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BBC urged to hand police details of caller denouncing Jews and their “rule” over British society

The Unhived Mind

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December 29, 2015theunhivedmind 2 comments

BBC urged to hand police details of caller denouncing Jews and their “rule” over British society

by Jenni Frazer

December 28, 2015

A plea has been made for the BBC to hand over to the police details of a phone-in caller, after the man spent nearly 13 minutes on a radio programme denouncing Jews and their “rule” over British society.

In a phone call to BBC London’s Simon Lederman programme on Tuesday, December 22, the man, introduced as “Andy from St Margaret’s”, began by saying: “They are trying to control us more and more and more. They want to put a chip up our backsides, a ring through our noses, and a vizor for our horizons… the elite… the Rothschilds”.

The presenter, Simon Lederman, started the exchange – which took place at 5am – by saying that it was a “phone-in amnesty” and that “within obvious limits”, the caller could say “whatever is on your mind”.

Immediately the caller began to complain of “Zionist Jews”, insisting, in a well-known antisemitic trope, that Jews did not come from Palestine but from “an empire called Khazaria.” He said: “Most of the Jews of the world come from eastern Europe, from a place called originally, an empire called Khazaria… The Rothschilds, the people who own the Bank of England, the people who own the Federal Reserve, they’re all Zionist Jews. The people who own corporate America, the media, you’ll find if you just do a little bit of research, they’re all Zionist Jews. We are ruled by Zionist Jews.”

The caller’s comments continued with a long and bad-tempered rant in which he complained of an obsession with the Holocaust and repeated: “We are dominated by the Jews’ system, the financial Jewish system.”

“We keep going on about the Jews… mainstream media, they keep banging on about the Jews and the Holocaust… we keep going on about six million Jews.”

A BBC spokesperson said: “The aim of the programme is to discuss and debate issues raised by our listeners. This was a live phone in and the caller was challenged on his views through out the conversation. Following the interview reaction from other listeners was also broadcast.”

Jonathan Sacerdoti, director of communication at the Campaign Against Antisemitism, said: “Even for the BBC this is shocking. In this broadcast the radio presenter simply allowed an ignorant racist to speak for nearly quarter of an hour while offering no counter-argument, correction or condemnation of his views that Jews control money, banks, commerce and the media. We expect the BBC to now hand the caller’s telephone number to the police.”


December 29, 2015 at 10:40 am

The Synagogue of Satan demand the Tribal run BBC paedophiles den hand over caller data because of some highlighted facts about The Tribe? Freedom of speech is truly being squashed by tribal power, those who would like you to wrongly believe they’re the Tribe of Judah! These imposters don’t want the truth about their deceit and power getting out and understood by those they like to term the Niddah Goyim. This caller was lacking in his overall knowledge and should’ve been more prepared. He should have highlighted how the Khazars are the Ashkenazi whilst the Shephardic were the ones who immigrated to Judea but were never truly from that land. Not one of these have the blood or are a continuum of the Judea and in fact they killed off the Judea. It’s a fact that the Synagogue of Satan controls the Federal Reserve and these few families like Rothschild and Warburg can never be usurped from the bank as its stock can never be sold and thus these same families control The Fed today as they have done since they created it on Jekyll Island back in 1913 a secret area which held one-sixth of the World’s wealth.


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Caller debate in full as MP3:


December 29, 2015 at 11:05 pm