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London Rocked by Sharp Spike in Anti-Semitic Attacks in 2015

The Unhived Mind

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Dec. 29, 2015

London Rocked by Sharp Spike in Anti-Semitic Attacks in 2015 © Flickr/ kafka4prez

02:48 29.12.2015(updated 02:50 29.12.2015) Get short URL

In 2015 London saw a 61.5 percent increase in reported crimes related to anti-Semitism, according to data provided by the London Metropolitan Police.

The numbers recently released by the police are disturbing, as they show 483 anti-Semitic crimes recorded in the course of the past 12 months, a significant surge compared to 299 incidents of the same nature the previous year.

A Jewish organization monitoring anti-Semitism and collaborating with police, Community Security Trust, told local newspaper the Jewish News that it was concerned about the recent police data. The police representative, however, mentioned that the improved willingness of victims to report hate crimes and the improved awareness of MPS staff to identify these offenses could be among the primary factors relating to the increase.

The police representative reassured the public that there is no need for anxiety, as his department is taking serious action to investigate the root causes of all reported hate crimes, to support victims and their families, and to bring those responsible to justice.

A report issued in September by the European Union’s Fundamental Rights Agency stated that by lacking systematic methods for collecting data on anti-Semitism, EU nations contribute to the underreporting of religion-related incidents and to a growing feeling of relative impunity among offenders.

A poll, conducted by FRA in 2013 showed that a third of those European Jews questioned preferred not to wear religious garb or Jewish symbols due to high levels of anti-Semitism, with a further 23 percent refraining from attending Jewish events or going to Jewish venues.

By a “crime” the police imply “any offense which is perceived to be anti-Semitic by the victim or any other person, that is intended to impact upon those known or perceived to be Jewish.”


December 29, 2015 at 6:40 am

The impostors claiming to be the Tribe of Judah that parasite off and destroy their host European Nations are all gearing up for a big move to what will eventually be called Greater Israel. There’s no real hassles towards this Synagogue of Satan in Britain but the false narrative has to be placed in the minds of the niddah goyim. Why? All these false claims are ready for when the chaos ends in the Middle East and the Yinon Plan is fully implemented meaning a new Israeli state that has a much larger surface area. During the ordo-ab-chao period whilst this plan is executed, you’ll have many deaths in the region and many survivors who’re shipped out of the region and into former European based lands (Kalergi Plan aka Practical Idealism). As the true inhabitants of those Middle Eastern lands are uprooted, the false Tribe will bring all their satanic members over into the Greater Israel. The troubled race in Britain right now is not the Tribe but in fact those who follow Islam aka Muslim. This tribe love to play mind games but what do you expect from the Synagogue of Satan the seed of the fallen angels?


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December 29, 2015 at 7:15 am

Caller to BBC program calls out Rothschilds & Zionist control, now Campaign Against Antisemitism demands BBC to hand over the callers number to police