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Feb. 12, 2016

The award winning Israeli journalist and human rights activist, Amira Hass has irked the Tribe by invoking the authenticity of Protocols of Zion claiming that Elders of Zion plotted to occupy historic Palestine – once a Muslim-majority country.

Amira Hass, a columnist at Israel’s top English newspaper Ha’aretz, is the only Jewish columnist who has lived in the occupied Gaza and West Bank for the last 23 years. She drew wrath of British Jewish Lobby after her 45-minute speech, entitled, Israel and Palestinians: Colonialism and Prospect for Justice, at the University of Kent, London on January 28, 2016.

At one point, Amira Hass, allegedly daughter of two Holocaust survivors, compared the current turmoil in the Middle East and the world in general with the future Jewish world power as mentioned in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion over century ago.

I ask myself did the Elders of Zion really sit together at the beginning of the 70s and then during the 90s, and plan, and have all these military orders, all these changes. I believe that they knew for sure that they don’t want to give back the land. My conclusion is that they wanted to do everything possible to stop the two-state solution,” Hass said. Listen to her speech below.

Richard Verber, senior vice-president Board of Deputies of British Jews, blasted her comparison, saying: “Amira Hass’s invocation of antisemitic tropes and conspiracy theories is inexcusable, and completely undermines the credibility of her supposedly-academic lectures.”

UK’s Zionist Federation chairman Paul Charney whined: “While Hass thought she was making a joke, her audience might well have uncritically ingested the antisemitic inference as easily as they did her anti-Israel propaganda. People who are brainwashed to believe the worst about the Jewish state will soon believe the worst about the Jewish people, too.”

A British Zionist blogger David Collier in a letter to Chancellor of the University, Gavin Esler, wrote: As a Jew in the UK there will be no running. I will not sit down and ignore the fact that antisemites are taking control of the streets and the campus. I will not silently turn my back as if I do not know where this road leads. I will not let the University of Kent provide a stage for the Elders of Zion and walk away as if I just have to accept it.”

In 2013, Amira Hass suffered a torrent of hate mail and calls for her prosecution after she wrote a column for daily Ha’aretz defending the rights of Palestinians to resist foreign occupation by every possible means including “stone-throwing” resistance – calling it the birthright and duty of anyone subject to foreign rule.

On January 31, 2016, UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon received some kicks from Israeli officials for making an anti-Semitic statement in an Op-Ed he penned for The Jew York Times.

Nothing excuses terrorism. I condemn it categorically (only Hamas but not Israel’s state terrorism). It is inconceivable, though, that security measures alone will stop the violence. As I warned the Security Council last week, Palestinian frustration and grievances are growing under the weight of nearly a half-century of occupation. Ignoring this won’t make it disappear. No one can deny that the everyday reality of occupation provokes anger and despair, which are major drivers of violence and extremism and undermine any hope of a negotiated two-state solution,” the US poodle wrote.

Many Jewish and non-Jewish leaders and journalists have come to the conclusion that Israel’s barbaric actions fuel antisemitism outside Israel.

CNN’s talk-show host Christiane Amanpour has described Amira Hass as “one of the greatest truth-seeker of them all.” Christaine was born in London to an Isranian Muslim father and British Christian mother. She is married to James Rubin, Bill Clinton’s Jewish staffer.