession

In April 2006, it was reported that Kuklinski had confessed to author Philip Carlo that he and four men had kidnapped and murdered union boss Jimmy Hoffa. In an interview aired on CNN's "Larry King Live," Carlo discussed the confession in detail, explaining the Kuklinski was part of a five-member team, who under the direction of Tony Provenzano, a captain in the Genovese crime family, kidnapped and murdered Hoffa in a restaurant parking lot in Detroit.

Ice Man Kills Man who Killed John Gotti’s Son in Car Accident

… Mr Favara was forced into a van and shot in the legs before being taken to Brooklyn. There, they believe, he was killed and later pushed into a 55-gallon, cement-bottomed oil drum which was then dumped into the sea.  Aka the Fountain Auto Mall Brooklyn NY. The ICE Man placed Hoffa's Remains the Car Crusher Here. The Junkyard was owned by Goodfellow Paul Vario ref. Henry Hill's Don in the movie "Goodfellers"

Fountain Auto Mall

Witness to seeing the Hoffa Limo at the Fountain Auto Mall Brooklyn NY.. Same Place

Where Ice Man said he got rid of  John Gotti’s son killer here. Just like he did with Hoffa.

Nixon's on the Bay of Pigs Affair (JFK Assasination) (At Nixon Library Brea CA, you see two top benefactors to the Nixon Administration Walter Annenberg and Max Fisher. Both  are Gangsters)

McCain Fund Raiser with RothChild Heir – Founders of the American Mafia via the John Torrio (Boardwalk Empire – Capone, Lansky, Lucky, Bronfman) , US Banking and Jewish Mafia Communists.

McCain Florida Campaign

Scott Rothstein – Jewish Mafia Communist, McCain Fund Raiser- Convicted Felon

Sen McCain on Immigration – Your Job or His

McCain’s planned head of the US Dept of Commerce

HP’s Mafia Princess Carly Fiorina as Commerce Secretary.

“There is No Job that is America’s God Given Right anymore”

We see how she destroyed Lucent and HP with the Mob Takeover

It was LBJ – Killer of JFK, RFK,MLK along with several hundred who were killed with LBJ's internal assassination squads via CIA's Cord Meyer and Bush.

…It was at the Annenberg mansion that Nixon's cabinet was chosen 

One can go to the Nixon Library in Brea CA and see the top two benefactors are Walter Annenberg and Max Fisher (Bay of Pigs, Repulican Jewish Coalition, Power Broker for Pres Ford - Part of the Warren  Commission coverup)

Annenbergs ties with Capone

Even Today We See this influence via Public Radio and TV funding

via Annenberg Foundation.

No Child Left Behind Program, Control of Media eg Clear Channel Billboards. After Annenberg died ownership went to Fox Media and Mitt Romney

In GOP National Politics we see this influence

Obama - Former leader of Chicago of Annenberg

Romney - Major Investor Interests in Clear Channel set via Gangster Walter Annenberg

Santorum - His power base in PA is via the Annenberg Influence and K-Street

The Vallas extension - The Philadelphia PA School Reform Commission has voted wisely to extend the contract of  Paul Vallas as chief executive officer of the School District of Philadelphia. Ask any of the school  superintendents nationally who have presided over district wide improvement programs during the past 15 years, and they will confirm that academic reform doesn't happen overnight. Under Vallas' leadership during the past four years, however, the Philadelphia School District has acquired a hard-won reputation as a system headed in the right direction. Let's all join the members of the School Reform Commission now in helping Vallas to build on the district's gains.Gail C. Levin Executive director - Annenberg Foundation Radnor PA

The Schools of the City of Philadelphia PA now have a $600 Million Debt - Thanks to Annenberg Foundation

The Annenberg Education Foundation at the National Constitution Center - Declaration of Mafia

They talk about AIPAC, Republican Jewish Coalition, Likud etc.

Sheldon Adelson 3rd richest man in the US  Netanyahu's Power Broker  Setup AIPAC mobster paid for the AIPAC Bldg  Controls the Likud  Controls AIPAC  Controls Netanyahu  Controls Zionist Organization of America

Subject: Ref: Pokerface ADL Sands Casino Bethlehem PA gangster-owner Sheldon Aldeson setup AIPAC bldg in Wash DC

The ADL-Philadelphia (Barry Morrison) attacks the band Pokerface

Found an interesting nexus. The Sands Casino ownership is via Sheldon Aldeson the

Vegas Gangster of the Likud. Aldeson paid for the AIPAC bldg in Washington DC

Sheldon Aldeson Interview owners of Sands Casino in Bethlehem PA going after the band Pokerface

 Here is two failed Sands Casinos

1. Vegas demolished after a Gambler  dumped Hydraulic Cement

  Down the drains. Was cheaper to take down then to fix. Can

  You imagine? Running a Casino without drains? Kitchen and 

   Toilets would back up - determined unfit by the board of health

Sands Vegas  Controlled Demolition  1996

 2. Atlantic City Sands Casino Controlled Demolition 1996


Controlled Demolition of World Trade Center Bldg 7.

If one building was controlled demolition they all were!!

Jewish Lighting do you think Sheldon Aldeson-Likud

has Expertise to take down bldgs like  WTC-7 using controlled demolition?

Note they talk About the lost evidence for the Enron Prosecution and the Documents related to the California Electric Fraud via Ken Lay CEO of Enron and financial backer Mike Milken (Junk Bond Felon in Ivan Boesky Scandal).

Owner of Sands Casino in Bethlehem PA

... Sheldon Adelson: casino mogul, one of four foreigners named by the Jerusalem Post as contributing over $100,000 to the Likud's 1996 election campaign (the other three were Ronald Lauder, Joseph Gutnick, and Irving Moscowitz). Sheldon and Mervyn Adelson are not related.

Sheldon Adelson bought out the Las Vegas Sands Hotel, pioneered by Lansky, Moe Dalitz and Bugsy Siegel. Adelson developed the massive Venetian Hotel/casino, its themes carefully modeled on the historical center of oligarchy, tyranny and corruption, Venice. He has fought a long, bitter battle against the workers and labor unions in Las Vegas, and is a central player in the casino domination of politics—ownership of politicians—in Nevada.

 Sheldon Adelson has poured huge sums into Israeli politics. He has sought approval to build casinos in Israel itself—as did Meyer Lanksy—but has so far not succeeded. Adelson finances the Lubavitcher cult, which operates a right-wing political and dirty-money empire from Russia to New York's diamond district, to Israel. The Lubvitchers, who agitated against the Oslo peace accords, are emerging as the dominant force in the Jewish community in Las Vegas—despite mainstream Jewish revulsion at their tactics and politics.

Last year Adelson was granted one of three gambling licenses (Steve Wynn also got one) in Macao, China, the former Portuguese colony near Hong Kong. Adelson says what Macao needs is a Vegas-style Strip, which he envisions building.

...Steven Wynn: tough-guy casino owner and Likud backer. Steve Wynn started in Las Vegas in 1967, with a small interest in the Frontier Hotel casino, then controlled by the Detroit mob. He later took control of the Golden Nugget. In 1980, with financial backing from Drexel Burnham Lambert, Wynn built the Golden Nugget casino in Atlantic City, where Meyer Lansky's Resorts International had opened the first casino in 1978. Wynn sold the Atlantic City casino and took more from Milken's Drexel to build the massive Mirage in Las Vegas, which opened in 1989. Drexel also funded other casinos, pumping billions of hot dollars into Vegas as part of Dope, Inc.'s transformation of its money laundering center from a city run by the old-style Mob, into a resort center with the organized crime activities hidden behind slick corporate fronts. Wynn is a personal friend of Milken, his neighbor in Lake Tahoe.

 The mid-1990s book, Running Scared: The Life and Treacherous Times of Las Vegas Casino King Steve Wynn, by the famous Las Vegas Review-Journal reporter John L. Smith, alleged that Wynn was a front for the New York Genovese organized crime family. Wynn sued the publisher for libel and won. Wynn is deeply feared in Las Vegas.

 A biography of Steve Wynn on the Milken Institute website says "Wynn is widely credited with transforming Las Vegas into a world-renowned resort destination"; and he is on the the Advisory Board (chaired by Paul Volcker) at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, a trustee of the University of Pennsylvania, and a member of the board of the George Bush Presidential Library =========

 Mervyn Adelson: of Hollywood, Vegas and Tel Aviv, an investment partner of Dalitz and top donor and friend to Netanyahu. The former husband of TV journalist Barbara Walters and former chairman of Lorimar-Telepictures, Adelson is an investment manager in Los Angeles.

 Cleveland mobster Moe Dalitz, who opened up Las Vegas with Lansky, teamed up with Mervyn Adelson to create the Rancho La Costa resort in California. Adelson and Dalitz spent a decade suing Penthouse magazine over an article claiming that this Adelson investment had become the favored hangout for American gangsters, where murders were planned in luxury and confidence. Jimmy "The Weasel" Frattiano testified that he met there to plan the murder of Desi Arnaz. The suit was dropped after Penthouse apologized to Adelson, but not to Dalitz.

Merv Adelson's former attorney, Yaakov Ne'eman, became Israel's Finance Minister under Prime Minister Netanyahu, and is one of Netanyahu's closest advisors on law, donations and investment subjects. As the scandal over Likud gangsterism has broken wide open, the governor of the Bank of Israel (central bank) has criticized Sharon's policies; Sharon has responded by threatening to make Adelson's man, Ne'eman, the Bank's governor instead.

Israel Involved with 911

Enron prosecution was the trigger of 911!! Noted before In video of WTC-7 stated all evidence of Enron and California Energy fraud was lost in WTC-7 collapse

The Enron Milken-Schwarzenegger Nexus of 911

... The wannabe governor has yet to deny that on May 17, 2001, at the Peninsula Hotel in Los Angeles, he had consensual political intercourse with Enron chieftain Kenneth Lay. Also frolicking with Arnold and Ken was convicted stock swindler Mike Milken.

 ... It turns out that Schwarzenegger knowingly joined the hush-hush encounter as part of a campaign to sabotage a Davis-Bustamante plan to make Enron and other power pirates then ravaging California pay back the $9 billion in illicit profits they carried off.

 Milken Felon


Likud-Steve Wynn and Mike Milken (They live next to each other In Lake Tahoe area).

Likud-AIPAC leader Sheldon Adelson Crazy Jewish Billionaire sets Netanyahu

See ties of Adelson to the Mafia Republican Jewish Coalition, AIPAC and ZOA-Zionists of America

Sheldon Adelson major donor to AIPAC

Israel's Netanyahu dictates US should attack Iraq


“Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . .. I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” - Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, quoted from the Independent Palestinian Information Network and the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs.

Israel controls the United States Senate.” — Sen. William Fulbright


Was US Misled into War?

De-classified Vietnam-era Transcripts Show Senators Knew Gulf Of Tonkin Was A Staged False Flag Event (Trigger for Vietnam War).

....In a March 1968 closed session of the Foreign Relations Committee, Senator Albert Gore Sr. of Tennessee, the father of former vice president Al Gore, noted:

“If this country has been misled, if this committee, this Congress, has been misled by pretext into a war in which thousands of young men have died, and many more thousands have been crippled for life, and out of which their country has lost prestige, moral position in the world, the consequences are very great,”

 Senator Frank Church, Democrat of Idaho, said in an executive session in February 1968: 

“In a democracy you cannot expect the people, whose sons are being killed and who will be killed, to exercise their judgment if the truth is concealed from them,”  Other senators were keen to withhold the truth about Tonkin in order not to inflame public opinion on the war:

Operation Zapata - Bay of Pigs Another Misled War

Do you think the US was misled into wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?   Who benefits?

Who commits Treason on the US?

Israel wants a Major US Spy released

NWFI ...Its 1938 again and the Likud Zionist are the Nazis

Did you know the Z in Nazi is for the World Zionist International

Do you want the US in endless wars for them?

Do you want are economy wrecked for them?

Do you want our communities overrun with Immigration?

Do you want the media controlled by them?

Do you want your financial systems in their control?

Do you want you Congress paid off by them?

How many of Congress are in the Middle East now for

the Annual August Junkets used to pay off Congress.

Do you want our Nation entangled with a Foreign Power  that claims to be our friend?

 A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague." - Cicero

George Washington's Farewell Address warned about alliances  and Foreign Entanglements

It is 1938 and Israel is Nazi Germany and they are armed with Atomic Weapons.

The Nation (Promised Land of Organized Crime) setup by Chicago outfit Gangsters like

Lansky, Max Fisher, Moe Dalitz, Moses-Walter Annenberg

The nation that is using Genocide of Palestine to claim their legitimate position to occupy their lands.  - If America Knew   - Lies of Israel Exposed

Likud-Netanyahu-Zionist-Mega-Chicago Outfit-Communist Power Control Group

Seig Hillel - Just like Communist Russia's Propaganda Media


Bronfmans earned a Billion/Day from Mob Controlled DuPont Felon Edgar Bronfman Jr was making a Billion/Day from DuPont

No Place for Hate Program via ADL-Philadelphia Barry Morrison Same one going after Pokerface.

So nice to hear the ADL sponsors the "No Place for Hate" Program in our

local schools and communities. This is no different then having Capone's Goons

teach the kids that should not bully other kids because the ADL is the biggest bully on the block.

Barry Morrison and his Mafia Goons in the ADL are thugs who are teaching

propaganda to the kids in the schools. All the while the taxpayers foot the bill

for this public corruption and attack on our 1st Amendment.

