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The approaching F5 tornado no one noticed

Jim Stone

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July 8, 2015

All other conspiracies aside, this is what I really believe the future holds.

There is a war tactic taking place right now that is going to eventually irrevocably destroy everyone and force them to submit to endless irrevocable rule of tyranny. And it is the now almost complete Jewish takeover or control of retail stores. All of the major retail outlets are now under near complete Jewish control, and once this transition to total Jewish ownership of retail stores is complete, they will, with the power of boycott then proceed to wipe out all non Jewish manufacturers by simply refusing to sell their products. After all the non Jewish manufacturers are destroyed and either submit to Jewish buyouts or go completely bankrupt, the Jews will own and control the entire product supply line and become the emperors, naming their price and requirements for everything.

When I was in the Jewish community, they spoke about the power of boycott, and how it could be so easily used to totally wipe out their competitors. The other side of this story however, is that they themselves deeply fear boycott, because they know it can be used to damage them as well. This is precisely why they try to make it illegal to boycott products made in Israel. It is not a self image poor me thing, it is simple understanding of their own tactics and rule of economics.

Right now, practically all goods and services outside those produced in China are Jewish owned and controlled. Here is a short list. Your bank, JEWISH. Your telephone company is Jewish, they own the entire communications sector and made it that way because if they own the equipment, they OWN YOUR SECRETS, every last thing you say on the phone goes straight to a Jew, NSA not needed. Ditto for internet, they own virtually all access firms. And it did not happen by accident, it was their plan from the beginning to own communications so they could subsequently use that infrastructure to rape all secrets from the non Jewish population.

If you take any medications, the company that made them is Jewish. Most of the medical service firms and hospitals are Jewish as well. All universities and schools are completely Jewish controlled, even if they do not own them. They know that if they control medical, they can exert enormous control over your health, and that if they control the schools, they steer society their way. They did not overlook this. When you turn on the TV, you watch Jewish programming. Interesting they call it that. The only place non Jews have any strength left is in goods and services, and once the Jews own even those, to their entireity, which is the eventual assured future because they own our communications and finance, there will be no place remaining for a non Jew to have any chance of being anything other than what a Jew allows them to be.

Here is the final outcome of having all retail stores be Jewish, once they totally nail it - You will eat nothing but GMO foods because if it is natural they will boycott it and destroy the producer via bankruptcy, all the while their Kosher stores will stay safe. Eventually they will boycott any food products to be sold to non Jews where the manufacturer refuses to drug them in a way that causes the non Jewish population to be complacent. There will never be the daily pill as shown by Hollywood for the total control grid, this will all be accomplished via GMO foods that have been programmed to produce pacifying compounds as part of their genetic makeup and outright drugging of the food supply. And it will work, after all, you will starve if you do not eat. And this is PRECISELY why the Jews have done all they can to make private gardens illegal, especially those grown with non GMO seed. No one told me that is why they are banning gardens, but try to come up with a better reason.

Products will become over priced and shoddy. Most will be discontinued and there will only be one choice. You will see clothing variety vanish. You will see many types of products simply vanish. Over time, the selection will become less and less. Eventually items such as tools will become controlled items, especially power tools. Cars will eventually not be made, except for military and police use. There will be public transit with complete accountability and tracking. There will not be public air travel, pretty much starting at 50 years from now.

The end goal is to accomplish a 13th century level agrarian society for the non Jews, where the Jews rule with 21st century technology as gods over goy serfs, and eventually, after a couple centuries, perhaps 4 centuries from now, they will lose the ability to maintain the technologies we created, will lose control and then they will MAKE ANOTHER JEWISH HOLIDAY IN REMEMBRANCE OF HOW THEY ONCE AGAIN GOT SCREWED BECAUSE THEY LOST IT ALL, WHILE COMPLETELY LACKING THE WISDOM TO REALIZE WHY. It is a repeat cycle for them, and this time technology went far enough for them to exert tyranny for about 400 years. 400 years would be a record. But even that will end, they have not the wit or foresight for more than an eventual total loss. They are the parasite that invariably kills the host. They actually expect to maintain control forever, but I say they will not.

This time the loss will be terrible, because GMO plants will take over the wild, and all the foods for even the wild animals will be drugged, straight from the DNA they are made of. Bad for us, yes, but what will happen when the birds, rabbits, deer, you name it, eat that contaminated pacifying crap that destroys their will to fight to survive, as ALL OF THEM HAVE TO JUST TO MAKE IT IN THE WILD? Folks, the mass extinction is going to happen via drugged GMO plants that are eaten by wildlife, it is a fact, if you give wild animals antidepressants they do not mate, they start to hate each other, they will not exert the effort it takes to go through the process of finding food, they instead starve and if drugged GMO plants that were made to control people take over in the wild, this will be the final outcome - mass die offs of entire species. And the Jews have NOT THE WIT TO SEE IT.

And this final terrible outcome will have its deepest root in the total Jewish ownership or control of retail outlets NOW, and in the power of boycott.