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The Real Reason Why Germany Must Perish

GEbel of Oz

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Nov. 20, 2015

Thanks to the Internet and history books such as Germar Rudolf’s “Lectures on the Holocaust”, Thomas Goodrich’s “Hellstorm” and Mike King’s “The Bad War”, a lot of people are now aware of the infamous Jewish World War II blueprints for the eradication of the German people, such as the bestselling book “Germany Must Perish! ”, and the equally genocidal “Morgenthau Plan” and “Kaufman Plan”.

When first confronted with the inconvenient truth -- that leading Jews had conspired to commit genocide on the German people, both during and after the end of World War II -- the usual Pavlovian reaction is to make references to the alleged German murder of six million Jews and Germany’s supposed sole responsibility for World War II.

Of course, the victor's narrative is complete bullshit. If it were true, revisionists would not be prevented from defending themselves by providing evidence that their incriminating statements are true. What the apologists of the Allied war crimes are implying is that the murder of 20 million Germans was justified because the Germans had supposedly tried to kill all European Jews.

To some extent, I can relate to this logic. If a distinct group of people is planning to eradicate your own, and already started to implement those plans, then it would seem justifiable to do whatever it takes to stop them and ensure they cannot possibly try it ever again, if you know what I mean?

The only problem with this logic, though, is that Jewish leaders had already planned and called for the destruction of Germany and the eradication of the German people long before Hitler took his first discriminatory actions against Jews.

As early as August 1933, .............