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Brother Nathanael Kapner

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Nov. 6, 2015

IT’S HAPPENING right before our eyes. And it augurs the end of America.

Warmongering JEWS are stirring up a mounting military expansion targeting Russia in defiance of the will of the majority of Americans.

Victoria Nuland, born “Nudelman” (head of the Jewish neocon faction at the US State Department), just promised the Jew-controlled Senate Foreign Relations Committee that she’s doing her best to stoke the fires of war:

“We’re sending military assistance to Kiev. We’re raising the economic costs for Russia’s illegal occupation of Crimea and its efforts to destabilize eastern Ukraine. But the real victims of Putin’s policies are the Russian people.” View Entire Story Here.

Alas! America is led by a warmongering JEW at State Department, Victoria Nuland.

It’s the people of America–NOT Russians–who are VICTIMS of Jewish warmongering.

America was once a friend and ally of Tsarist Christian Russia in the 19th Century.

But once the JEWS took over in 1913 with their control of our nation’s money via the Federal Reserve, any nation that crosses them becomes their target.

How many more Gentile youths need to die in wars for the Jews?

When will Americans wake up? Jews do NOT send their own to die in their wars.