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Preston James

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Jan. 18, 2016

We know that the Khazarian Mafia (KM) is now a sinking ship.

Note: This article builds on past articles on this subject. For those who haven’t read those, reading this article is likely a waste of time and it will be difficult to fit this information into their heads.
This is a long article and is written as a two-tiered piece. Those short of time can read the bold print and pass over the rest, and then finish with the conclusion. Many thanks to my sources, some still living but most passed. None have been associated with Veterans Today in any way. I do not enjoy writing this type of article for a number of reasons not appropriate to be discussed here. But I do feel an obligation to get this information out.

Numerous nations around the World have now ganged up on the Khazarian Mafia (KM).

It is cornered and it is losing power by the day. Expect increased surveillance and harassment by local police who take orders from Homeland Security (DHS) and receive their ridiculous conjured up Domestic Terror Watch Lists.

How much real power does the KM have left and for how long can it hold out? Is the KM still powerful enough to start another major war in the Mideast, or even a nuclear WW3 to serve as a covering event for their impending loss of World hegemony?

There are recent reports from China that the Chinese Government has ordered that its international cargo shipping in both the Pacific and the Atlantic be restricted.

One source with connections to mainland Chinese sources has verified this claim that China has given an ultimatum that there will be a big reduction in their cargo ships  unloading any products until the USG begins to honor the Secret Reset Agreement they entered into in 2013 during G-20 meetings.

The Baltic Dry Shipping Index is way down, less than half of what it was at its peak. Crude oil has dropped to $30 a barrel or less, and in Canada shale oil is even as low at $10 a barrel. American retail sales were low during Christmas and many retail chains plan to close stores at multiple locations, including the notorious Walmart.

And oil derivatives of the big Wall Street Banks are under extreme stress due to these oil prices which has now placed several of the largest in jeopardy. The US Petro Dollar is now under stress as never before and the massive continued issuing and printing after the bailouts (repetitive Quantitative Easings, #7 and counting), the secret US Treasury Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) direct foreign bank bailouts of trillions, and the secret direct USG Plunge Protection Team stock purchases in mass no longer seem to mitigate this slide.

Several foreign nations have asked for their Gold back that has been stored at the Federal Reserve, but only a portion has been shipped because the vaults are now apparently empty.

Chinese and Russian purchases of massive quantities of Gold and Silver are fact, not theory, giving them a huge advantage as the Federal Reserve System’s Ponzi scheme approached collapse.

Comex paper Gold which is supposed to be backed 100% by real Gold is not and this is just another part of the Federal Reserve System’s massive Ponzi scheme which has probably already hit the iceberg and is taking on water.

The Khazarian Mafia’s top leadership is being squeezed and now seems cornered. They claim to each other to