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The end of the Jewish century

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FW:  June 18, 2015

(July, 2014)

The historian, Yuri Slezkine, Russian-Jewish origin, calls the twentieth century the Jewish century. This is correct! It began with the „Protokolle der Weisen von Zion” (The Protocols of the Elders of Zion). It is completely irrelevant that these were called a forgery from side of the Jews. In order to be able to prove it they should have presented an unadulterated original or other authors. This didn’t happen until today. Instead of it we can determine the realisation of these procedures step by step which were presented in the protocols from the beginning of the twenty-first century. It is about the realization of the NWO, the New – World – Order of the the chosen people of the Jews. It is also about Germany’s destruction.

Already 1889, the fall of the three European Empires was planned on the congress of the 100th Commemoration in Paris. Protocols and reports about this Freemason – Congress, reminding at the French revolution, are in writing available, and that especially clearly in the 1890 published Christmas edition of the English “Truth – Magazine” (that means truth) with the title „Des Kaisers Traum“ (Kaiser’s Dream).


The world war began 1914 with a murder of the Austrian heir to the throne. It ended with the assassination of the Russian tsar and all of his family as well as the fall of the Austrian and the Prussian – German emperor. At the same time the Bolshevik revolution took place in Russia. Alone Saint Petersburg lost more than 1,3 million inhabitants by shooting, hunger and escape already in 1917 / 1918. A Bolshevik murder spree moved over Russia.

In The West the powers of the Entente (The Triple Entente, an alliance between Great Britain, France and Russia) tempted – especially Wilson with his fourteen points – the Germans into the so called peace-trap, that means the lay down of arms. The Treaty of Versailles followed to Germany’s plundering accompanied by hundred thousands of civilians as caused fatalities by hunger and unemployment still in the peace years. However, the spiritual force and the will to survive of the German people yet finally were not defeated. 1933 „The Third Reich” of the National Socialists arose who called by name the world-enemy, what caused him to a new declaration of war already in 1933.

Now, it was public spoken from the Germans – not only from their government – about the world enemy number one. He should be annihilated together. The created intolerable conditions through Versailles in Poland were the occasion this time.

World war II called million of people’s live in which nearly the whole world fought against Germany with its few allies for 5 ½ years. A peace treaty did not and does not exist until today.

Most of the German cities layed completely destroyed down at the ground. More than one quarter of the German territory was transfered to foreign powers and the Germans, which were established there since centuries, were displaced. With this expulsion of about fifteen million Germans – this corresponds to the whole population of Scandinavia – 2.5 up to 3 million civilians were brutally murdered, mostly women and children and old people . Did they become ever compensated from the distributor staates? Were murderers and bomber-pilots called to account? But still worse than this was the now starting reeducation and the mixture between Germans and foreigners.

Despite all of these measures the Federal Republic of Germany – a construct of the victorious powers – turned again into a leading economic power in the middle of Europe after a relatively short time. The citizens rebuilt their destroyed cathedrals and cities again, they integrated millions of displaced persons and through unprecedented assiduity the general prosperity grew again. click here This happened to the horror of the now globalizer named mammonites, but the number of births sank.

In Russia a destalinization was carried out at the 20th party conference in the year 1956 by Nikita Chrutschow. Until today the present Russian President Wladimir Putin tries to clear up the consequences of the bolshevik revolution which poisoned the souls of the people also in Russia. His main opponent are the oligarchs at the present time, in the Federal Republic of Germany the main opponent with the biggest influence on the crowds are the media-rulers. They degraded the people to consumers and voting cattle for the chosen one. In the USSR, (later CIS – Community of Independent States) especially after their breakdown in the Ukraine, the oligarchs have plundered the rich countries in their already pathological greed for money.

In the centre of this Jewish world-power-ideology the holocaust exists since the end of the seventies which is chosen to deliver the moral justification. This is the symbol of the million of gassed Jews in the annihilation camp Auschwitz.

However, this symbol is collapsed already in itself on the basis of a multiplicity from unmasked, allegedly survivors of this place of horror and a multiplicity of scientific investigations. Still add on top of this there are the now published “Location and Headquarter Commands of the Concentration Camp Auschwitz 1940 – 1945” which an official institute, the “Institute for Time History Munich”, has published. From all of it, it is to be taken that Auschwitz was a labour camp for the maintenance of the arms production and not an annihilation camp. It should not be concluded from this that there were not existing concentration camps with partially frightening occurrences, and indeed in the whole world, and that there were not existing thousands and thousands dead persons also in Auschwitz for most different reasons (this corresponds to the normal death rate in Germany).

But the question now arises: „Where are the million of gassed Jews as is claimed by the media and courts until today?” Still these victims are commemorated at the 27th of January. The German people and the whole world have a right to find out where this supposedly biggest crime of the Germans took place. Neither a laws paragraph § 130 nor the beautiful word „obviously “ are enough for it. We need a public pros and cons discussion especially also of technicians and scientists, if we claim to be a state of law and if we want to enter truth and justice.

A peaceful future in which the people live happier than in the Jewish century, in which the whole ecologically problems finally are tackled together in a responsible and sustainable way, is not to be reached on the basis of lies, not even under the further rule of capitalism.

The USA in the association with Israel and the NATO are calling for a Third World War almost out. They cannot do this alone, but they have all willing and mammon devoted henchman, nevertheless they are and they stay a small minority. Do they want perhaps even distract with this war-mongering of the big lies?

– We won’t take part!

– We want truthful explanation !

– We step for justice and – as we live in the Christian occident – forgiveness and mercy are not are not strange to us.

– We reject eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth until the third and fourth generation.

Just so we can achieve an end of this terrible Jewish Century.

Let us be aware of our power, the power of the powerless in their big majority and let us afford to resistance, the resistance against the art of seduction of the devil with its temptations.