Does Your Town Support the ADL No Place for Hate


Subject: Ref: Pokerface ADL Sands Casino Bethlehem PA gangster-owner Sheldon Aldeson setup AIPAC bldg in Wash DC

The ADL-Philadelphia (Barry Morrison) attacks the band Pokerface

Found an interesting nexus. The Sands Casino ownership is via Sheldon Aldeson the

Vegas Gangster of the Likud. Aldeson paid for the AIPAC bldg in Washington DC

Here we see how well the Bronfman Crime Family worked out at Penn State

Here Graham Spainer Pres of Penn State and Major backer of Hillel had been behind the ADL No Place for Hate Program at Penn State

We Know Cindy McCain's Support LGBT rights. Cindy’s Organization (Bronfman Crime Family) is behind this agenda


ADL No Place for Hate Program Removed   - Here Former ADL-DA Abraham they tried to put them in jail for 45 years each to protect a gay parade  - Philly Eleven Story Victims of Hate Law Injustice.

Special Thanks to US Sens Casey and Specter for the creation of the Hate Crime  Laws. Yes folks PA US Senators are the ones who created the Hate Crime Laws

Specter is going and remember that US Sen Casey needs to go for the same reasons.

Thank you for taking the time to contact me regarding federal hate crimes legislation. I appreciate hearing from all Pennsylvanians about the issues that matter most to them. 

 On April 2, 2009, H.R. 1913, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009, was introduced in the House of Representatives. On April 28, 2009, companion legislation was introduced in the Senate as S. 909, the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act, of which I am a cosponsor. Both the House and Senate versions of this legislation extend federal hate crimes law, first enacted in 1968, to protect victims targeted with violence on the basis of sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or disability. The legislation authorizes grants to help local law enforcement authorities manage the high costs of investigating and prosecuting hate crimes. It does not infringe on the right of any individual or group to express personal or religious beliefs.

 I am a cosponsor of this legislation because I believe violent crime is a tragic problem in our society and our law enforcement system should have all the resources it needs to prevent violent crime and protect its victims. On April 23, 2009, H.R. 1913 was reported out of the House Committee on the Judiciary and on April 29, 2009, it was agreed to in the House of Representatives. Both versions of these bills are currently pending before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, of which I am not a member. Should either version of this legislation come before the full Senate for consideration, it will have my support.

Please be assured that I have been gratified to hear from my constituents regarding hate crimes legislation. Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future about this or any other matter of importance to you.

If you have access to the Internet, I encourage you to visit my web site, I invite you to use this online office as a comprehensive resource to stay up-to-date on my work in Washington, request assistance from my office or share with me your thoughts on the issues that matter most to you and to Pennsylvania.

Sincerely, Bob Casey United States Senator


Subject: Ref: Pokerface ADL Sands Casino Bethlehem PA gangster-owner Sheldon Aldeson setup AIPAC bldg in Wash DC

The ADL-Philadelphia (Barry Morrison) attacks the band Pokerface Found an interesting nexus. The Sands Casino ownership is via Sheldon Aldeson the

Vegas Gangster of the Likud. Aldeson paid for the AIPAC bldg in Washington DC


The Bucks County GOP Power Boss was the Former Herb Barness now Robert Asher. The Legacy of the Control of the PA GOP starts with the transition of power from Walter Annenberg to Herb Barness and now to Robert Asher over three generations of Public Corruption. Also direct links to JFK Issue

...Walter H. Annenberg, president of the M.L. Annenberg Foundation; Robert C. Jubelirer, president pro tempore, Pennsylvania State Senate; Matthew J. Ryan, Republican leader, Pennsylvania State House of Representatives; Anne Anstine, chairman, Republican State Committee; Herbert Barness, Republican national committeeman   - Player Behind the Scenes  Herb Barness Power Broker to  Specter, Ridge, Santorum, Asher  - Herb Barness passes power onto Robert Asher PA GOP National CommitteeMan   - PA GOP National Committeeman - PA Gov Tom Cobett's Power Broker - Asher Get Haliburton Shale Oil Deals -  Asher Interview  - Asher, Ridge support Dave Oh   ..Oh My! Look what they did at Dept of Homeland Security!!  - Asher's Legacy Bud Dwyer Nexus to Mafia firm CTA (Explicit)   - Memory of Specter's Deeds thanks to his Power Broker Herb Barness  - Asher Hidden Force of PA GOP  - PA Gov Corbett heading his inaugural team Asher.  -  Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce Former BucksGOP Director Asher now Stamakis & Wonderling   - Asher Lobbyist for Law Firm Duane Morris   - Duane Morris Senior Partner Friedman Founder of Likud - Ilegal Funding of the Likud Closing the Loop back to Sheldon Adelson - Adelson controls BucksGOP, Sands Casino Bethlehem PA, Republican Jewish Coalition, AIPAC, Likud

