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Yukon Jack

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Nov. 18, 2015

The Jewish black magic spell has been broken the great demented plans of Jewish world rule from Jerusalem smashed to pieces by the return of king Putin.  Imperātor Caesar Vladimirus Putin Augustus (28 Sep 2015 - present) has landed Syria ending the Greater Israel project and the Apocalyptic script being acted out by Evangelicals and their pet state of Israhell.

Now we can all watch the epic implosion of Israhell.

Can you hear the million screams of the Jewish Rabbis as their great plan of Greater Israel goes up in smoke?  Can you hear the sucking noise as the black hole of Jewish empire implodes inwards?  Good bye and good riddance to the evil Jews and their evil plans of world domination.  Good bye Jew, we wish  you a swift trip back to hell, wish I never knew anything about you.

It was never real, the script being played out was not who we are - it was a black magic spell of the Jew.  Now the spell is broken, the cat is out of the bag, the entire campaign of murder that starts 4,000 years ago in Leviticus wasn't God's will, it was the will of the Jews, who are waging war on us by deception.

The Holy Bible is part of that deception - it is the programming code of our destruction.  God is a meme that exists in a book and your mind, enlisting you in Jewish hysterical mass mayhem and genocidal bloodlust.