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Translated by Steeve Goode

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Translated by Steeve Goode,

with brief notes by Lasha Darkmoon

Disclaimer. We have no idea if this article is genuine or not. Let the reader decide. We received it in an email from John Kaminski who in turn got it from his correspondent Raymond Goodwin. Goodwin heads his widely circulated email  “Psychotic Plan for White Genocide — Rape Rightwing Women And Breed Mixed Kids, Says French Doctor.”

The advice to rape White women apparently comes from a French Jew named Thierry Lecoquierre, a medical doctor from Le Havre in Upper Normandy. It was apparently published in a Jewish-run publication called Nouve L’obs

I apologize in advance if this article turns out to be a fake. My trusted correspondent Felix Dean, a veteran poster on the Darkmoon site under another name, advises me to post it “without hesitation.” So I accept his challenge. (LD)


From Raymond Goodwin’s introduction:

A Jewish-run publication in France publishes a doctor’s article calling for the rape and forcible impregnation of White nationalist French girls. This is war, white men and women. You must awaken, because the perpetrators of European genocide will use the vilest means.

Soviet propagandist Ilya Ehrenburg called for this same thing, inflaming the brutes of the Red Army to rape and kill German girls, and they did exactly that. Two million women and little girls were raped, many to death, at the hands of these foul creatures, the evil of whom cannot be spoken in human tongue. This same vile pornographic sadism lives on in the wicked man below, whose very eyes betray the evil that lies within. God help us! Retour des Croisades! Battre! Battre! pour les femmes de France, pour les femmes de l’Europe


Lecoquierre is featured on the left

Rape “right-wing” females


to create “multicolored descendants”, says French Doctor

by Steeve Goode

In the blog section of French media outlet, Nouve L’obs, a doctor wrote that any woman who votes for Front National (French anti-mass immigration party) has a “reptilian brain” and should be raped and impregnated to produce “multicolored descendants.”

Thierry Lecoquierre, a Medical Doctor from Le Havre in Upper Normandy, has been reported to the Council of Doctors for his article, which has now been deleted from the website.

His article titled “Impregnate the female of the National Front” says this:

“Right wing women do not appear less mammal than other women, even if they have a bigger than average reptilian brain. As any woman, it is subject to hormonal moods. With a feature that ethnology confirms to us: she gets especially wet for rough men.

These female FN sympathizers certainly offer us a means to beat them. As each right-wing female appreciates the military and the macho and loathes feminist ideas, let’s play her game. Let’s take her at her own game, let’s take her and f*** her.

Since they give us the recipes for crossbreeding their pale race, use it against her side. Let’s sexually overcome these stupid right wing females, for the survival of a smiling humanity. Because they are stupid and easily tricked, like game going to the hunter, things should be easier. Let’s create a curly descent (not German mind you!) let’s curlify this “other-hating” frightened France.”

Refusing the advances of family planning, every pregnancy will result in a little half-breed or a mongrel, an artist that tomorrow she will eventually like.

Blacks, Negroes, gooks, Jews, leftists, gypsies, disabled, Freemasons and even my gay friends in solidarity: bring up your hard d**ks! Let our consciences sleep under the pillow, and jump on the right-wing pussies offered — unfortunately sometimes pretty!  Hail to a vast altruistic copulation! Provide multicolored descendants to the sinking country of France.

“With one goal: kill right-wing poison in the egg.”

As of yet, there has been no reaction from French authorities to this shockingly anti-White article.

While most anti-Whites prefer to take a more subtle approach using code words like “diversity”, Lecoquierre is very blatant in saying what he wants: White genocide in France.


“Blacks, Negroes, gooks, Jews . . .


bring up your hard d**ks! . . .

kill this right-wing poison in the egg!” 


LD: The same article in the original French can be read here. I have checked to see if the obscenities in the English version correspond to the French slang in the original. They do. Thus the English phrase “bring up your hard d**ks” seems a fair enough translation of the French “Haut les queues!” — “Up with your d**ks!”   The word “queue” in French has many different meanings, including “tail” and “penis”. (See here)

In case you think no Jew would recklessly call for the mass rape of White women, think again. Stalin’s propaganda minister, the Jew Ilya Ehrenberg, openly called for the mass rape of German women in WWII. This led to the rape and torture of 2 million German women under the most horrendous circumstances. Here is another prominent  Jew calling for the mass rape, mutilation and burning alive of White women and children. (LD)