Republican Jewish Coalition Local Chapter Leaders are Richard Fox - Temple Fox School Business, Friedman Netanyahu/Likud. The Legacy of the Repulican Jewish Coalition is with Max Fisher power broker of Bay of Pigs Affair, Pres Ford of Warren Commission and now under control of Sheldon Adelson.  - Bronfman Lansky legacy at Temple Hillel  - University of Penn Annenberg School of Communications  via Operation Mocking Bird

Remember these GoodFellows when they come up for election their Power Base is in

PA Gov Tom Corbett and Lt Gov Cawley - Part of Bucks GOP

PA US Sen Bob Casey - Sponsor of Hate Crime Laws

PA Con 13th Allyson Schwartz  - ADL Member , Bailout - backs Bronfman-Lansky Hate Crime Laws

PA Con Jim Gerlach  - Part of Bucks GOP

PA Con Charles Dent - Honors Felon Robert Asher part of Bucks GOP

PA Con Pat Meehan Delaware - Part of Bucks GOP

PA Con-8th Fitzpatrick  - Final Vote for Free Trade destroys US Jobs

PA State Sen Stewart Greenleaf - Upper Moreland  - Destroys Families with Protection from Abuse Laws

PA State Rep McIhlenney- Doylestown - Son of Keren - Bucks County Water and Sewer Rats

PA State Rep Gene Digorlamo - Bensalem  - Its about Mob Controlled City of Bensalem PA

PA State Rep Jim Clymer - Perkasie - School Reform Commission and  Casino Gaming Board

Montco  Commissioner - Josh Shapiro - backs Bronfman-Lansky Hate Crime Laws

Mob Controlled Communities like Bensalem PA etc.

Netanyahu's Treason on the US

It is 1938 and the Zionists are the NAZIs

Pollard's Treason

Netanyahu's support for Pollard Treason

Netanyahu's Treason to release a Major US Spy Pollard

Netanyahu's Likud did 9-11

If America Knew-- Do you not Just Hate It?

You can Bank on That


What are the consequeces to the US Presidential Election?

Obama - Former Leader of "No Child Left Behind" via Chicago of Annenberg

Biden - Former Delaware US Senator. Delaware is Politics is controlled by Dupont. Dupont is controlled via Bronfman Crime Family via

Marathon Oil Merger.


Romney - Made fortune via Clear Channel Investments aka Annenberg Media Asset

Gingerich - Backed by Gangster Sheldon Adelson

Santorum - Setup by Former Gangster Herb Barness of  Bucks County PA via

Looks like the  Fix is in via these candidates.

See Former NJ Gov - State Keep the Gangster out of Atlantic City - However Meyer Lansky owned the first Casino Resorts

Note: That the Resorts  Casino was financed via Claireridge InvestmentsThis firm also identified in Movie Social Networks - Facebook's Financial Backer

Facebook's Clairidge Investments is backed by Sheldon Adelson same one bought the Sands Casinos from Lansky

See Moe Dalitz - Mr. Vegas cited as Honorable Member of the ADL

According to FBI Reports Sinatra delivered $2 Million to Dalitz in Cuba for Protection Payoff to Batistia for  Havana Casinos

See US Sen Harry Reid give Sinatra a Casino License when leader in Nevada Gaming Commission

Wonder if the Gangsters are involved with Pennsylvania Casinos - Yes Indeed

FBI  History Report Godfathers of Havana - Southern Mafia - Lansky, Santos, Giacana, Carols and Bonnano

Same for Moe Dalitz - Mr Vegas Mob - Hoffa's Power Broker - Honary Member of the ADL

Interesting - Same parties identifed in JFK Murder and what was the Bay of Pigs Affairs via Max Fisher

Q: Who did this?

A: Alvin Malnik - aka Bronfman-Lansky Syndicate  - Note Recently Rajat Gupta was involved with scandal at Goldman Sachs. -  Protocols of Elders of Zion Identifies  Rockefeller and Rothchild Bankers as Senior Members  - How Jackson Killed the Former Bank  - They will again Inflate US Economy  - Legacy of Bankers Power Brokers behind Murders of Lincoln and JFK  - National Debt Clock  - Selling out our Nation's Future - Examine the Fate of Argentine to see what will happen in the US