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Saudi Arabia is Kikedom West

Jim Stone

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Sept. 28, 2015


Saudi Arabia is Kikedom West. If any idiot out there thinks the Jews do not own and operate the house of Saud lock stock and barrel, well . . . . ANYWAY Yeah, Saudi Arabia probably was complicit in 911 because it is a Jewish outfit. They build a huge number of mosques around the world, probably for ONE REASON: To provide a venue for controlling Islam. If the Jews want to destroy Europe via an Islamic invasion, why not use Saudi Arabia as a front for getting the mosques built?

You know, the CIA runs those mosques. Back in the early 2,000's at least Al Jazeera said it like it was, and that the CIA has 50,000 agents pretending to be immams in mosques around the world They had the CIA documents posted online to back up the claim. Al-Sisi closed down all mosques below a certain size in Egypt, and funneled everyone into huge mega mosques because there were 20,000 or so small ones in Egypt and that tapped the CIA's budget too much for one country. Yeah, radical muslims, radical ISIS, ISIS IN FLORIDA, PROVEN JEWISH, how many radical Muslims are there anyway? I'll tell you the number without stating a number:

There are as many radical Muslims in this world as the Jews can impersonate, and 50,000 fake CIA Immams can trick (those with weak minds) into making a shoe bomb. That is your answer. And if you have any doubt about this, just look at what happened in Jewish run Mecca, (which is now an enormous profit center with one of the world's tallest buildings in the form of a clock tower, (1,400 feet plus if I remember right) towering like a materialistic icon over what was supposed to be a place of reverence. Just as the Jews would have it, and while they were reveling in the filth of materialism and bilking Muslim pilgrims from poor countries out of every last cent, some high powered idiot caused a stampede by scaring the crap out of people, killed several thousand, and at first tried to whitewash it down to below 200. Perfect for Kikedom. Even if that prince is not a Jew, he sure acted like one. He was not there for the Hajj, that has to be done in steps, you can't just drop in, he was not there for religious reasons, and that screams KIKE. I would not be surprised if I ended up being right.

Jim Stone