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Brother Nathanael Kapner

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June 16, 2015

July 11th 2012

Dear Real Jew News Family,

Growing up in Judaism I often heard Jews referring to Gentiles as “Stupid Goys.”

I myself, being a sensitive Jewish boy, never used this derogatory term by referring to non-Jews as “Goys.”

I still don’t use this term but ONLY when showing how and why Jewry uses it.

I am now almost 62 years old, a convert to the Orthodox Church, and although I eschew “Jewish ways,” I cannot help but seeing objectively why Jewry sneers at the “dumb goys” and why Jewry knows how easily the “stupid goys” can be controlled.

Most Americans believe what the Jews–WHO OWN THE MEDIA–tell them and accept as “truth” simply because they “saw it on TV.”

(Celente’s “presstitutes” and Paul Craig Roberts’ “corporate elitists” are NOT the owners of the MSM…JEWS are!) See Below.

Jews themselves do not watch much TV especially the immoral rot of homosexuality and lesbianism they themselves produce.

And Jewish children are in their rooms doing their homework assigned to them by their teachers AT PRIVATE SCHOOLS preparing to be CEOs at Goldman Sachs.

I’ll never forget when a homosexual movie came to Jewish Brookline MA when I was working and living there as a straight-commissioned very successful salesman.

I pointed out the marquee to a religious Jew saying, “Isn’t it disgusting seeing this sexual perversion portrayed in the heart of Brookline?”

The religious Jew answered sneeringly, “Who cares? This is for the Goyim, not us.”

You see, the ‘Goyim’ have been corrupted and receive LIES from Jewry to the point where they cannot oppose the machinations of Jewry with its wars, its political supremacy, its destruction of their liberties via the war on terror hoax.

Why? Because sinners cannot fight sin, the unrighteous cannot fight unrighteousness, the corrupted cannot fight the corrupt.

Lieberman and Chertoff, the JEWS who run Homeland Security understand this about the “goyim.” (The alleged lesbian Napolitano, contrary to Alex Jones calling her “Big Sis,” is nothing more than a puppet of these two Jews.)

That’s why the FEMA camps will have government-subsidized fries, wide-screen TV’s, and R-rated movies.

You see, the Stupid American ‘Goy’ will accept the loss of his liberties and even his house and paycheck. (Jews know this about the ‘goyim.’ That’s why so many Gentiles are willing to live in the back seat of their cars and Tent cities without knowing that the JEWS on Wall Street sent their jobs to China and India.)

But for the Ameican ‘Goy’ to give up his fries, football, and soft porn, this is simply out of the question.


A Talk Between Bro. Nathanael Kapner and Joe Cortina: