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Jewish Sayanim more DANGEROUS than al Qaeda cells

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July 19, 2015

FACT – Jewish Sayanim are like al Qaeda cells… only much, much worse.


“Sayanim” – Examples

“Or were they acting as sayanim, the Hebrew word for helpers, whom the Mossad relies on across the globe to provide shelter, money, and logistical support … in this case identity.” ~ The Huffington Post: Mossad’s Little Helpers

“The sayanim are a pool of people at the ready who will keep quiet about their actions out of loyalty to “the cause”, a non-risk recruitment system that draws from the millions of” ~ WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

“The system is known as sayanim, a derivative of the Hebrew word lesayeah, meaning to help.” ~ Window Into Palestine

“Created by Meir Amit, the role of the sayanim is a striking example of the cohesiveness of the world Jewish community.” ~ Window Into Palestine

“With a network of ‘sayanim’ scattered everywhere throughout the world (as described by ex-Mossad officer Victor Ostrovsky in his book ‘By Way Of Deception’) Israel literally has millions of eyes and ears, watching and listening to everything as it all pertains to the Jewish state.” ~ The Ugly Truth

“A sayan, singular for sayanim, must be 100% Jewish, and in many cases a dual national.” ~ The Huffington Post: Mossad’s Little Helpers

“Israel knew it had made a big mistake invading South Ossetia (via Georgia the puppet) when it did, and the fact that they sent their man in charge of European operations, the sayanim Sarkozy, to ‘negotiate’ a truce/withdrawal of Russian forces, suggests they were doing a clean-up.” ~ brilliant russian blogalysts

“Operating as an adjunct to the Israel lobby as both a fundraiser and a member of Congress, Emanuel has long served as a loyal sayanim (Hebrew for “volunteer”) in support of policies pursued by Tel Aviv.” ~ Jeff Gates: Rahm Emanuel: Barack Obama’s Sarah Palin?

“If they were serious about resenting this so much maybe they should stop approaching vacationing mere-Jews with soft-sold proposals for sayanim activity.” ~ spies? jewish? never

“And now, with Sharon in limbo, the Rendon sayanim are flying blind.” ~ Think Progress » The Rendon Group: Proof The Administration Manipulated Intelligence

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See: Jewish sayanim (not al Qaeda) arrested in US after 9/11 who knew it was coming and kept it “hush hush”: Fox News VIDEO: Israel spies on the USA part 1:

Sayanim in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania


Jewish Resources:

Jewish Reconstructionist Federation

Union for Reform Judiasm

United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism

Orthodox Union

Shamash, The Jewish Network

Hebrew Union College

Jewish Theological Seminary

Academy for Jewish Religion

The Jerusalem Post

Virtual Jerusalem

Wailing Wall Web Cam



B’nai B’rith

Support Israel 

United Jewish Communities (UJA)

Israel Emergency Campaign

Union for Reform Judaism

Israel Emergency Fund

Jewish National Fund

American Friends of Mogen David Adom

Friends of the IDF (IDF = Israeli military

Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI)

Reciprocal Links

Jewish Chambersburg, a congregant’s blog

Old Jewish Cemetery, Chambersburg, PA

Kosher Delight, PA


American Jews are anti-Christian and anti-Christ: